
Two days have passed without any disturbance, and Jolande could finally sleep peacefully, she attended school and lived her life normally. Sarah decided to marry Adolf and live with him, but they first had to discuss things, and trial living together for some time. Adolf viewed Sarah as a perfect match for him, she had a good sense of humour, she is smart, a fast learning woman and appreciates science. On the other hand, Sarah's view of Adolf wasn't about money, she liked him because of his personality, intelligence and everything else.

They were a good match, they really wanted to marry but they should hold it for a period, they had to discuss money, children and other priorities as well. "Why should we hold the marriage?" Adolf said, Sarah replied, "Obviously, if we had children, they'll be held as hostage or even murdered, remember that people are after us".

Jolande values times like this, when there is no one after them and she can finally rest and enjoy a good week with her friends. She didn't want school that day so she thought of something smart, and evil at the same time, she wanted to give her principle a good dose of Lián, making him fall into a coma for two days, without killing him.

Jolande remembered that she can't produce Lián but Olivia can. Even if she asked her to do so, she won't accept, so she thought of cooling down the sphere, apply Lián to it and release it on the principle. "What if they take the sphere? Hmmm, I think I'll call the him now and tell him that I have a suggestion for our science class", luckily, they were studying about precious metals, which was a good excuse to bring it.

"Hi, umm I have a suggestion for our science classes to be improved, I borrowed a platinum ball from a lab with their permission, and I want to show it to the class.", they talked, and eventually, the principle agreed and asked her to come to his office first next day.

Jolande had already planned, she called the helium cooling factory and ordered a small container filled with liquid helium, which cost her 60 euros excluding shipping costs which were about 30 euros as well.

The next day at 7:30 o'clock, the liquid arrived and Jolande dipped the ball inside it. She later grabbed an air compressor from Adolf's lab and kept spinning it to 50 more rounds per minutes. She took the ball and went running to Olivia's house.

"Olivia! Apply Lián to this sphere, just like if you want to make someone go in a comma for days", Olivia didn't ask or understand but she did it anyway. "THANK YOU!" Jolande said and immediately headed to school running.

Jolande met the principle at his office, she was panting after running and carrying 12 kilograms with her. She immediately unleashed the Lián stored in the sphere, shocking the principle. She later called a teacher to innocently inform her that the principle is unconscious. "What did you do JoJo? I will diagnose him now, it's good I am a former medic", and fortunately for Jolande, her teacher didn't know the reason of his current state.

Later that day, an ambulance arrived to take him to the hospital and treat him there. They can't predict when he wakes up, nor know what caused this, only Jolande knows it. She went back home as well as all of her school, and they'll be back when the principle wakes up and becomes better. Jolande was so excited that she can't keep the secret, so she went ahead and told Sarah about it. She saw this as funny because she achieved what she wanted in a smart way.

During her so called vacation, she had lots of fun, she read manga, watched anime, learnt to cook, worked out, and the last thing she did was learn Lián once more from Olivia, she visited Olivia and Olivia would visit her. The holiday lasted 5 days although Jolande prepared for 2 days at most.

Jolande was so worried, so she went to check on the principle, and knows that the principle is in bad conditions, he has awoken, but he is temporarily paralyzed, and will leave the hospital in a week or less. The principle thought to himself, "Now I believe how Jolande was paralyzed...". Jolande was relieved she didn't do any damage to the principle, and school will be back after a week.

Sarah wanted to buy a good wedding ring online, but she doesn't have a personal card, and she wants to keep it as a surprise for Adolf, so she goes straight to use the card from the VPN company manager. She looked for an osmium ring with a diamond or an expensive stone on it, she doesn't care about cost because it's all covered by the manager.

Sarah was so excited to be married didn't care about what will happen later, and she ordered 'Enchanted osmium ring with diamonds', with their names written on, this costed about three thousand euros excluding the shipping cost!

Jolande was bored as well so she decided to buy a comic book, from Stockholm, and doesn't need worry about shipping time. She found a good one with the name 'Extended light spectrum', the synopsis was really fun to read, 'A 16 year-old guy can see all light spectrum, so he decides to look at girls with his vision, "clothes are invisible in infrared!"'. She ordered it, and payed on delivery.

It arrived within two hours, costing about five Euros. Jolande started reading it and had fun doing so, because all scenarios in it picture girls insecure and desperate but in the end, his life twisted. Jolande finished the comics in five hours, she laughed and she decided to go to a park and train with Sarah.

Sarah brought comfy clothes but Jolande didn't, they later arrived at the park with only a few people there. "Why don't you ever wear something comfy?" Sarah inquired, but Jolande replied with her reason, "My legs are so slim, and why do I even have to show off my body? I'm not a model and I have dignity". Someone got furious after they heard her from a distance, "HEY! Adult filmstars have dignity as well! It's their job!", Jolande replied with hate, "Girls like having sex and being whores and these ones get paid 10k for a scene. These girls suck multiple penises on screen and get drilled in their butts for money, I'm guessing they deserve no respect" which left them speechless, because it's true.

Jolande and Sarah trained together, they climbed a rope, did pull ups, ran a few kilometers and had fun. Jolande is feeling immense pain in her body because this is the first time she exercised for months! As for Jolande, she needs to train this hard because she has to do Lián again.

Jolande went back home, took a bath with vegetable water and salts and lasted for about two hours. She finished bathing and went to take a shower, dried her self and went to watch TV.

Jolande started watching documentaries and chill. She was bored because there was nothing to do, and no one to talk to, so she called her friends from Sweden. She later hangs up excusing because "They're boring, I miss my besties", she calls her other friends from Germany and talks to them.

Jolande: Anything new?

Heid: Yes, we're back to school after the murder of the principle.

Leoni: I also stole his collection of items in his drawer, it includes a racing car toy, some tools and an amulet.

Jolande: Did you see what's inside the amulet?

Leoni: Looks identical to mine, could it have the same contents like mine?

Jolande: Find out later, anyway, did they find his corpse?

Heid: No, but they hired dogs to sniff his underwear and tell where he is.

Jolande: And?

Heid: They went looking outside the school, because we hung his underwear with his smell on the cut glass, looking as if he was dragged out.

The conversation continued and they shared stories together, and Jolande went back to watching TV. Both Sarah and Adolf want to go out for a night out, leaving Jolande home alone. She was finally able to sit comfortably in the house, watching and chilling.

Jolande woke up the next day, nothing out of the ordinary, Sarah and Adolf were planning to go train at the Shaolin Monastery for either the whole year, or just a few months. Jolande suggested they go for a few months because they shouldn't leave Jolande alone. Both Adolf and Sarah knew some Mandarin so they could go there on their own.

Jolande asked her parents to come live with her for three months, so they booked a plane to Stockholm, and arrived at Adolf's house. Sarah and Adolf prepared everything they need and left Sweden, Lisa, Jolande's mother, was able to see what Jolande is living like, and neither one of her parents knew why she lived here instead of Germany.

Jolande lived a normal life with her parents in Sweden, nothing too strange. It was like this for three months. Sarah and Adolf returned to Germany, and her parents stayed with her for two more weeks before going back to Germany.

Sarah and Adolf were married in China, Jolande said, "Congrats", in a genuine mean. Sarah and Adolf came back so happy that they almost fell on the ground because she didn't see any obstacle. "Ugh, I will protect those couples, I don't want them to die when they just married".

Later that day, Jolande was walking outside when a girl asked her, "Do you know where is the nearest mall around?", Jolande remembered Helga, from the beginning, but this time it was a girl looking like she's 17 as well. "Follow me, I'm heading there" Jolande said.

Jolande went there walking to buy some stuff for the house, a list Adolf and Sarah gave her. She made friends with that girl, "My name is Alice, I'm 18. I suppose you're 17, right Jolande?". Jolande's mind suddenly went blank, "How did she know my name!? I'm Jolyne not Jolande!" Jolande thought, so she asked her, "Who told you this name? And who told you I'm 17?", Alice was speechless, "Lo-look at the p-p-patch on your jacket! Yes, Jolande is written there".

Jolande: Do you read Chinese?

Alice: I do.

Jolande: Does this really say Jolande?

Alice: Sure it does.

Jolande was afraid this is another Helga minion, because she knew her name without even telling her. Jolande can't confirm whether it's her name on the patch or not, but she believed her. "I'm not letting my guard down, this is suspicious. Does my Shaolin patch say my name? Oh I remember, someone sewed my name".

Jolande and Alice talked and walked, even after buying their items, Alice introduced herself fully to Jolande, and Jolande introduced her fake identity to her as well. Jolande asked her for her phone number so they can talk often, and she gave it to her.

"This is strange, could she be a Helga minion in disguise?". Jolande wanted to know who is this Alice, and how she knew her name and the patch was partially showing, which made Jolande worry even more.

Alice and Jolande became friends for a month till now, they would usually go out together and have fun together. Alice is known in her class for being a smart girl, and funny, she has a beautiful face, and voice as well. Jolande liked Alice because of things they share, Jolande loves chameleons, and Alice has a chameleon, a veiled one. Jolande would often visit Alice, but Alice wouldn't, "I'm living with a host family, they don't like visits" Jolande excused, which did work, allowing her to hide her identity.

Jolande said, "So she isn't a Helga minion", but she still didn't reveal her identity to her. Alice has been friends with Jolande for a month, and they became very close friends. Jolande suggested that they both go to train at the Shaolin temple for a month, but Alice refused, with no apparent reason.

"But why not Alice? Think about the fun we'll have!", but Alice still refused, she had another idea, "We go on a vacation together, I want to go to France". Jolande suggested they go to somewhere else but Alice insisted, "Only France! I'm not going anywhere else!". "Jeez, what's with this attitude!? Why is she insisting on France!?", Jolande thought, which made her raise more questions.

"I do not even think I may travel this year" Jolande excused, because she isn't feeling right with Alice insisting on something. Alice asked Jolande to come to her house later that day, and Jolande accepted, what could go wrong?

The first thing Jolande did at Alice's house was seeing her chameleon. Alice's chameleon is also known as Levy, Levy is six months year old, and he's already large. Alice has a good setup for her chameleon; a good terrarium, humidity controller, two bulbs and good foliage, "I wasted a lot of money on him, and I don't want him anymore, wanna buy it?".

Jolande was happy to say, "Yes, for how much?", and was shocked with, "five hundred dollars, with everything; food, enclosure and the chameleon himself. What do you think? It all costed me about one thousand dollars and here you go, fifty per cent off!". Jolande didn't know what to say, but she accepted and promised to give her the money in a few days.

After hours have passed and Jolande is at Alice's house, Alice introduced her special cook to Jolande, which took her hours to cook and prepare, "Here Jolande, please make sure to eat this, it's a special for you". Jolande wasn't feeling good, so she didn't want to eat what Alice prepared...

Jolande needed to go to the toilet really quickly, she felt strong pain in her belly, "What did I eat? Oh no, I ate cereal with milk!". Jolande, unlike most of her friends, she has lactose intolerance - lactose intolerance is lacking the enzymes to breakdown lactose, which usually results in diarrhea after eating anything with lactose, in this case, it's milk.

Jolande stayed in the toilet for about fifteen minutes that Alice forgot she was at her house. Alice was caught short as well, so she went to the toilet, and broke in without knowing that Jolande is there. At this time, Jolande was naked, facing her diarrhea in pain... They both screamed and pretend to forget about this, so Jolande went back home, because she can't continue with her intolerance, and Alice gave her the chameleon and let her leave.

Jolande arrived at her house, and didn't talk to Alice for a week, until they saw each other in a library. Jolande feels as if Alice knows all of her movements, she isn't sure, but she surely doesn't feel good about Alice.

When Jolande met her, she said, "I didn't bring the five hundred dollars is it okay if I bring them later?". Alice replied, "Of course, but not now, I am going to France next week after we graduate". Jolande and Alice went back to their homes, Jolande wanted to please herself somehow, she doesn't find anything entertaining, so she only watched TV and slept after a few hours.

The next day, Jolande discovers a really strange thing in her school, "Why does this teacher have the mini ghost figure like Helga's minions do? On her chest? A coincidence or not?". Jolande went to ask her, "Umm, do you know someone named Helga Sauer?", the teacher replied, "Oh well yes, follow me".

Jolande followed the teacher to a dark room, expecting what will happen, so she jumped away from the teacher's vision, kicking her on her neck giving her a fatal injury. Jolande took all her items including her wallet and phone.

Jolande goes through her phone, and discovers that they sent someone very professional after Jolande, so she wanted to know who that person is. Jolande saw Helga's phone number, "Finally!". Jolande inserted Helga's phone number into her iPAQ, "No results? Hmm, maybe it's an alt number I never called before?".

"Who would it be? This number is German, I should go back to Germany after graduation", Jolande's next week is a celebration of completing thirteen years in schools, so she had to free herself from anything.

That final week, her parents flew to Sweden to attend her ceremony, a once in a lifetime celebration concerning their child. Jolande is proudly, the best in her class, she stands to tell her speech to the public, "Ladies and gentlemen, for thirteen years, we have been sitting in chairs all the time, which gave me butt cancer, but it's okay. We finally did it, this event made me really hyped I'm about to speak in another language, Zuò zài túnbù shàng de lǐngdài zěnme bàn Jùzǔ...".

Jolande made the whole audience laugh, not only that, she graduated with honour. After graduation, she went to Germany, she is finally independent and could do anything alone. She has decided to go back to Germany and eliminate the organisation...

To Be Continued...
