Lisa’s story pt.2

I woke up in a unfamiliar bedroom.

Or it was unfamiliar until my memories from last night came back.

'Why did he do that to me?'

I started to cry.

'I need to escape' I thought to myself.

I was about to walk to open the door, but realized I don't have clothes on.

I walked to the closet to find some clothes.

I opened the closet, and the first thing I did was scream loudly.

A woman came out of it. She was dead. She was soaked with blood, she was naked too.

Is h-he the s-serial k-killer.?

All this time?

I need to escape as soon as possible or I will die too.

The door then opened and I saw him.

"It's my gift for you," he said as he looked at the dead body and smiled.

He then looked at me, his smile even bigger.

I started to shake.

I am scared.

I've dated this monster?

'Please wake up from this nightmare Lisa' I thought to myself.

Even though i know what's happening now is real.

He started to walk towards me.

"You scared of me baby?" He said as he tilted his head.

He walked towards me staring intensely at me.

I back off until I hit the wall.

He tried to kiss me, but I refused.

"You refuse to kiss me? HUH!?" He yelled at me and then slapped me hard in the face.

I fell to the ground.

He took my arm and dragged me to the bed.

I tried to escape from the bed, but he pushes me back down. 

He then opened the drawer and took out chains.

He tied the chains around my arms and fastened them to the end of the bed.

He took of his belt and said "this is what you get for being a bad girl."

He then whipped me with the belt. About 15 to 20 times.

I screamed everytime he hit me.

At the end I had bruises all over my body.

He then took the chains off the bed, but it was still on my arms.

"Follow me," he said as he walked down holding the chains that was around my arms as if I was a dog on a leash.

When we came down we walked to a room that looked like a basement.

He opened the door and my eyes widen.

My best friend Kristina is there.

She had the same expression as me, she wanted to run to me and hug me.

I tried running to hug her, but he dragged me back.

"I knew you kidnapped her!" She screamed at Seongjun.

"Your memories came back?" He said while grinning at her.

He then throws me besides her.

We both hugged each other crying.

"Are you okay?" Kristina asked me crying. 

I looked at my body seeing all the bruises.

She noticed and covered my body with a jacket that she had on.

"How is it to see your friend again?" Seongjun said as he picked up a small knife from a table.

He started walking towards us.

Me and Kristima backed up, but he just smiles like a psychopath.

"Don't come any near us," Kristina said as she tried to protect me with her body.

But he didn't stop walking towards us.

"What do you want from us?!" Kristina yelled at him.

He stopped and gives her his creepy smile.

"I want to have fun," he said as he continued to walk towards us.

He was near enough, so she kicked his d*ck and he dropped the knife and falls down on the floor in pain.

She took the knife that he dropped and tried to unlock the chains that was around our wrists.

And she succeeded.

She took off mine too. She successfully released the chains around my wrists, and we both ran out of the room in a hurry.

"You ain't going anywhere," we heard Seongjun yell as he walks calmly after us.

We ran faster until we saw the door.

We walked towards the door and luckily it was opened.

"You okay?" Kristina asked me as we ran.

"I am okay, and thank you for saving me," I answered crying.


- End of Lisa's flashback -

- Kristina POV -

"And that's how I escaped," she ended her story.

I felt so bad for her. She has gone through a lot.

I am glad I found her that day.

"Now let's hear your story," the attorney said as he pointed at me.

I told him what I've gone through.

"So as you can hear the both have almost gone through the same thing, which means that the defendant probably did the same thing with all the victims before killing them," the attorney said to the judge.

__—— 10 minutes later ——__

The trial was coming to and end, and now it's time to hear what punishment he will get.

"Defendant Son Seongjun, arrested for murder, kidnapping, stalking and rape/sexual assault on 8 highschool girls.

Your punishment is 'death penalty'."


