The new student

        __—- 7:15 am —-__

-Park Kristina's POV-

I woke up by my alarm ringing.

I did my normal routine as usual, and walked downstairs to eat breakfast.

When I came down my mom has already made pancakes. I started to eat it when the news came on.

The news:

"Today at 7:00 am a couple has founded a dead body in the woods as they was taking a walk. The police is still investigating the case. That's all for today, be careful. Have a good day."

'How can someone do something so terrifying like this?' I thought.

I shrugged it off and walked to school.


  __—- At Seoul High School —-__

When I came to my school I was greeted by one of my friends, Jimin.

We have been best friends since childhood.

We walked to our classroom and we were greeted by some other friends, which is Junhyuk, Seungmin, Huijun, Minjae, Jennie, Lisa, Jungkook, Sehun and Changeol.

All of us are very close friends.

The teacher came in and everyone sat on their places.

"Today we have a new student, please come in and introduce yourself," the teacher said.

The new student came in and damn he was handsome.

"Hey, my name is Son Seongjun," he said and damn he's voice is so soft.

"You can sit next to Park Kristina. Kristina please raise your hand," the teacher said.

I raised my hand and the handsome boy sat next to me.

"Hey, I am Park Kristina, nice to meet you."

"Hey" 'is that all he could say?' I thought.

I shrugged it off and focused on the lesson.

In the lesson I noticed something, I noticed that Seongjun has a scar on his left arm and is left handed.

I shrugged it off once again.

   __—- 20 minutes later —-__

Every one packed their school stuff and went to the cafeteria.

I came to think that the new student doesn't know the way, so i went to find him.

I founded him in the classroom looking out the window.

I walked his way and asked "do you want me to help you find the cafeteria?"

"Thank you." I took it as a yes and showed him the way, and as I was showing him the cafeteria I just ended up showing him the hole school, because why not.

In the cafeteria I invited him to sit next to me and my friends.

And he said yes.

As we were eating some students was talking about the murder case that came on the news this morning.

"Did you guys hear about the news today?" A student said.

"Someone got killed. I hope they catch the killer soon," the same student

said to her friends.

As they talked about that I heard a little chuckle.

I looked to my right to see Seongjun trying to some how hide his smile.

It kind of bothered me, like who would smile at a murder case that has happened?

'I shouldn't jump to conclusions' I thought.

The lunch is done and I said to my friends "let go bowling?"

Everyone agreed except Seongjun.

The lunch time was done, so our little gang skipped school.

And everyone walked their way I said to Junhyuk "I want to go with Seongjun, you guys can go bowling."

He nods.

But actually I lied, I want to follow him to see where he is going.

I felt bad for lying.

As I was following him he suddenly stopped and turned my way.

I quickly hid behind the brick wall.

I hoped he didn't notice me.

But then I heard "what are you doing here?"

My eyes snapped open. "O-oh I am walking this way too."

"I thought you were going with the others?" He said confused.

'Right, what to say now?' I thought.

I said "I didn't feel that well so I thought about going home"

"Okay." He said still unsure whether to believe me or not.

"How about I walk you home then?"

"I can go home alone, thanks" I said as I continued to walk forwards as if nothing happened.

But then Jennie sent me the new news for today.

I watched it and then they said:

"The police have found new clues on the case that happened this morning. They found a witness to this case and found out that the murder have a scar on his/her left arm. And the murder is left handed. If you are feeling unsafe please contact the police. That's it for this time."

I stopped in my tracks when I remembered that Seongjun has a scar on his left arm and that he is left handed.

My heart started to beat faster.

I turned around to see him not there.

'This might be an coincidence so don't jump to conclusions, he's probably not the only one who has a scar on his left arm and is left handed. So I shouldn't call the police.'

I walked back to the boys at the bowling.


I hope you liked this chapter. If you have any ideas to this ff please write it down, I will think about it.