
This chapter is smut, might consider violent stuffs, so if you don't like these stuffs then I recommend you to not read this chapter.

           __— Previous —__

"W-what do y-you w-want from m-me?," I said still stuttering.

He chuckled once again.

"I just want to make you mine today," he said laughing maniacally.

My whole body stared to shake and my heart is beating so fast that I am sure he can hear it.

Suddenly everything went black.

I blacked out.

__—— Present ——__

-Kristina Pov-

I opened my eyes to find myself in a familiar room, I recognize it immediately.

I was in the basement where me and Lisa where held hostage.

I see a clock. It's 6:08 pm.

I tried to move around, but my hands and feet was tied up to a chair with chains.

I remember what happened.

I was scared as hell.

I probably blacked out because my heart was beating so fast.

I am scared right now too, remembering what he said yesterday.

"I just want to make you mine today".

My thoughts got cut off when I hear the basement door open.

There he comes in with his psychotic smile.

"You are awake" He said.

"W-what are y-you going to d-do to m-me?" I asked stuttering.

"You will wait and see," he said smirking at me.

What does he mean by that?

What is he going to do?

My heart beginning to beat faster.

Is he going to do what he said he will do?

I got confused when he releases the chains from my hands.

Suddenly he grabbed my wrist and pulls me out from the basement.

He pushes me into a bedroom and locks the door.

Then he does as he usually does. He smiles.

He walked closer to me, and I back off.

I backed off until I hit the wall.

He takes both my hands and pins them over my head.

He stares intensely at me.

I stare at him in fear of what he will do to me.

"L-let m-me go," was all I could say.

He then chuckled.

"I can't let you go, babygirl," he said adding the nickname.

I started to tremble.

And without warning, he starts kissing my neck.

I struggle to get out of his grip.

He is to strong, so I couldn't get out of his grip.

His other hand made it's way down my back and under my panties.

"Please stop," I cried out.

He ignored me.

And he throws me on the bed.

I quickly try to push myself out of the bed, but he takes my hands and pins them down above my head, and is now on top of me.

I cry out for him to stop, but he once again ignores it.

He unbuckle his belt and wips me with his belt.

I try to scream for help.

He covers my mouth.

"You look pretty with all these red marks on you," he said kissing my neck again.

As he kisses my neck he goes lower and lower, and now he is in front of my clit.

"P-please don't d-do this t-to me," I said crying.

He chuckled. "I said I would make you mine today," he said as he takes off rest of his clothes.

Without warning he inserted his member inside me.

And he is not gentle, he started hard.

I scream for him to stop, but he didn't stop.

All he does is chuckle and laugh like a maniac.

He goes harder and faster.

And I start to lose my consciousness.

I blacked out once again.


I hope this one was okay. As you probably know, this is my first ff. So I tried my best in this chapter.

I hope you enjoyed. :)