Chapter 7 – Summons

Chapter 7 – Summons

The farm has a total of 20,000 fields, of which an average of 10 gold worth of food is been produced from each field for every harvest.

Which is usually a day depending on the type of crops that been planted.

In the five years, apart from storing 30% of crops and 10% for buying seeds and other things, the rest 60% has been converted into gold.

The Ranch has also contributed to it by selling the majority of the animals to the system.

All added up, Jon's treasury has accumulated about roughly 140 million gold or Golden Dragons in these five years.

This is after almost spending 35 million Gold toward Essos.

And about 39 million worth of foods stored in the barn, with the 30% of all harvest in the last five years.

"Even the Lannister's only have about 2 million Golden Dragons in reserves and the rest 10 million are loaned out, mines or investment and property."

Through Walter's intel, Jon has a rough estimate of the 'Iron Bank of Bravos' total accounts wealth is around 500 million Gold, in which most are loaned out are in value of a property, investments, slaves or other type assets. Their Gold reserve should be around 100 million in Gold.

And most of the money are not enterally theirs, it's their thousands of clients and members ranging from merchants, sell swords, mercenary groups and other wealthy masters who keep their wealth stored in the bank for safe keeping.

Jon started to think about how to use or release his money into Westeros. But he knows too much will crash the market and the Golden Dragons will become lower in value.

'Luckily not all the gold will enter the market. I do need gold to summon troops, buy materials to construct infrastructure in my territory or to buy boats and equipment for my army.'

'It's about time I start to rise my army and influence into Westeros'.

Until now no one knows that Walter and other influential Masters and Warlords in Narrow Sea and Stepstones that he summoned are his subordinate.

And he also doesn't want to revel all his cards early in the game. Now he will enter the game, but it will be in his terms.


There were too many options on the summon panel, with a wide range of specifications, race, animals etc...

"Eve show me how much the summons costs?"

[The Basic Summon is 10 Gold = elite soldiers like Unsullied]

[Intermediate Summon 100 Gold = Knights]

[Advance Summon 1000 Gold = Kings Guard level similar to Jaime Lannister]

[Master Summon 10,000 Gold = Lord Commander, Lord Varys and Lord Tywin]

[Grand Master 100,000 = Dragons and other Mythical Creatures]

After calculating the best way to spread his influence, he decided to summon humans who looked like they were from Westeros.

Two Spy Masters

Two Assassin Masters

Two Master Level Merchants

Two Master Level Commanders

One Master Level Steward.

Then twenty Advance Level Spy's, twenty Advance Level Assassins, twenty Advance Level Merchants and twenty Advance Level Kings Guard.

With fully equipped armour, weapons and clothes for Merchants.

[The summoning costs around 160,000 and an additional 40,000 for Equipment, Armor and mounts, do you want to proceed?]

"Proceed with the summoning Eve" Jon didn't even blink an eye, he has 140 million in Gold and the cost of summoning is only little over 200k, but these people will become the backbone of his empire, his eyes, his will, the ones to manage his wealth, army and to protect him, his families and his interests.

In front of him a small summoning circle appeared and 89 humans came out of it. Immediately all kneeled and said "Master".

After the summoning, Jon knows that all of them came with a name, mixed genders, background and personality to them.

They all have a detailed knowledge of the world and the various powers in Westeros and Essos, Noble houses and their territories.

And some other additional basic knowledges about various histories.

The Master level and Advance Level Assassins and Spies even had the skills of a faceless man and other additional, Warriors Master and above have all kinds of weapon mastery.

The Warriors and their Commanders Joshua and Rickard.

The Two Masters Level Merchants are Mike and Sam, for the Spy Master are Liesel and Liana. And for the Assassins leaders name is Tress and Tom.

In addition, Jon also summoned two hundred or so Ravens. They will be the messengers of his army and ninety- one light armoured horses for all his men and women for transportations, for time being.

With the enhancement of the system these animals are hell of a lot stronger and formidable, then their counter parts.


Jon looked at his Spy Master and put them to work, "Liesel you will take ten Spies, two merchants and the Dragon Staff and place a teleport point in Moat Cailin and survey the coast line and see where would be an ideal place to build the Harbor"

"And also recruit some talented people in the north and slowly form a spy network."

"Yes Master" A portal appeared in front of them, Liesel bowed and went with ten of the Spy's and two Merchants, horses and took a couple of ravens to complete the orders. She had blond hair and pale white skin.

The portal leads few kilometres outside of Winterfell. Jon placed a teleport point there a while back when he went hunting with Rob in the nearby woods.

It was placed there for the purpose of transporting the foods from the barn to his merchant network throughout Winterfell and its surrounding areas.

Through these years he has taken out a well over six million Golden dragon worth of foods that are reserved in the barn.

But he has been careful in covering the tracks of the supply lines so far.

One of the main reason the north is revelatory poor, even though they are rich in minerals. Is because of the amount of gold they spend to buy food from the south mainly through the winter times.

This will be one of the issues, which Jon needs to solve as early as possible. So that, in near future the North can sustain itself without his aid.

"Mike and Sam, take rest of the Merchants and first take control of my merchants in Winterfell and in Winter town."

"Later set up a foothold in White Harbour and slowly in two years I want Trade Union to expand to all corners of North." Mike looked a lot like a Northerner and little of Braavosi and Sam is full and full Northerner with a heavy build for a Merchant and has a dark brown hair.

Dozens of chests appaired before them "There is about a million Golden dragons in the chests use it well"

"Liana, with the rest of the Spy's, go with Mike and Sam and aid them in the Merchant company and at the same time keep an eye on all the noble houses in the North. And with Liesel build up the spy network" She had dark black hair and Northern appearances.

"It shall be done my Lord"

Then Jon turned his focus to the Two Commanders and his Steward.