Chapter 5

"What a dilemma." I sighed, I'm frustrated with the position I'm in but there's no helping it.

"I have to do something about this." I don't know what I should do as of now, especially as a beggar, so I just decided to investigate the area for a little.

I carefully checked where I am, the sun is arise and I was in a rundown alleyway, it seemed like the type of place gangsters would often do their thing.

Shattered glass bottle pieces, and a bunch of trash were sitting on the ground and it smells horrible here, the stinky odor was so unbearable that it made me feel sick so I walked out of the place.

A bustling street that was straight out of a Medieval film welcomed me from out of that alleyway, although the structures suggest that this was the Medieval era, the people's clothes were Victorian-styled. There were all sorts of people happily chatting away, it was a totally normal day for anyone around here.

I can't help but admire the scenery, this is something a Modern day citizen, like me, would never see in the present.

"Astonishing, isn't it? But you have other matters to attend to." a voice suddenly rang in my ear, and it was a voice that I would want to smack really hard.

"HEY, YOU---" I shouted impulsively, I quickly covered my mouth in embarrassment, unfortunately I've already been noticed by quite a number of people.

"Gosh, that beggar must have lost her mind."

"I know, right? Guess that's what's going to happen if you're penniless." People gave me disgusted looks and scorned at me, it was to be expected.

"My goodness, Faustina. I'm talking to you through telepathy, try responding to me in your mind." that goddess just had to see me humiliate myself like that.

"So you're technically reading my mind now?" the idea of someone reading my thoughts sounded unpleasant to my ears.

"Oh, no. I can only hear your thoughts that are specifically told for me while I'm using my telepathic power." her reply relieved me, I just hope that she's being truthful right now. I'll just ask her the questions I've been itching to ask for a few minutes.

"So... WHY THE HELL AM I HERE AS A BEGGAR?! How am I even going to meet him in this state?!" Ignis is literally someone who has a high status, so how can I, a measly beggar, even dream to meet him? No matter how I think about it, that goddess has put me in a ridiculous position.

" Listen, the reason I sent you here as a beggar is because I can't rewrite too much history, if I gave you a whole lot of backstory as a commoner or an aristocrat, it means a lot of fates will have to be rewritten." she explained, "The people's fates here have already been determined and intertwined so much that it's almost impossible for me to rewrite them."

"Well, that's a bummer but this position I'm in is really unfavourable for me so how am I..." while I was complaining, she cut me off.

"I'm aware, that's why I'm here to help, I will materialize a form in a few days to accompany you but for now, I'll be stuck in your head. I'll guide you." hearing her voice all day long sounds like a pain in the ass, but if it means getting help, I'd be willing to put up with it.

"Alright, alright. So, for now, what should I do?" I instantly asked for help, since that's what i need the most right now as a measly beggar.

"Wow, that was fast. Anyway, just go to the Adventurer's guild and join them, they don't have any status requirements so don't worry about that." even though I think she's annoying, she's actually pretty reliable but even so, there will be no reason for them to let me join if I don't have any abilities.

"Even if that's the case, why the heck would they let me join when I'm powerless?" pretty sure they aren't a home for the homeless organization.

"Ugh, who said you're powerless? Just go there, I'm too exhausted to explain, they'll let you in for sure. Go left, the guild is just two blocks away." she said with that always annoyed tone of hers. I bet she just thinks dealing with me is a pain in the ass which pisses me off, but lashing out on her isn't going to solve anything and I want to be as courteous as possible so I'll calm myself down.

"But I am powerless...? And how am I supposed to know which of these buildings is the adventurer's guild?" I continued with my questions.

"No, you aren't and you'll see a signboard saying 'Adventurer's Guild'. Anyway, I hafta go, I gotta do something else first. Bye." and just like that, her exasperating voice has left my head.

"Wait...! Didn't she just say that she's going to be accompanying me to help me out? What the hell?" Despite her leaving me on my own with such little knowledge, and leaving a question of mine unanswered, I didn't make a fuss because that will just give me a huge headache.

I recalled the instructions she gave me and followed them, I went to the Adventurer's guild.

After passing through two blocks, I stumbled upon a huge Italianate building, there was a sign in the front saying 'Adventurer's Guild' which was the cue that told me I was at the right place, although it looked quite modest for such a brutish sounding place but then, who am I to judge?

I stepped into the place that is surrounded by a few people that seems to be filling some forms, I immediately saw the receptionist given that there's not much stuff in here in the first place which made it easy to detect.

I approached the receptionist, with a smile she greeted me.

"Good day, ma'am. How may I help you?" her greeting was so polite that I was taken aback, her eyes hold no contempt and she wasn't looking at me with disgust either.

"Um... I would like to join the guild." I said awkwardly, the welcoming aura she exuded made me a bit uncomfortable.

"Is that so? We have a magic power level requirement before you can join so I will first have to measure your magic power, please wait a minute as I take the measuring diamond." she then left her post. I was a bit anxious since I don't know if I even have any magic power to begin with since I'm pretty sure I was just a completely normal student back at my world.

As I was unconsciously chewing on my. nails, the receptionist came back with large transparent diamond with a circle on top of it.

"Thank you for waiting, here is the measuring diamond. Please place your right hand on the circle to measure your magic power." her instructions were simple enough so I just followed them.

The moment I placed my hand on the measuring diamond, it glowed so brightly that I had to cover my eyes with my left hand and when I uncovered my eyes, the diamond is now a bright gold color.

I was ecstatic with what I saw because this shows that I have magical powers and that was enough to make me jump in joy since that meant I did not have to starve on the streets.

I looked at the receptionist and her expression is of a delighted one. I can already tell that I've met the basic requirement to join the guild.

"You do, indeed, have met our basic requirement, however..." her remarks made my heart stop for a moment.

"Wait, is she saying I'm not accepted? But why? Did I do something wrong? I don't want to starve on the streets!" I quickly jumped to conclusions because I was anxious.

"Your magical prowess is too much for the adventurer's guild, I believe it would be best for you to join the Mage Order." this time, it wasn't my heart that stopped.

It felt like time and space itself stopped moving.
