The Confessions

Over the next week we don't see much of each other except for our dreams. Lucian did get a phone so we talk to each other and we text. Then he tells me he has to leave town for about a month. He said he had to talk to his father, and he would be back as soon as he can. I tell him to enjoy himself and I would miss him.

He was gone a week when I started spotting and feeling funky. I figured my cycle was off because I was now sexually active. I didn't say anything to my mom because I knew she would throw a fit if she knew. So I made an appointment for my doctor and went that day after school. I figured I might as well get birth control while I was there. But it turned out I couldn't get it because I was already pregnant. The doctor gave me a full check up and said so far everything looks good. And then she gave me prenatal vitamins.

At first I was in shock but by the time I got home I was happy and excited. I couldn't wait to see Lucian so I could tell him the wonderful news.

Over the next three weeks thing were hard. I kept it a secret from mom because I wanted to tell Lucian first. It was also very hard to keep from saying anything about it in my dreams. Finally near the end of the month Lucian tells me he is coming and he has something he wants to talk to me about. I say the same to him.

When he shows up two days later I run up and hug him then kiss him. He smiles and takes me to the swing. He sits me down and says," You know I love you and want to be with you but I think you need to know the truth of everything. I don't want any secrets between us." " What is it, what's wrong?" " Okay you know how I said in the beginning that you were promised to me. It's more like out of five female children I chose you . I saw you and fell in love with you. And because of the contract your mother signed, you were mine." " Wait, wait, wait, what are you saying? What contract did my mother sign? what does it have to do with me? And how is it that even possible your about my age. Are you crazy?" " Please listen, my father is a high level cross roads demon. Your mother wanted you but she didn't want your father so she had mine get rid of him. The price for this was that you be placed in a pool for me to choose my future bride." " Oh my God you are crazy. This can't be possible. That would mean your a demon. How is that even possible?" " If you don't believe me, ask your mother she is in the kitchen right now watching us. Call her out here so we can hear the truth." "MOM, I need you, come here please."

After a minute mom come out to the swing. She takes one look at me and asks, "What's wrong, who is sick?" Well depend on what happens next I might be. Tell me about my father. I need to know the truth." She looks at Lucian and says," I was right, your here to collect on the contract." "Oh my God your saying he is telling me the truth. He is a demon. You paid one to kill my father so you wouldn't have to deal with him. And I am the payment for a job well done. Both of you need to leave me alone. Don't talk to me. Just go away."

After that I go up to my room and lock my door. I need time to think away from both of them. For the next week I keep away from both of them. I finish my school year and graduated top of my class. They both came but I ignored them. I went to my doctors appointment and got an ultrasound done. My first picture of my little jelly bean. When I saw that picture I decided to forgive them both. He chose me because he loved me. This baby was made from love. And mother made her choice out of love. So I decide to tell them both the next day how I feel.

That night in the dream I tell him I will talk to him and mom at noon, don't be late. At noon both mom and Lucian are waiting at the swing. This morning I got up feeling icky again. My stomach is a little off. I think it's morning sickness but not sure. So I get some 7-Up and head outside.

"Okay now I have a few things to say to both of you and I ask that you not say anything till I'm done ok." Both of them nod in agreement. "Okay first of all mom I wish you would have told me the truth. In another month I will be eighteen I thought you would have faith in my judgement by now. Second it hurt my feelings to hear it from Lucian and not you. Third if I would have known you were the reason this was happening maybe I wouldn't have freaked out so much. If you would have started explaining things when the dreams started I might have reacted better.

Now Lucian my issues with you are as follows, one you have been coming to me in my dreams for years you could have said more than you are mine all the time, It was just creepy. Second you should have talked to mom about it first before telling me about her part in this. However I do appreciate the fact that you told me everything. I wish you could have done it sooner. I think both of you owe me an apology for all of this stress. And finally my confession, in seven months you are going to be a father."

I take one step back look at both of them and say, "Any questions? Both of them are completely in shock. Then Lucian shakes his head and says," Really!" " Yes Really." I pull out the ultrasound photo and show them both jelly bean. First Lucian looks at it. He is smiling. He hands the picture to mom., Then he grabs me and spins me around. "Oh, Don't do that please. I'm having enough issues with things spinning." Then mom comes over and hugs me."Are you sure this is what you want? What about your plans?" First of all I already talked to the school I can do all my classes on line next year. And I can take Maturity leave when necessary. I have thought about it." I look at Lucian and say, "I want this baby, Believe me it wasn't my plan to begin with but I should have known it would happen. After spending all day with you. Now what are your feelings about it?" " Well I was hoping to have you to myself for a while but I don't mind. Do we know if it's a girl or a boy yet?" He puts his hand on my stomach and says, I will love you both forever."

Then we all go inside for something to eat.