I Wake as the Sun Begins to lower in the Horizon, Xavier's grey satin sheets drape My Naked body. Gorgeous hues of red, orange, and gold spill across the red tiled floor of the bedroom. The View is absolutely Breathtaking.

I stretch, Basking in the Afterglow of OUR Passion. I slip from within the Luxurious bed, clutching the sheet loosely around Me. Xavier is nowhere to Be Seen. I cross the room, Marveling at the Glorious Warmth of the Ocean Breeze and the cool tile against My bare feet.

Stepping out upon the open Veranda, MY HEART Soars. Deep purple Flowers Trumpet the Pillars, Releasing a Fresh Fragrant Scent. The Sound of the Waves Gently Washing upon the Shore Fills My SOUL. I desperately Desire to Submerge My body into the Crystal Clear Waters.

Without Care, I Gather My Chitton, reclasping it at My Shoulder. I Straighten My Appearance in the Reflection of the bed post and hurry Toward the door, the Ocean Calling Me Forth.

I have no Concept as to Where I am, let alone Towards which Direction I Should Go but it is Worth the risk.

Outside the bedroom door, I Enter a Private Villa. The open Seating Area Stunning. Cautiously, I creep quietly through and exit into yet another room. The Rich Decor of The Grand Foyer takes Me aback Momentarily as I circle the room, Appreciating its Beauty. Open Golden Archways, Tropical Plants, and a Massive Gold Fountain Centers the room. I Walk around the Fountain and Make My Way out onto a long, narrow Bridge Connecting to the High Tower.

I peer over the Edge of the bridge, My Breath hitching at the height from which I Stand. Surveying the High Tower, it Appears that I Should Be able to Follow a Hopeful staircase to the ground and Find a Trail to the Beaches accordingly.

I cross the bridge and Exhale. Happily, I Find My Assumptions to Be Correct. The staircase is endless, but Eventually I Find My SELF outdoors. I Look around. The grass is Lusciously green, the Flora Incredible. Brilliant shades of purples and pinks Fill the Grounds. I am in Awe at the Magnificence of this Palace.

As I step out onto the Beautifully Manicured Lawn, the soft grass Cushions My skin. MY HEART skips. I have forgotten My Sandals. "Oh.." I Whisper to My Self. "I Hope I Do not Come across another." My fearlessness wavers, but I continue Forth. "I have Come too far to turn back now for a Pair of Sandals." I Think to My SELF.

To My Delight, I Locate a Beautiful footpath Leading Directly to the Perfect Shores. The Path ebbs and curves with the Natural Beauty of the Dunes. Finally, My toes slip beneath the Warm Sands.

I Feel suddenly Giddy with CHILDLIKE JOY. Without Hesitation, I race to the Sea, Seafoam tickling My feet. A JOYOUS Smile Spreads wide across My face as I pause Momentarily. "Do I Dare?" I Say Carelessly aloud.

Throwing Caution to the Wind, I Enter the Sparkling Waters, My Chitton Floating around Me as I tread Deeper in. The cool Warmth of the Gentle Waves Beckons Me Forth. The Water ripples around My Breasts and I take the Final Plunge, Freeing MY SELF. I have never Felt so Glorious.

Time slips by without Thought as I Float PEACEFULLY until the Sun has nearly set. Woefully, I bring My SELF back to shore, the drenched Chitton now clinging and Exposing My Naked body.

"How was YOUR Swim, MY QUEEN?" Xavier Asks, startling Me.

"Xavier.." I Breathe.

HIS eyes flash darkly. "Join ME." HE Commands.

Xavier is laying upon the Sand, legs outstretched with both hands folded behind HIS Perfect head. I Hesitate.

"Would YOU rather I Join YOU?" HE Inquires, Lifting HIS upper body to Rest upon HIS elbows. HE Smirks at the Sight of My Revealing Robes. "THIS is a GOOD Look on YOU." HIS eyes Smolder.

HE removes HIS Chlamys, discarding it upon the Shores, and Advances Toward ME, HIS Sculptured Figure Catching the last Glint of Sunlight. I Swallow hard.

"As KING, I Take what I WANT when I WANT it." HE Informs Me. "YOU Have Made a mistake in Coming Here, MY QUEEN." HIS thick Member stands tall.

"YOU cannot Keep Me locked away in a tower Forever, Xavier." I sharply respond.

"Mmm.. Can I not?" HE Smiles wickedly.

Xavier lifts Me to straddle HIS Length, pushing the skirts of My Chitton up My thighs. With ease, HE Enters Me. I gasp in Surprise at HIS Audaciousness.

"Xavier!" I Exclaim. "Here?"

HE thrusts hard into Me. I moan involuntarily. "Here." HE growls, thrusting again. My hips jerk as HE grinds My overly-Sensitive bud with HIS shaft. HE thrusts a third Time, and My body Releases its Juices around HIM. "Mmm.." I Hear My SELF Whimper as I Begin to convulse. I tighten My arms around HIS neck, Bringing HIS face to My breasts.

"YOU ARE MINE, Será." HE snarls, tilting HIS mouth Toward the nape of My neck. HE pumps roughly into Me a fourth Time, and My Flower spills its pool of Warm Liquids down HIS thighs. I moan uncontrollably as I cling to HIM desperately. "YOU Can no longer Resist MY POWER." HE Strokes HIMSELF Deeper.

"OH GOD.. XAVIER.." I Whisper Shakily. "Please.." I Beg HIM. " More.."

HE drowns My weak Pleas with another plunge. "Ahhhhhhhh.." I cry out as My legs spasm.

"I Will take YOUR PLEASURE to HEIGHTS unmatched." Xavier growls. I try to Focus on HIS Words as another stream of Fluids gushes from My quivering Folds. I Whimper Helplessly. HE is in Complete Control.


I Feel My body Going limp, My Hips Riding Freely with HIS lust-filled strokes.

"SUBMIT." I Hear Xavier Demand. I shiver.

HE presses into Me harder.

"I LOVE YOU, MY QUEEN." Xavier Whispers in My ear, and with that MY HEART Beats WHOLLY in TIME with HIS.