My Nap

I knew I had plenty of time before the party so I let my mom know I was taking a nap, she thought it was a good idea so she took one to. See something is up she never takes naps. We will see. I go to my room and am asleep before my head hits my pillow. Almost immediately the dream begins.

I am sitting on my swing in the back yard. I am drawing. Thinking about the party, when Lucian walks up.

"Hello, I was beginning to wonder if you were ever going to talk to me again. I'm sorry For the way Steve acted on Christmas. Where have you been? What have you been up to? We have spent a good portion of the day decorating."

He smiled at me," Hello yourself. Don't worry about Steve his actions didn't bother me. I actually had a lovely time with you and your mother. I have been keeping myself busy these last few days. I just bought a house. I am also thinking about getting an art studio. Do you know of any?"

"Um, yes actually I do know of a few but why are you buying one? You don't seem the type to really be interested in art."

" Well since you are my betrothed and you make beautiful art I wanted to get you a studio. I really loved the Christmas card you drew for me. It was very pretty. What else have you drawn, if I may ask to see it."

"Before I show you could you explain more about the whole betrothed thing. To be honest it creeps me out a bit. I don't know you, yet I'm supposed to marry you. I just can't wrap my head around it."

"I don't want to scare you. And I don't want to explain it wrong. But when you were born I chose you as my bride. I want to be with you forever."

"But why, why choose me? What do you find so interesting about me? How can I get out of it? I don't want to be forced into marriage."

"I'm not going to force you. Choose me of your own free will. I want to get to know you, and I hope you will want to get to know me. Don't think about being my betrothed. Think of me only as a potential boyfriend. I actually came to ask you to go on a date with me. I want to start at the beginning. And work my way forward. What do you say?"

" So no more talking about getting married or being chosen. We just start dating and if that works out then we move forward. I think I can handle that. Mom and I are having a New Years party tonight. Would you like to come. it will start at nine."

"I would love to come. Do I need to bring anything?"

"No we have it all taken care of. Just come at nine. I really need to get up. So I will see you then."

"Okay see you at nine. "