I need to GO!TOILET!!FAST!!!

'hmm now that I understand this let's start with checking my soul if I could that is'

just before I was going to try the technique I got I looked up and see everyone staring at me

'oh I must have spoke 'what now' out loud'

my brain worked fast way fast and I got the answer what to say


sometimes it's better to say nothing than saying something and here comes the words I've been waiting for

"are you ok shantanu you look like you were in pain" my teacher asked

"it's nothing sir just a little headache I've been feeling from the morning I'm fine and school is just about to end pls continue" I said with a little bit of painful look and

"is that so ok"

'huh I thought he would let me sit if I pretend'

at that moment I see a smirking look appear on my teachers face it was just for a split second but I noticed I knew he saw through my act and smirked on my confused look

'well nothing lost nothing gained I just need to level up my act'

I thought and did my soul technique for now I tried to follow information while keeping my eyes open 'its harder then I thought' with that thought in 2 mins I wan in my soul and saw it is using 4/10000 of what a normal human can do

'wow im able to use 4/10000 may be because of that pain I felt the burning pain after the accident' I shudder while thinking about that pain I took a breath and try to push more energy with the god of manipulation technique it's the name of the technique to improve soul use with energy and manipulate things even people

as i did that I feel a smell coming out of my body it was very week but then suddenly I had an urge to go toilet I just wanted to run out of the class but I held it in I held it in to save my DIGNITY(you don't have any left though) and as anyone wasn't sitting with me because of being at last bench alone the smell didn't reach others

3min more before bell I knew I had to hold it in for more than 5min 3 min for bell 2 min to reach toilet as everyone would run the moment bell rings and school is really big so there is a toilet near every five classes at the end of corridors

when bell ring everyone formed a line and waited for all the girls to leave it's so that boys don't touch girls because of crowded area

'shit shit shit I need to go to toilet and I can't wait 5 more mins it's like testing my limits what to do I can't even stand in line with boys they will smell this foul smell around me'

while I was thinking boys turn started boys started moving then suddenly it stopped I see in front teachers are trying to solve fight between two boys groups they were fighting over being pushed and tripped by the boys in back I knew it's gona take too much time I thought

'no no no why now I need to GO!TOILET!!FAST!!!'

I cut the line and ran through back corridors towards the toilet in the other side it took me 30seconds but I made it in time and finally opened the doors there were some students but I just opened a toiled door and the series of blasts started with a nuclear bomb I guess no one wana hear what happend so I'll skip after exiting toiled I saw....no one there was no one left

'maybe everyone was really excited to go home after a long day yup that's it they were excited to go home'

I tried to comfort myself with words and buried the truth deep within to never seek it

but truth tried to come out when I exited toilet I saw some students puking their guts out before anyone could look at me I used my newfound speed to run even faster then I come to toilet

'they must have been puking because of bad canteen food yup that's it canteen food is bad I even got stomachache because of it yes it's all canteens fault'

while blaming canteen our mc got home took shower and eat more then 3 times he usually eat while thinking

'my body released black substance after the use of manipulation gods technique and even my stomach... no it was canteen but black substance was the technique'

although the substance wasn't much but a few black solid drops on stomach under arm and between some joints he didn't notice it until he was in bath

'let's see my progress withsoul'

he used soul technique and saw his progress(AN- I will use level as people seem to love it so lev1= 1/10000,2=2/10000 and it goes on and on) was lev5 it took him by surprise that he managed to Lev up easily then he tried using his strength

'let's use something which is already broken'

he used a metal rod which was used in car it was of no use now since they have a new car now he used all his strength and awas able to bend it with some dificulty that is

'haha I can bend metal it's awesome maybe I'll be able to break it'

he used all he got and broke the market with some sweat drop on forehead

'haha I can break metal now wait I remember manipulation power I can manipulate it to see if I can reattach it'