Radioactive jentacular 1

They bought a wooden barrel and asked for delivery to the forest they are in, filled in some equipment and called the forklift. After the forklift arrived, they had to sign and verify some things, then they paid for the service. They lifted the barrel to the boot of the car and drove back home.

"So we wasted around 200 euros from forklift, delivery to barrel price" Jolande said, "It's almost half my size, barely fit in the boot, how can we take it out?". Sarah was questioning the same thing in her head, because it seemed stuck in the boot, "I think I can work it out, bring me two pipes from the garage, a metal plate and that platform with wheels". Sarah suggested a practical plan to get them out of the current situation. "Seems like we are short on time, you have an online meeting tomorrow morning, and it's almost sunset" Jolande said.

She then went on her way to gather the items from around the place, two pipes, a wheeled platform and a thick metal plate. It took her around three minutes to gather the items and then go to the car. "What now?" Jolande asked, "I'd like to do the rest, but I won't interrupt her, and so I don't hold responsibility for what goes wrong" Jolande was thinking, then she started chuckling out of nowhere.

"Hmm? You said something?" Sarah asked her after she heard her chuckles, "No no, I was coughing, I choked on my own saliva" Jolande answered. Both of them started laughing, then Sarah said "Okay let's get working, hold the platform with your foot like this, then lift the pipes and allow it to slide on the plate to the platform".

When they did what she said, Jolande said "Operation successful" then cheered saying "Easy physics, can't understand why my classmates had a hard time understanding the moment". Sarah told her not to brag too much, "You are smart and stuff, but please stop bragging".

Jolande sensed something's incorrect because this isn't the typical response from Sarah, "Asking her what's wrong wouldn't do any better, I must wait until she does something". She later grabs a rope to attach the platform then pull it somewhere away from home, but she notices something very strange in the car...

"What the... Is that, corrosion or something? And it's on the side of Sarah! As if it has been leaking particles and radiation into Sarah's side..." she was worried that anything might have hit Sarah, or maybe this is why she is acting all weird...

"I can't I- ugh, I'm going to bed, I-- am coming back in a minute" Sarah talked as if she had a strong headache or feeling super fatigued, and Jolande concluded it's from the radiation that was leaked. "Leaving this thing around living things is a major threat! I'll have to look for some pit or hole I could throw it in, where I can retrieve it easily..." Jolande thought, she must go look for a hole or a water well with a good bearing.

After a good fifteen minutes of search, she manages to spot a shelter-like hole that is reinforced in case of a nuclear attack. She had to think if it's better to put it there or not, "In case of war, this will be contaminated, but who will declare war on the fatherland Germany? Haha, this time Germans won't ever lose" she was thinking to herself, so she thought the shelter would be useless so why not make use of it currently.

"As Sarah concludes, the room will be contaminated for a few years, maybe, since we don't have the right equipment to measure exactly, she estimates a good 5 years till it's safe again" Jolande thought to herself, because she had to take measures for any move she does, "We can't risk casualties".

"Alright, I'm finally done, let's head to the shower," Jolande said after finally finishing everything. Before she went to shower, she went to check on Sarah if she's all good, "Oh, thank God you're alright" Jolande said then she headed to shower.

After thirty minutes, Jolande comes back to check on Sarah, but this time she is worse, "Oh my God, you have a fever! You're hot and weak, hang on" Jolande said, then she went to bring a towel, cold water, and some things to keep around her. Just a few seconds after leaving the room, Sarah screams "BRING A BUCKET!". in German, she would say "Bringen Sie einen Eimer mit" which sounded a bit like "Bringen Sie einen eier mit" which means "Bring an egg" since she's sick and her nose is clogged.

"Why an egg?" Jolande was so baffled, and not knowing what to do, then she saw Sarah vomit all of a sudden, littering the carpet and floor beneath. Jolande just understood she meant a bucket, but it was too late and now someone has to clean before John is back home.

Jolande brought a bucket in case she vomits again and then went on gathering the items. "But, what-- how am I, what did my mother do when I had a fever? Or do I call her now haha" Jolande was clueless, what to do, but she remembers what her mother often did put a wet blanket on her forehead, a lemonade, maybe painkillers and kept monitoring her.

Jolande gathered the items, and set them up, but she noticed something strange, which couldn't be a fever alone, "Was zur Hölle!" which would translate to "What is this thing!", she went off panicking when her eyes caught some photons from Sarah's skin, "I swear it was glowing, but no it's not, just when I look away it glows! Her pelvis is glowing!".

Jolande decided to call a hospital and not tell them about the uranium they have, and if they conclude this is caused by radiation, they'll claim to have been around some place, but unsure about it.

Jolande finally called 911 and informed them of some strange fever, seemingly unusual, and they arrived in around fifteen minutes. She asked them to be with Sarah, and agreed, so she can see her analysis and know what's going on.

After arriving at the hospital, they asked Jolande if she inhaled or ingested anything toxic or kidney-targeting, because she seems to have a problem around the kidneys. Jolande answered with "You mean like uranium?" and the nurse replied "Yes, anything similar, but how did you know it was uranium?", and the suspicions started roaming around her...

Ten minutes later, she had to speak to an FBI agent to investigate what she might have done. "Jolande Evi? Please come with us, I'm agent Kaufmann and this is Reiner, she and I will be interviewing you, understand?", two FBI agents came in and grabbed her to a police department which she got nervous and stressed, clueless...

Mr. Kaufmann: How did you know it is uranium?

Jolande: Was it confirmed?

Mr. Kaufmann: Yes, and seems like you magically had an answer before test results came out.

Jolande: But, how? How can I even get my hands over uranium?

Mrs. Reiner: That's the question, how did you get your hands on it?

Jolande: But what? Are you stupid or something? I don't have any uranium nor know where you can find in Germany!

It was at this moment Jolande regrets what she said a second ago.

Mr. Kaufmann: Please cooperate with us, because you definitely look like hiding something. We have a search warrant to your house with an arrest warrant as well.

Jolande found it pointless to talk to them, and stopped talking. To a point they asked why she's not speaking, she replied "I have the right to remain silent". This made the agents mad, because they kept talking for three hours straight.

Until a nurse came in to say "This is not uranium, it's a flower, commonly found in forests, also called Azalae. Jolande is free to go". The FBI agents apologised to her, and allowed her to go home safely.

Sarah and Jolande meet up after taking medication then decided it's time to go home, with a taxi. Sarah grabbed Jolande quietly after getting in the cab saying "What did you tell the FBI agents?", Jolande was freaked to tell her the truth, "I either go back home tonight or probably meet God now if I tell her" she thought to herself, then said out loud "I said it might be poisoning, and they suspected that I poisoned you".

The lie was perfectly unnoticed, that Sarah said, "Oh God, I'm glad you didn't spill the beans! I can say my heart beat went from 100 to 60 haha". It was then Jolande realised eyes are back on her...

"Thank you mister" said both girls while stepping out of the cab, "Where was the stupid Azalea? And how did it get inside?" Sarah asked, because she doesn't recall ingesting anything...

"You probably didn't see it when going through the leaves and woods" Jolande answered. This led into more questions in Sarah's mind that answers, "But you were with me, and we took the same path!".

"Simply, you are taller, or probably you got on the ground or something" Jolande replied, "Is she suspecting me or something?". It even rose the suspicions of Jolande too since it's a plant that grows on the ground.

"Oh wait, didn't you grab a flower? Do you even know how the Azalea look like?" Jolande figured, as she remembers Sarah smelling some flowers, who knows if she tasted them by accident.

"It tasted funny, I really had no idea haha" Sarah said, convinced that it was her own stupid move that got her poisoned. "Now let's do something about our precious uranium tomorrow, my legs are hurt, and I'm tired" said Jolande as she approached her room, "Time for a bath".

Jolande's mind was full of ideas the moment she slid into the bath, "Do I call them shower thoughts or bath thoughts? I guess this one itself is... My brain hurts". After a little, she was overthinking the future, "Now the uranium and the maps, what do we do, and where are they? How would we even discover anything? This really stresses me out".

Jolande is the overthinking sort of person, and this sort of person easily gets stressed out over the simplest things, even theoretical thoughts she has, she doesn't rest until it's all solved. But the good thing about this person is efficient leadership and intolerance to faults and mistakes, which later benefit her on her journey...

A few hours passed and it was bedtime, and as Jolande was walking to her bed she notices a little reflection at the side of her eye, "What in the world was that?" was the first thing she said, "I will do a counter attack now hehe".

She figured it's a stalker somewhere outside, so she will surprise them with a counter attack. "You stalk me, I stalk you" Jolande said, then she started making a dummy of her in a meditating position, because it's the most reasonable thing explaining that she sat for six to ten minutes straight.

"Swift like the wind!" she said and started running silently towards the backdoor of the house, she must be careful to not get caught. After a minute of sneaking behind the stalker, she's finally stepping behind the stalker...

"Did she make a move yet?" Jolande wispered, "No, she's probably meditating" replied the stalker. Jolande was unsure whether it's a he or a she, hence she picked their hat and turned them over...

"It's a he! You naughty naughty, what are you doing looking at me in the middle of the night? And where is your partner?" Jolande said after taking a glance of her face. The woman was freaked, stressed and her brain was set on panic mode. Despite all that she stayed silent...

Jolande saw some badge under the girl's jacket which seemed very familiar, "I think I saw this, around some lab", this lab she's talking about is a radioactivity lab Sarah used to train at for university.

"What are you doing here in the middle of the night?" Jolande yelled, she's baffled and afraid at the same time. "Okay, okay, I was told to see if you did have uranium on you or somewhere in the house, and I don't have a partner - I thought someone arrived".

Seems reasonable to Jolande, because she almost spilled the beans and told the agents about uranium. "Alright, but don't do this, it's so freaky, and I don't have any uranium on me!" Jolande said agressively, "It triggers me when someone is this incompetent!".

She was behaving in a rude way, but it didn't matter to her, "Boop, you're asleep" she said then gave the woman a dose of Lián sending her to sleep immediately. "I think I did a mistake..." she said then continued to the house then to her room.

To Be Continued
