
Chapter 108


Nick backstepped with his hands in the air. I wanted to knock sense into his thick skull. I had told him and warned him that I didn't want to see him or hear anything about how Camden was going out of his mind with worry. I was fine, I had been fine before I met Camden and I was going to be fine with a little bit of space. The bond twinged again with regret; he really did just want to talk, but right now. I wanted to fight, I was going to take my rage out on Nick. Angie bounced into my path putting a soft hand on my arm. 

"Camden is a dick, and you have every right to be angry with him for being an ass hat. But you also have to understand—that's just who he is deep inside." She batted her large eyes at me and I couldn't stop the snort that escaped me. She looked so honestly at me, and her words dripped with so much sarcasm. 

"Angie come on, we have overstayed our welcome." She turned to Brock and stuck her tongue out at him.