Nine_ Ellen_ The Generous

I hated the unknown. Hated creepy feelings or even fear. Fear had a tendency of being rude and undisciplined. You couldn't just let go and let it go. It took a lot out of you, especially if the few wasn't easily shaken off. As soon as we got Alice in the hospital, she howled in pain in Sam's arms.

Blood flowed from her white legs as though calvary all over again. the blood dripped to the ground leaving a trail of stories each different and the bigger the pool the bigger the climax. No one would see the ending coming. no one was ready. She as well as we weren't.

The doctors and nurses hurried to us and no one could ask her to relax. Only three of us knew what was going on and Glen still hurried. Saying maybe we could help us cause we knew she would be devasted if all continued to go downhill. Glen gained back her confidence and began shouting orders as they placed her on the bed and raced with her forward.

The nurses had to stop us with guards because we kept pushing forward. Let's just say we wanted to start a fight to be in there, except my boyfriend his less dramatic. Sometimes. I felt arms wrap around my waist and I aimed for the ribcage. Just when I was about to hit the person hard…

"Ellen it's me. it's me. you need to calm down." Sam said hurriedly.

"Get your hands off me you big rock with no dick. I'll fucking kill you!" Alisa screamed as she kept punching the security guard that lifted her of her feet and held her to restrain. "I'll squeeze you like a dried fruit! Let me go!" she growled.

"Fine. Alisa. Let's breathe. You can see they won't let us through." I huffed, trying to calm myself down.

"Fine. Put me down." She demanded.


She rolled her eyes. "Please…" she whispered.

The man gave a small kind smile and put her down. She growled at him before sitting down next to me. she sighed and laid her head on my shoulder. We kept quiet for a while…unsure what to say or do.

"How did we not see it?" she murmured after a while. "We never miss a detail in each other's lives. Never."

"We thought the love of a man outweighs the love we have for others," I whispered as tears fell.

"You read that report properly?" she asked

"I skimmed till I found the important part."

"…patient shows signs of STD infections and pregnancy risk. The infant seems to be four months, underweight, hiding in the right side of the womb. High probability that the infant could die in the womb if no immediate surgery and check-in are done with immediate effect. Possibility of the infant surviving after the procedure is less than thirty percent…"

She didn't even know that the child she had been hoping for months for with Lawerence was dying in her womb, all because he couldn't be careful and she didn't show symptoms. All because we didn't check in on each other as we promised. She was such a good person, her heart always full of inspiration and all she asked was for a happy family. Now the man she thought she'd be with forever and the father of the child was dying.

"I should've killed him that night with that bitch." Alisa whispered as tears began to escape her caging eyelids. I was starting to shake with fear as I thought of her. How could he do this to her?

"Sam," I called out

"Babe." He responded with such alertness and delicacy.

"Call Lawerence. Tell him she's been admitted." I said, Alisa looked at me with shock and I understood why. He needed to see the mess he created.

"Already done," Sam responded after a while.

"Is he coming?" Alisa asked.

"He dropped the phone on me," Sam responded.

"Alright." I accepted.