

The question is, "Will you be accompanying us now that we've made the decision to take her?"

"Yes!" I climbed into the ambulance's back seat and secured myself with my seatbelt.

The fifth button on the Epi will be pressed to continue compressions. " The only thing I could make out from all of this medical jargon were the facts that Damien was dying and that his mother had passed away only a few minutes before.

Our arrival at the hospital was cut short because she was taken to the emergency room immediately.

"Sir, you are not authorised to enter this building."

"I'm not going to lie, I'm not able to do it." As I tried to force my way through, I blurted out something.

Then I'll be forced to call security if you don't back down.

This is my damned wife!" exclaims the husband. I became enraged and screamed at the nurse in front of the class.