Trial starts

I woke up and looked at the clock that was on the nightstand.

/08:22 am/ it said.

I still have lots of time left.

I took out my phone and texted Lisa.


Me: Good morning bby, want to go out to eat?




When I am done with my routine. I will text you when I am done.




__—— 15 min later ——__

I did my routine and walked down to eat breakfast.

I am alone today since my mom is at work.

I made a smoothie cause why not.

I was done drinking it, and then texted Lisa that I am on my way.

I called a taxi since I don't have a car.

I then came to the cafe we promised to meet at, and sat down on an available seat.

I looked at the clock on my phone.

It says /08:58 am/.

We have 6 hours till the trial begins.

I then heard a door open.

And before I could turn around she gave me a hug like a teddy bear. 🧸

And I of course hugged back.

After some minutes we both sat down and decided what to eat.

A woman came "are you ready to order?" She said with a beautiful smile.

"Yes we are, we both want one hamburger and Pepsi," Lisa said.

"Okay great! Anything else?" She asked.

"No thank you," we said.

"Okay just wait some minutes and we will come with your food," she said and walked off.

As we waited the news came on.

"The police has caught the serial killer, they are holding a trial at 3:00 pm today. That's it for today's news, I am reporter Sunyeong Choi"

The news said.

__—— 20 minutes later ——__

"When is the food coming? I am hungry," Lisa said as she pouted like a baby.

Just then the food came.

"OMG FOOOOOD," Lisa screamed excitedly.

I laughed at how funny she is.

She never change.

She has always been like this.

We then started to eat, and it was soooo goood.

__—— 10 minutes later ——__

We finished our food and I looked at the clock once again.

It says /9:30 am/.

"Not long till the trial starts," I said as I showed her the time.

"I am kind of nervous, what if he attacks me?" She said looking nervous.

"Don't worry, there are cops that will protect you, and you have me too," I said as I comforted her.

"Thank you Kristina," she said as she hugged me.

We then spent our time walking around the city to talk and have fun.

Forgetting all the things that has happened.

I then checked the time and surprised of how fast time flies.

It says /2:36 pm/.

I showed Lisa the time too.

She got the same reaction as me.


We then called a taxi and let it drive us to where the trial is going to be.

We then came there.

I saw Lisa stopped walking so I walked to her and hugged her saying

"It's okay, you can do this."

We then continued to walk.

When we came inside there where lots of people, we sat at a place where it said 'Witnesses'

At the other chairs there sat a prosecutor and an attorney.

Just then the judge came.

"Let's start the trial,"

Donk Donk Donk.