The Visit

The Prophetess is a Wise Woman. She Serves no earthly being - only our GOD.

There is Freedom in conversation with her but it comes with a price : the Understanding that The Visions she Shares are not Authored into permanence. They are merely pattern-based and can be altered through the proper use of our own personalized GOD-Given Free Will.

This is where things get tricky. Should we Choose to Accept our Fates, our Patterned Visions will be Engraved into The Book of Life Forevermore. BUT, should we Decide to heed her Wisdom - The TRUE Path will be Illuminated as we continue Forward.

This is what she Shared...


"Come in and sit." The Prophetess Guided me towards an empty room containing a single wood chair.

"You must stay here." She told Jonathan as she gently closed the door, leaving him standing dumbfounded alone outside her door.

"Prophetess.." I began.

"You are late." She interrupted.

"Late? I have arrived per our scheduled agreed upon Time." I responded, confused.

"Yes, but you are two weeks behind."

I sat in expectant Silence.

"What do you have to say for yourself?" The Prophetess asked.

"I do not Understand your accusations." I calmly replied.

"You have ignored the Signs so vehemently that GOD had no other option but to slap you across the face with that Dream."

Stunned into Silence once more, I stared blankly into her eyes.

"Good. You are Ready. Let us Go Forth."

I Breathed a Deep sigh of Relief and closed my eyes.

"QUEEN. You are in grave danger. The enemy has forced entry into your Home. You must Decide how to proceed without The Council. This you already Know. There is a Stranger in your midst. He is knocking at the door. Open it. He is your only Hope. Without him your Queendom will surely fall. Logic will not win this war. There will be Moments that require more. The Choice is yours."


"I am weary of this Stranger... he was pained and outraged in our first encounter, yet confident and sensual when we spoke earlier today. I do not Understand."

"Treat him as you would a Private Guest. No one must Know. Your own Private Quarters might I suggest?"

"But how do you..."

"Visions. Do not be concerned. No one else will Know that these Quarters exist outside of this Home."

"Thank you, but this does not Answer my question regarding our first interaction. He says he Knows me, yet I have not met this man prior. And furthermore, I am uncertain as to how I have upset him."

"These are Questions only you can Answer. Now you must Go. Time is not on your side."

The Prophetess rose quickly and hurried me towards the door. But before she opened it, she turned to me and said, "Oh. And one more thing : Tell no one for a Sacrifice must be made. Otherwise you will not succeed. GOD Speed."

And then I Found myself equally as shocked standing outside right next to Jonathan.

He smiled. "Good news, my QUEEN?"
