he was excited because now he could be king and absorb as many people he wants but his happiness didn't last long as he heard the shouts of his general for guards to let him talk with king he allowed general to enter the throne room then general speaks.

"my king THEY are here we need your help to defeat THEM my king"

shan frowned his brows there was no one stronger then him but his generals voice seems to be of fear frustration and dread.

"who is it that made you fear them so much general?"

general looked confused then after few moments realisation stuck him he cursed out loud


general broke down on floor thinking what to do now but he didn't have time when he heard an angry voice

"what did you say if you didn't explain yourself I'll make sure to give you a painful death a very painful one"

he used manipulation to make general speak because he was unwilling to speak what general told was

"you may have noticed but there was only your mother and father in palace did you ever wonder where your royal relatives went no you didn't well they went ho a place hidden by many shields and the best place to cultivate in the world as the rules are in royal family they can't interfear with matters of the kingdom and have to leave the kingdom untill something unexpected happen and that is if the king is killed by his son, daughter or any rebellion they will chose the brother of king as the next king and so ancestors are coming with the brother of king and his family to kill you and take the throne so you are!"

he was able to say till here and dors of throne room opened without shan's permission he looked at the newcomer and saw 6 men in total and one women.

two of the men were wearing royal clothes and a women wearing Queens clothes the other 4 were wearing cultivation rahe and seem like they don't care about anyone or anything they all looked at shan and they were shocked one of the 4 men said

"young man you must be shan who killed his father for throne I newer thought you were this strong hmm how about coming with us to ancestral land and cultivate there with us forget about kingdom we can't let you be the king since you broke the rule of not harming the king"

shan was angry and he was no more sane enough to talk he saw all of them as enemies he said

"put your help to your ass and get ot of MY KINGDOM or I will absorb you"

the ancestors and the other royal family were confused

"absorb?"they thought then one of the ancestors said

"no matter you are too foolish let us put some sense in you small head" then the ancestor attacked he and shen fought but he felt that his power leaving as he fought he then understood shen's words what he meant by 'absorb' he shouts

" all of us have to KILL him he uses demonic teqnique to absorb his aponents power" just as he said that shen broke through lev97 and all of them became alert and attacked together they used their full power the first ancestor who fought shan had the power to control time and space he was the strongest of all ancestors at lev112 but because shen absorbed his power he was at Lev 103 in energy they all attacked and fought shan became more powerful the more the fought he soon reached Lev 100 and all of the ancestors attack seem like child's play to him.

mean while ancestors were exhausted they begun to form a plan when shan reaches Lev 101 he will start becoming immortal and that will be his weakest time where they could kill him they thought of giving all their energy to time/space ancestor because their fire water wind were all absorbed by shan but not time space attacks.

just when he reached 101 he started to feel his blood boil and energy rushing through his body he knew he is doomed if he stays there he tried to run but was stopped by ancestors surrounding him and time/space ancestor came close to him and said

"curse yourself for using demonic teqnique in and killing your father the king.TIME SPACE DIMENTIONAL SUCTION 'BLACKHOLE'"

the ancestor used his full power and attacked shen's head the pearl tried to save itself from time detoration sucking as much of ancestors power as it could but it could not do much it even sucked a little of shan's consciousness and disappeared in black hole meanwhile shan's head was destroyed and body fell limp on floor everyone sighed a relief sigh but ancestor was perplexed they clearly saw pearl being sucked in black hole couldn't ask anyone what it was he sighed again while thinking.

'some questions are meant to never be answered'.