Chapter 13

Bernadette was making the finishing touches on the girls clothes as quickly as she could. There was a long line of young men lining up from her door to have their dresses altered so Sara, Elizabeth, Mary, Isabelle, and Emily didn't waste her time. As soon as they were done they went to the market to grab a few things before heading home. 

The sun was setting when they got home and they were all exhausted, Sara went to put away the food they got from the market and Emily along with Isabelle went to put everyone dresses away. Mary and Elizabeth lazily sat in the parlor too tired to move, Sara once finished went upstairs to her room. 

The dress was on the bed when Sara entered her room, she changed into her night dress. Sara walked to the foot of the bed and stopped to look at the dress infront of her. Bernadette made a masterpiece with this dress, it was fit for a royal lady than a small town girl.