Chapter 3 – Farming

Chapter 3 – Farming

Words - 1441


Chapter 3 – Farming

[Spatial soil, level one, already ploughed, can be used to plant crops, raising time to maturity, tenfold, can be brought out to use outside of the space, can improve soil outside of the space]

Jon then went over to the spring and used his hand to touch the spring water, and sure enough, there was a prompt.

[Spatial spring water, level one, can be drunk, has an improving effect on the human body, can be used for irrigation, raising crop maturity time, tenfold, can be brought out of the space and used, can improve soil outside of the space]

"The water and soil in the space should really help me more in future especially with the North's farming conditions". Then he went to every tool to see its property and effects on the farm, starting with the shovel.

[Shovel, tool, level one, can automatically turn the soil, can be brought out to use outside of the space]

[Bucket, tool, level one, can automatically irrigate the soil, operation time, can be brought out to use outside of the space]

[Insecticide, agricultural chemical, toxic, level one, can automatically kill insects, not for consumption, can be brought out of the space, doses / infinite]

[Herbicide, agricultural chemical, toxic, level one, can automatically kill weeds, not for consumption, can be brought out of the space, doses / infinite.]

[Basket, tool, level one, can automatically collect crops, can be brought out to use outside of the space, acquired harvest is automatically stored in barn]

After investigating all the things outside the wooden cottage, he decided to go inside the cottage to look around. The whole cottage was a luxurious modern house with all the facilities.

As he entered his study room, on his table were a monitor with 'Farm Intro'.

His hand touched the farm introduction icon, which immediately changed into a line of white light, and all of a sudden there was a great deal of information in Jon's mind.

After a long while, having digested the information, he had also roughly guessed how this Spatial Farm worked.

In other words, he could use any functionality in this farm as he wished, including that shop. He could use gold for shopping, and could sell his harvest to the shop, he could bring the things in the farm outside, and bring things from the outside in, everything followed his wishes. Just like in the novel he read.

Currently the farm was just level one, and a lot of functionality was unavailable. If he could raise the level, he could even open pastures, and could even expand his land.

There was basically no limit to how far he could expand, he remembered around level 30 background unlocks which he can use as arable land and at level 45, Ranch and Farm combined and became a medium world.

As the farm rises in level, turning soil, watering, or pesticides and such could gain experience, slowly levelling up, and he could also bring related things outside in here to evolve the space, thereby levelling up.

In other words, Jon could bring in some specialties from the four continents. Westeros, Esso's, Sothoryos, and Ulthos.

He then looked around his study room then pulled open the cupboard, and discovered three things inside. One black ring, one short cane with the head carved into a bug, and one short cane with the head carved in the shape of grass. Jon knew what these things were with one glance.

[Spatial Ring, can hold hosts items, limitless quantity, current item Gold – 105,000 due to your level being too low, the gold cannot be brought outside the space]

[Pest release tool, level one, can produce harmful insects that eat crops, usage frequency, hundred times per day, can be brought out and used outside the space]

[Weed release tool, level one, can produce weeds, fights farm crops for nutrition, usage frequency, hundred times per day, can be brought out and used outside the space.]

One he touched the ring, as though it had a mind of its own it flew and went to his ring finger and automatically fitted to the size of his finger.

These two canes are really useful tools to have in your hand, mainly to take care of your rivals, competitors or for shady people especially.

Jon then went and stood in front of the mirror and his appearance looked just like he asked for, but in a younger version. He's sure he will go up to be one of the handsome men in Westeros. He then tried to change his hair and it slowly turned from dark hair to a blonde-almost silvery white hair.

"Dam... I almost look like an entirely different person."

[This is the effect of the Pure Targaryen blood that you wished for. It has an ancient dragon blood mixed in it, and able to transform your look and also gives you fire residence and high affinity with dragons and magical talent]

He still remembers when he was younger, he tried putting his hand in a candle and he didn't feel any pain or his finger got burnt. It was a really magical feeling to be powerful.

There was nothing else in the house, so he went out to inspect the barn.

[Barn, level one, can store goods, unlimited type and quantity, goods stored inside are identical when taken out, can be used outside the space, current items, Wheat seeds, six bags.]

"Hay Eve can you change the 'goods stored inside are identical when taken out' I don't want all my product looking the same size, like I don't want all the thousands of potatoes or pumpkins to look identical"

[I can change it easily, in future if you want to change anything, you can also use the monitor in your study room]

"Ok", then Jon went to the plotted lands and noticed the whole farm land was about 50 times bigger than the Original Farm with all the enhancement he wished for. In the farm he planted 60 bags of wheat, then with 440 Gold he brought another 90 bags of wheat, 150 bags of corn, 100 bags of rice and for the last 100 fields he brought a mix of pumpkin, potatoes and some herbs and spices that he brought from Eve.

'Seeds are too expensive in the system store in future I need to extract seeds from the harvested crops' Jon reminded himself

After watering and taking a shower in the cottage Jon went to sleep. In the morning he quickly woke up and inspected the planted crops then left the farm space.

A portal appeared in one of the rooms of Great Keep and Jon stepped out, after changing dress, he left to eat breakfast"

Arriving in the hall he sported Ned, Lady Catelyn, Robb and baby Sansa who was just born last year.

A typical breakfast for Northern Lords is always hot bread, butter and honey, blackberry preserves, a rasher of bacon, soft-boiled egg and a wedge of cheese.

But when I entered today, I saw a big cake on the table and everyone was looking at me. Then only I realized that today was my fifth name day. I can't believe I got distracted with the farm and system activation and almost forgot my own birthday.

Arriving near the table I greeted them and started eating, it was a festive mood in the hall with laughter and celebration. Unlike the tv show, Lady Catelyn has shown love and care towards me and treats me like her own son. Maybe because Ned Stark told the truth of my birth and that I'm not her husband's bastard.

Whether she can keep the secret is another issue, but for the last five years I spent time with her, I got to know how wise and intelligent she is.

After breakfast, I straight away went to the library to download all the information from around the world. The Starks have been around for thousands of years, so you can imagine the amount of information gathered. With only the knowledge of plots alone I can't win the game and sit on the Iron Throne. I need Knowledge, Wealth, Power, Allies, Powerful Armies, Territory and Loyal Followers.

This is my world now and I'm not going to serve in the night's watch at the wall and freeze by ball off. I'm the son of Rhaegar Targaryen, the rightful ruler of the Iron Throne. And hay with all the wishes I made it would be a bit idiotic if I didn't want to rule and just went to the wall to serve.
