
I forgot to unlock the doors, so the place was bright inside, but I was trapped. This world existed so that I wouldn't have to face the world alone. But now I find myself alone in this enchanting dream. The sky was clear and the grass was green, but there was nobody around to see me flush. I was all by myself. Ultimately, nobody joined the queue to enter my world. No one had reserved seats because it was still under construction. In the end, I couldn't say that I blamed them. Still, I'd rather keep my innocence. Simply letting myself feel lonely will do nothing good. Nothing more will be added to this room. Nothing to lament about in this utopia. To you, I am a psychopath. Damien, you must marry me. If we get married, I'll make you alter your name and have my children via you. You will have no other option but to die if you don't do that. I'm going to love torment you.

Kidnapper, you're so kind.


When Damien tries to explain what occurred to Christian over the phone, he doesn't believe her. The subsequent letters she receives are depressing and may have been sent to the incorrect person.

Dear Miss Damien,

A keen eye is on you. I have my eyes on you at the moment. I see you are tilting your head around in confusion. Although I understand your need to sob, please refrain. You want to die, I know, but you can't. Oh, you didn't know that? Did you really think I was going to lie and say I was okay? When I told you about the experiment before, I assumed you were familiar with it. Like the others, I assumed you would disregard my presence. It seems to be a tendency that only benefits one party. Don't fret, this is how I prefer to be. But this is embarrassing, as I thought you already knew about the situation. The call of the streets nearly tore my beloved and I apart. Our bodies were gradually becoming untethered from Earth. I pretended I didn't hear the streets calling. The noise level rose steadily. Taxis honk their horns at me to come get me. I sold my house because I was too scared to answer the call of the streets, and now I have nowhere to go. I've taken too much pain for anyone to hear my story. When the call of the streets came, I had to make quick decisions to dodge the security systems. Time was needed for this. After much effort, the machine was functioning again. The streets have lost their allure. We had not lost our love for one another. Everything had returned to normal. There's really no other explanation for it. The Search Goes On For the time being, things are looking up. It's been quite challenging, but I've acquired a lot of buffs to help me out. The journey will continue, becoming more challenging as I acquire new resources. The weapons in my arsenal will grow. If I could, I would move into your home. or, even better, make your home in you. And I am confident that I will make it. I have no idea how or when this will end.

. It's fine though

. My partner and my ghostly body are both here. We're still on our way to some unknowable destination. To put it simply: I adore you.

- from a guy who's already dead but still wants to hold you in his arms and have your tongue on his member.

Once again, Damien contacts Christian and has him come inspect the letters she's receiving, but Christian's response surprises her.