Doing more Quests!

"Of course we are going to do more quests!" Quast said happily "In other words we are going to level up!" "But its not going to happen today, because if you remember what I said while we were running in P.E., I want you to get the maximum out of your stats in a week, because any longer than that will be very boring. You will train for an entire week non stop, I want you to do 100 pushups, a 100 situps, a 100 squats and a 10 kilometer run every single day for a 7 day period, by this time next week all of the quests will be refilled to their maximum amount, you may think that this is a waste of time, but it isn't, I'm not a trainings expert, but with all that training you might be able to get 2 to 3 points into every attribute, keep in mind that this is all my gut feeling." a little pause to think of what he should say next Quast continued "Don't worry, after a week we will do more quests. Or this could all be a waste of time since we still haven't confirmed if you can raise your points by training, but it's worth a try definitely."

"Hmm." Jerry grumbled "You're right. I hope I don't lose all my hair" laughed Jerry.

After standing silent for a little bit Quast added "Wait, you know what?"

"What?" instinctively said Jerry.

"I will also be working out this entire week just so you don't feel left out." they both went home after that and after a little break they began working out.

Quast's and Jerry's parents looked at their kids starting to train out of nowhere, they encouraged their kids to continue training.

It was a long week, too long in fact, a week filled with sweat and working out, it definitely felt like they were wasting time, however nothing noteworthy happened the entire week, all of their hard work and determination to continue paid out and Jerry got +2 points into Strength +3 in Agility +2 into Dexterity and +3 in Endurance plus he looked much more fit now, the first thing that came to Jerry's mind was how he could've gotten so many stat points in so little time with that training and he schemed that it must have something to do with the system, and the second thing that came to Jerry and Quast's minds were how they never wanted to do this again.

After an entire week it was now tuesday again and they left the changing rooms and exited out of school, they stood infront of it, silent, an entire week of working out and it was now the same day in which they decided to train 1 week ago.

"So uhhh, where to now?" they both pondered silently for a minute.

"Oh I have an idea, why not go back to the mountains?" Quast suddenly got an idea "We can test even more things out there, let's stay in the mountains till you're level 10, what do you say?"

"Challenge accepted." Jerry clenched his fist and lifted it. "Let's go shall we?"

"Ok, let's first go and drop off our things at your house again and I'll take my bike with me to your house, so after we are back from the levelling up I can go back home." rambled Quast then suddenly stopped and thought out loud "Well, I guess I have to tell my parents first, and you also have to tell yours" after a little pause he continued "At your place I will call my parents and tell them that I'm gonna go out with you, I think they will allow it, because getting to level 10 definitely won't be easy."

"Understood!" enthusiastically said Jerry "Well it's time to go now."

Quast pushed his bike along the way to Jerry's house and locked it on the bike stand outside of the apartament. They went in once again and threw their things into Jerry's room, this time however Jerry rummaged around his room and found an empty backpack somewhere in a drawer.

"This time we are taking water and food with us, I have learned from my mistakes, also I might pack a towel just in case I start sweating again." he said as he threw in a towel from the bathroom into the backpack. "Ok, now it's time to call our parents."

Quast went into a seperate room of where Jerry was and dialed his mother, he asked nicely and it was a 'yes', Quast thanked his mom and hung up.

The door to Jerry's room opened to show him lowering his phone and giving a thumb up to Quast.

"So, what did you tell them?" Quast wondered.

"I told them that we are going hiking for school related business." A silence filled the room.

"Oh, I just told my mom that we are going hiking for fun."

"It doesn't matter anymore my friend, it's behind us now." Jerry threw in his and his friend's jacket in the backpack just in case. Even though he had packed quite a lot of stuff already, the backpack didn't seem to be that full, both of them made sure they took their phones with them and Jerry made especially sure to take money with him.

Both looked at the mountains as the bus stopped at their stop, it was another sunny day as they went back to the spot they were at before. The sun's light fell through the crowns of the trees and hit the ground, the woods were very calming.

"Easy quests give a maximum of 150 Experience per quest, you as you are now will only be able to do a few maximum easy quest, let's get to levelling up!" energetically rambled Quast.

"Woah, woah aren't you getting ahead of yourself?" the crickets chirped and a little breeze blew. "I'm talking about the Very Easy quests, let's first start with the Very Easy quests!"

"Yeah, I was about to do that." Quast nonchalantly answered.

Jerry sighed "Bring the fast slimes out"

"On it." was the response and a little quest window appeared infront of Jerry.

[Defeat a fast slime]

[Difficulty : Very Easy][Rewards : 25 Experience]

"Wait why does it say 25 Experience now?" Jerry pointed towards the little quest window and looked at Quast.

"Must be because you're higher level now." shrugged Quast.

All the same process as the slime appeared infront of Jerry, however this time he felt stronger than last time, a stick was all that he was missing, he realised that he had no weapon.

"You forgot your weapon didn't you?" Quast laughed. "Well, last time when you threw that stick into the bush I took it and put it into the Gear tab, go on open and equip it."

Jerry nodded and opened his interface and thought about opening the Gear menu, as he expected, it opened


[Stick - No Rarity]




[Page 1/1]

All attention was gathered on the interface as Jerry observed it, as his eyes saw that there was only 1 page, he automatically asked why, Quast responded that more Gear slots unlock as Jerry levels up.

The stick was summoned into the hands of Jerry and was now gripped very hard, he lunged at the slime and aimed for its core, to everyones surprise who was there, which was only Quast, the slime didn't have time to move that far as it did before and in a split second the stick pierced through the slime and it dissapeared, the quest was now completed after doing that for 9 more times Jerry was significantly less tired than last time, he wasn't drenched in sweat, but he was still a little bit sweaty and was breathing heavily, it also took significantly less time to defeat the slimes, from doing all the 10 quests he got 250 Experience which made him level up

[Name : Jerry Dankworth]

[Blood Type : O-][Negative Effects : None]

[Gear : Stick]

[Statistics : 15 Strength 11 Intelligence 11 Agility]

[12 Dexterity 12 Endurance 5 Luck]

[Level 4 : 95/300 Experience to Level 5]

[Attribute Points : 6]

[Skills : None]

was what was written on his interface.

It was now time to begin the Easy quests.