Horrible Night

I never thought sitting alone and watching T.V. can be so fearful in my life.

I regret for asking Namjoon about that stupid villa.

I tried to take a nap but ended up having a nightmare where I was chased by a Demon with no head.

It's quite horrible.

So I decided watch T.V. but it's also a bad idea. Who would watch it on midnight

You can think it's bad idea , but if I stop watching there will be undeniable silence which I clearly not intend to listen.

And I clearly hate myself for even begging that guy to come here, when I clearly know he won't come.

I sighed.

As I watched What's Wrong With Secretary Kim? For hundredth time. I quite like the couple and I ship them in real life too.

Just then I heard a small sound which made me gulp and hug my body.

I should have left to Minju's house tonight.

I looked at the direction from where the sound came. But there is nothing.

May be it's my imagination, because of that horrible dream.

"Fuck this night. How can it become more horrible than it is?" I muttered under my breath.

May be it's not my imagination because next minute the lights went off along with the T.V.

Which made the room to look more dark.

I gulped again as my heart beat quickened when I felt something moving.

I quickly searched for my phone, but I remember that I left in my room.

Why am I so stupid?

I felt that thing is coming near towards me and my heart dropped to my stomach.

As a tear escaped from my eyes.

"Please....don't hurt me...my blood tastes bad. You should go to Jimin's home...even he is a smurf , he is sweet, so go and suck his blood. Please...leave me.." I sobbed hard when I felt the thing stood infront of me and stretched their hand to wrap around my neck.

And suddenly lights went on again. I heard a familiar voice behind me.

No, why is he here? He will die.


I trailed off when I noticed the thing or should I say person infront is someone whom I know.

Is this a prank?

I gritted my teeth, as tears continuously ran through my cheeks like a waterfall.

Whenever I feel terrible, I can't control my god damn emotions.

"Bina....I thought you were alone. So I came here but didn't know your friends are here too." I heard my hyung saying that before going into the kitchen.

And that's when it hit me, if not for my Hyung I would have fainted by now.

So I didn't thought twice before slapping the person infront of me on his cheek.

He looked offended by my slap, but it quickly changed to angry.

"Why the hell did you slap me?" He asked me rubbing his cheek.

I can see his pale skin turning red and I feel guilty for slapping him.

But why did they prank on me in the first place.

I looked straight into those magical blue orbs which are now filled with pain. Which made me feel more guilty.

So again fresh tears started running down through my cheeks.

Why am I crying like this? I don't want to appear infront of him like this.

I quickly wiped away my tears quite harshly I may add.

He looked confused.

"Why the hell are you here? Do you think pranking on me will bring you fun. But you are wrong. I will get revenge on you. Wait for the day where I will make you beg for me. Screw you Jeon Jungkook. You offended me badly. Screw you Jeon, Screw you." Saying that I pushed him away and took a deep breath which I don't know I was holding it until now.

He looked baffled at my actions which  made him stumble back and slump into the arm chair.

"Bina...he never intended to prank on you. He was opposite to the idea. He was coming near you so he can protect you from Jimin who was going to scare the shit out of you from behind." Tae said gesturing with his hands.


I screwed up this time.....

But he should have stopped me from slapping him right.

I stood up and with out turning back I ran towards kitchen.

My Hyung watched the scene leaning on the door frame, drinking something which I recognise as hot chocolate.

Even though I want to argue with him for lying to me.

He smirked at me. I gritted my teeth.

Before pushing him away and going towards the Fridge to get an Ice pack. I got it and walked past through the stupid boy who is grinning as he changed his position of standing.

"Are you gonna ignore your Hyung? After seeing your friends? I remember someone calling me 3 hours back and saying I'm afraid to live alone in this haunted town."

He mimicked my voice which made my already fury to increase so I throwed a pillow at his face which he dodged easily with a smirk.

"Actually, I regret calling you, I should have rather went to Busan to see Aunt than stay in this house to get an horrible nightmare and get pranked by stupid friends of mine. And then slap the person who tried to help me and feel guilty and sad for hitting him. And ten try fighting with a Hyung who likes to lie to me." I exaggerated whole thing as I approached Jungkook and handed him the Ice pack which he didn't took.

Which made me grit my teeth and roll my eyes.

So I grabbed his chin and turned it to see the cheek which is now red in colour. And pressed the Ice pack on it fiercely.

He hissed.

So I reduced my force on it.


"How did you even enter inside? Don't tell me I left the windows or back door open." I said, they all shrugged off.

What would had happen of a burglar has entered inside? I would have dead by now.

Oh god....

I'm such an idiot.

From today I will make sure to check doors and windows in my house before I go to sleep.
