Does Louis Know?

Niall's pov

Toady is my last day with Stella. I have to go back to record Midnight Memories. The new album. What Stella told me yesterday really made me think did Louis know it happened? I mean he is her best friend. I look through the window, the bright sun beaming at my face. I look beside me and saw Stella, she had been so stressed lately you can tell even when she's asleep. Thankfully today is saturday, we can just hangout in the apartment and have a lazy day. It sounds really fun.

I make us both some bacon and eggs with chocolate milk for breakfast.

"Morning princess!" I say as Stella walks out of her room, rubbing her eyes looking so cute while doing so.

"Morning Ni" she says as she walks towards the counter and sits us to eat with me.

"Do u wanna have a lazy day?"

"Sureeee I've been tired so this will be awesome!"

Stella's pov

Niall and I were watching a few episodes of Friends when one episode ended and Niall turned to me looking dead serious.

"Stell?" He asked


"You remember what you told me the other day?"


"Does Louis know about it?, I mean he is your bestfriend"

"He does, he was with me through it. You two including Jay and my parents know."

"Was the guy arrested?"

"Um yeah, I remember he was"

"Sorry if I made you uncomfortable"

"No, it was ok, you have the right to know"


"Your welcome"

The rest of the day was spent playing FIFA, watching movies and silly nerf wars. It was fun. Just Niall and I, together.