Time in December

Once again for the next few months Hannah felt like Lucian was giving her time to adjust to what he told her. She didn't have any dreams about him. She didn't see him around town. Although she had the feeling he was near her. She didn't know what to think about all of this so she tried not to think about it at all. Since it was getting closer to Christmas she threw herself into that.

For years Hannah has drawn the Christmas cards and this year is no different. After drawing her fourth card she realized that every card was a different lake scene. After a moment of shock she went downstairs to talk to her mom.

"Mom I think I have a problem. I try not to think about him but it still happens. Look at what I did." "Oh Hannah they are beautiful. I love the water theme this year. Why are you upset?" "But mom that just it, they are all water based. They are the four river scenes I have seen in my dreams. Unconsciously I am drawing what he has shown me. Am I going crazy? Or am I becoming obsessed with him? Why am I doing this?" "First of all you have been dreaming about him for years. I mean come on these dreams started when you were ten. So five years is a bit much. And it wasn't until this year that the dreams have become more than just watching. I wish we could talk to him and get some real answers but I don't think he is really ready to move beyond the dreams. I wish I could talk to his parents. Does he have parents? Have you ever seen anyone but him?" "No mom I have never seen anyone but him. So you don't think it's a bad thing that I am drawing this? And why do you seem ok with it now?" " I am just trying to be more supportive of all this. I would feel so much better if I could talk to him. So maybe you could let him know. I want to know the truth. If we could talk it out maybe what he said on Halloween will make more sense. Maybe you could invite him to the Christmas Eve dinner. I would be willing to give it a try. But only if you are. I don't want you uncomfortable in anyway. And we can invite Steve in order to have back up for you if you want. Just think about it and let me know okay." " Okay mom I actually think you have a good idea. You call Steve and I will try to dream about Lucian. But do you really like the cards?" "Yes honey, but I just have one small request. When your done drawing them we really need some color on them. Your shading is beautiful, I just want color as well." " Yes mom I know. Thank you mom, for everything. I love you. And I'm going to go finish these."

With that Hannah went back to her room to finish the Christmas cards.