A Ferocious Beast!

As the Beast's image moved through the woods, holding the Quest's paper, looking for the Boar's location, he couldn't do much but wonder about why a high-level Quest was designed specifically to kill only one boar in the middle of the forest. Maybe it ate one of the mayor's truffles or whatever.

The Beast quickly reached the area where the Boar was supposed to be, but he couldn't feel anything that resembled a Boar, the only thing nearby that he could perceive was a...

"Bear!" He said outloud as he peeked through the trees and saw the bear's ass pointing at him, quickly slapping it. It was really big, brown fur, although he felt strange about it... "God... It's not a bear smell, it's a fucking boar!" The Beast screamed as he jumped back, quickly getting into position as he held his axes.

The Boar turned quickly, with an angry expression because of the harassment he just suffered. As big as bear and as ferocious as lion, it was prepared to rip the man in front of him into shreds!

"I understand why you are a high priority target! You are as big as that man I met in Alderaaz!" He exclaimed as he dodged right the attacked and slashed through the Boar's fur and skin with his right-hand axe. The big hound cried outloud as the attack went through him.

"Huh? You are weaker than expected. Well, I guess Copper Level is Copper Level. Or is it Bronze? I don't remember anymore." The Beast talked to himself ss the Boar became angried, dashing into him quicker than before.

The tall man didn't move at all, but instead, waited it to get close to him. Just as he was going to get hit, he threw both his axes in the air and grabbed both of the Boar's tusks, making it stop. He completely overwhelmed the big hound, and, before the Boar could try to escape, both of the man's feet hit his face, making it fly meters away.

The Boar, in even more pain, didn't have any time to react, as the man rushed, getting both of his axes from the middle of the air as the fell right into his hands and threw it at the Boar's skull, killing it. "That was kind of... Unnecessary. But I guess I did it. I think I have to bring ithe carcass with me."

As he reached for the corpse of the boar, a horrid smell rose. Actually, this stinky smell wasn't supposed to be felt by normal humans, but, of course our protagonist isn't a normal human. "Argh! How the hell are you already rot-" As he tried to finish his phrase, he sensed something making the place shake. It was actually pretty far, but a beast like him would quickly notice with his sharp senses. "Oh... So his family is going to seek revenge? That's sweet, I wish I had someone that cared so much about me." The man said as he reached for his axes and stood in his fighting stance.

"What can a horde of boars do against me, right?" He thought to himself as the shaking became more intense, and it quickly could be seen, a boar 3 to 4 times bigger than the last one, it was really big. "Oh... I've never seen one of you guys before." As the boar ignored him, of course, it dashed towards the Beast. "You don't like small talk, then? Rude, but ok."

The man dashed through the air in the direction of its head, hitting it with his own head, but it actually didn't move that much back. "Stranger than expected?-" Before he could talk, one of the boar's tusks hit his body, making him fly to the side as he was falling mid-air.

The boar didn't even tried to recover from the impact and rushed towards them man, trying to smash him, although he wasn't even debilitated by its attack, quickly coming back and dashing in the direction of the boar once more. The boar, actually scared itself thinking he had already own, tried to slow down, but it was already too late, as it felt both of his feet kicking its nose, quickly slashing it.

Tougher than the last Boar, it didn't die, but either made it even more mad. "You really are stronger than the other. Are you, what, his wife? Mother? Friend?! Maybe rival?" The Beast said as he cleaned the axe on his bit of clothing that he wore. "I did you a favor if you were rivals, no need to seek revenge for it."

The big boar dashed once more as it bled through the cuts made by the man in front of him, even angrier and faster than before. The man with the two axes, this time, didn't even leave the ground, he aimed for its legs, dashing through the side, quick enough for the boar not be able to react. With the sudden cuts, the boar fell because it could withstand itself while running.

"You were a bit better than the last guy, but you are no fun to fight against, you are just big." He said as he quickly closed distance with the fallen boar. "I'm not letting you suffer here, don't worry, it's going to be quick. The town will have a feast with your meat, it's just survival." The man said as he walked in the direction of its head.

The boar, pretending to be dead, moved his head once he got close enough, piercing through the man's shoulder. Of course, as big as his tusk was, it would be able to kill a human. "I wasn't expecting you to try this, you really got me there." He calmly said as he pulled the tusk out, covered in blood. "It could've killed someone else, you should be more careful with that thing."

The boar felt scared, it, of course, couldn't understand the human language, but it could see, a beast strong enough to be pierced by a tusk that big and remove it like it was nothing. One of the axes cut through the boar's neck, quickly ending its life. "God, now I have two carcasses to move."

The wound quickly started to regenerate itself, without any scars, in a matter of some seconds, it was as good as new. It didn't even bother him, which was probably the reason why he didn't even tried to dodge. The man grabbed both the carcasses by one of their tusks and made his way back into the city to deliver the job.


"No, no, you don't understand! I need someone to act as a damage dealer, I'm a tank, and I only have a healer, there must be at least one person looking for a group!" A tall man, with a sledgehammer being held over his shoulder, discussed with the attendant in the Adventurer's den. "Sir, damage dealers are one of the most searched roles for groups, everyone looking for it has already been picked." The woman explained.

"No way! That wall was always filled with pe-" As the tank tried to talk his way into getting a damage dealer for his party, the Beast entered through the door of the building, with his dead boars being pulled by one hand each.

All eyes got into him, as he released the corpses. "Can I sell these somewhere? I don't really have use for them." he said as he looked at the woman behind the counter. The man that wielded the sledgehammer, that also turned his eyes to the man, quickly looked at the attendant. "Can I have him?"