Level 25

At home, just a few hours before they had to meet up, Jerry considered which stat to allocate points into, after some consideration he just went with 3 into Dexterity, 3 in Agility, and 3 into Intelligence.

[Name : Jerry Dankworth]

[Blood Type : O-][Negative Effects : None]

[Gear & Items]

[Gear : Slimy Metal Sword, Endurance Medallion{embedded}, Arthur's Iron Gauntlets]

[Items : 2 Healing Mushrooms, 1 Rejuvenating Candy]

[Statistics : 32 Strength 23 Intelligence 32 Agility]

[18 Dexterity 15 Endurance 11 Luck]

[Level 24 : 580/6000 Experience to Level 25]

[Attribute Points : 0]

[Skills : Slash(Common), Fire Magic(Passive Common)]

Once in the forest they decided to instantly start the quests.

[Defeat a fast slime]

[Difficulty : Very Easy][Rewards : 70 Experience]

"Rest in piece, little slimes." Jerry said once he completed the last of the Very Easy quests and 770 Experience was earned. "Alright, now onto the next ones."

"Yep, starting the Easy quests now." Quast answered

[Defeat a strong slime]

[Difficulty : Easy][Rewards : 270 Experience]

The Easy quests would prove a little bit harder, but they were still easily done and didn't take that much out of Jerry's stamina.

"Easy 2700 Experience." Jerry spoke a little bit out of breath, but recovered what stamina he had lost after some time.

"Alrighty then, onto the Mediocres.." Quast started a Mediocre quest and took out his phone to do things on while Jerry was doing the quests.

[Defeat a horned goblin]

[Difficulty : Mediocre][Rewards : 2400 Experience]

The procedure for defeating the goblin was making it drop its weapon, but that procedure was now faster since the one doing the quests had more Attribute points added into his stats.

It was now just a moment before the horned goblin dropped its gray-ish coloured wooden weapon, this was Jerry's notice to get ready to defeat it.

This 2400 Experience made Jerry level up to Level 25.

Quast was doing stuff on his phone when something appeared in front of him.

[System Level Up]

[System Level 1]

[Gained 3 User points]

"Ay, the system levelled up." Quast said a little bit loud so Jerry would hear. The little window found its place infront of his eyes, and he looked at it. Shortly after getting an immense shock of knowledge.

"Woah." Jerry ran over to see as he was putting the Metal Sword away. "So what does it do?"

Still recovering from the shock Quast had already opened the system interface.

[>Users<][Shop][Enemies][Gear & Items][System]

[Name : Jerry Dankworth]

[Stats: 32 Strength 23 Intelligence 32 Agility]

[18 Dexterity 15 Endurance 11 Luck]

There was a new tab called "System", and opening it revealed a whole new mechanic, it worked something like a skill tree.

[Users][Shop][Enemies][Gear & Items][>System<]

[>User Upgrades<][???]

[User points : 3]

[Extra Attribute Points per Level]

[Extra Experience from refilled Quests]

[Reduced cost of items in the Shop]

[Skill Proficiency]

The first thing that caught the attention of both of them was the locked thing near the User Upgrades.

"Time to check the first one." Quast opened the [Extra Attribute Points per Level] tab.

[Extra Attribute Points per Level]

[Users earn an extra Attribute Point per level up]

[Cost : 1 User point]

"Well it was kinda self explanatory from the title, but that's cool." Quast said to his friend who was staring at the system interface.

"The next ones are also self explanatory, but we're still gonna check them aren't we." Jerry pointed out in more of a statement than a question.

"We sure are."

[Extra Experience from refilled Quests]

[Gain a bit of extra Experience from refilled Quests]

[Cost : 1 User point]

"How much is 'a bit'?" Jerry asked.

"It's actually quite a significant amount when the quests refill." Quast answered.

[Reduced cost of items in the Shop]

[The cost of items in the Shop is reduced by a little]

[Cost : 1 User point]

"Ok, how much is 'a little'?" Jerry wondered.

"It would definitely be a noticeable difference for some items in the shop."

The next one was the most exciting for them.

[Skill Proficiency]

[Every Skill will have a proficiency, by using that skill, proficiency is achieved and the skill is strengthened]

[Cost : 5 User points]

"5.. User points, that's at least one more system level up!" Jerry looked surprised, yet somehow not that surprised at the same time. "What level do I have to be for the system to level up again?"

"75." Quast replied. "For a System level up, it's the same exact experience amount as a user would need to level up, but instead of normal experience from quests, the system gets experience from user level ups."

Jerry nodded and then thought a little bit before saying "What do you think we buy the Extra Attribute Points upgrade and hold onto the points for the Skill Proficiency?"

"Sure." Quast answered insanely fast. "Is that the final answer?"


[Extra Attribute Points per Level]

[Users earn an extra Attribute Point per level up]

[Cost : 1 User point]

The tab was once again opened as the purchase was confirmed. The cost for that upgrade changed from 1 User point to 2 User points.

[Extra Attribute Points per Level]

[Users earn an extra Attribute Point per level up]

[Cost : 2 User point]

"So we can do that infinitely, as long as we have enough User points?" Jerry asked.

"Yea." Quast answered. "But it gets insanely expensive."

"Well, I'll enjoy the 4 Attribute Points instead of 3 now." Jerry turned around and went back to where he fought the goblin.

After 3 more max Mediocre horned goblin quests 7200 Experience was gained, which resulted in a level up.

This time however, instead of 3 Attribute points, 4 were added to Jerry's amount, which resulted in him having 7 Attribute points at the end.

With 3 more Mediocre quests left, Jerry had to take a break and replenish his mana, since he was now a bit tired and had no mana.

After a few minutes of talking about random things with his friend, Jerry replenished his mana and stood up to continue the quests. "Honestly, the max Mediocre quests really aren't that hard, but that's probably cuz I'm kinda cheesing them." Jerry said, praising himself a little bit. Quast mumbled an affirmative answer and after that the last 3 Mediocre quests began, those 3 quests were enough for a level up.

[Name : Jerry Dankworth]

[Blood Type : O-][Negative Effects : None]

[Gear & Items]

[Gear : Slimy Metal Sword, Endurance Medallion{embedded}, Arthur's Iron Gauntlets]

[Items : 2 Healing Mushrooms, 1 Rejuvenating Candy]

[Statistics : 32 Strength 23 Intelligence 32 Agility]

[18 Dexterity 15 Endurance 11 Luck]

[Level 27 : 950/8000 Experience to Level 28]

[Attribute Points : 11]

The one who did the quests was taking deep breaths to calm himself, since on the last Mediocre quest he made a mistake and got hit on the lower leg.

"Well, at the very least I levelled up again." Jerry rubbed the spot where he was hit. "Alright, I guess that's all for today." he slowly stood straight again.

"It sure is." Quast put his phone in his pocket and they both walked out of the forest, talking about a new video game that was going to come out soon.

"Alright, I will spend my points when I'm back home." Jerry waved his friend goodbye as Quast rode away on his bike.

They were back in their homes pretty soon, and both of them decided to play something on their computers. At midnight Quast decided to stop playing and go to bed, since there was school tomorrow.