Bad Day At Black Rock

The Impala is traveling along a quiet, dark road Sarah was quiet in the back seat because Sam and Dean are arguing and Dean says "Because Demon, that's why. I mean the second you find out this Ruby chick is a Demon you go for the holy water! You don't chat!" Sam says " No one was chatting, Dean." Dean asks "Oh yeah? Then why didn't you send her ass back to Hell?" Sam says "Because - Because she said she might be able to help us out!" Dean asks "How?" Sam pauses and Dean says "No really, Sam, how? How could she possibly help us?" Sam says "She told me she could help you, OK? Help you out of the crossroads deal." He looks at Sam incredulously and asks "What is wrong with you, huh? She's lying, you gotta know that, don't you? She knows what your weakness is – it's me. pauses "What else did she say?" Sam goes silent and Dean says "Dude." Sam says "Nothing pauses "Nothing, OK?! Look I'm not an idiot Dean, I'm not talking about trusting her, I'm talking about using her. I mean we're at war, right? And we don't know jack about the enemy; we don't know where they are, we don't know what they're doing I mean, hell, we don't know what they want and now this Ruby girl knows more than we will ever find out on our own now yes, it's a risk, I know that, but we need to take it." Dean asks "You're okay right, I mean you're feeling okay?" Sam says "Yes I'm fine, Why are you always asking me that?" A phone starts ringing, Sam sighs and reaches for his own and says "It's not mine." Sarah says "Not mine either." Dean checks his and says "Nope pauses " Check the glove compartment, it's Dad's." Sam asks "Dad's?" Dean says "Yes, I keep it charged up in case any of his old contacts call." Sam opens the glove compartment, finds John's and answers it and Sam says "Hello? Yes... this is Edgar Casey... No! No, no, no, don't – don't call the police, I'll handle this myself, Thanks You know, can you just uh, can you just lock it back up for me? Great. Uhm, I- I uh, I don't have my - my book in front of me, gestures to Dean for a pen "do you- do you have the address so I can... Sure, OK. Go ahead. Right, thanks a lot." Sam ends the call and says "Dad ever tell you he kept a container at a storage place?" Dean asks "What?" Sam says "Outside of Buffalo?" Dean says "No way." Sam says "Yeah and someone just broke into it."

On the highway exit Kubrick's RV and Creedy's Pickup, Inside the RV Kubrick and Creedy are cleaning and checking weapons inside the RV and Creedy says "So you got no hard evidence on this Winchester guy. You're just working off Gordon's instincts?" Kubrick asks "You ever hunt with Gordon?" Creedy says "No. I heard he's good." Kubrick says "Good, laughs "He's the best, saved my ass more times than I can count. So if he says Sam Winchester's dangerous, I believe him." Creedy says "He's gonna be covering his tracks. Won't be easy to find." Kubrick says "Last I got puts him in Nebraska three weeks back." Creedy says "Not exactly a fresh lead." Kubrick says "He ain't invisible, Creedy some Hunter out there knows something So we start calling out contacts all we need is one break." Kubrick gets up from the table and looks over at Creedy , who has taken some kind of plastic 3D Jesus out of an overhead cupboard and is fiddling with it. There's a black velvet Jesus, in a frame, hanging opposite and Kubrick says " Don't play with my Jesus."

In Storage facility elevator Dean says "Man...." Sam says "What?" Dean says "Just Dad you know him and his secrets spend all this time with the guy and it's like we barely even know the man." Sam says " Well, we're about to learn something." Sam, Sarah and Dean exit the elevator and find the storage container Dean unlocks the padlock and opens the sliding door, all three of them ready with flashlights at the ready. On the dusty floor of the container is a symbol drawn in red, along with several bloody footprints. Once inside the container Sarah says "No demons allowed." Dean says "Blood, Check this out." Dean holds up a tripwire which is attached to a shotgun hidden in a large animal skull, Sam says "Whoever broke in here got tagged." Dean says "Dear old Dad I got two sets of boot treads here, looks like it was a two-man job and our friend with the buckshot in him looks like he kept walking." Sam asks "So what's the deal? Dad would do work here or something?" Dean says "Living the high life, as usual." Sarah, Sam and Dean venture further inside, Dean aims his flashlight on the skull and shakes his head, laughing, Sam looks over a desk while Dean picks up a trophy from a shelf, scraping the dust off and he reading "1995" Sam says " No way! That's my Division Championship soccer trophy. I can't believe he kept this." Dean says "Yeah... It was probably about the closest you ever came to being a boy." Dean wanders over to another find. "Oh, wow! It's my first sawed-off and I made it myself, Sixth grade." Dean laughs and pumps the shotgun.

Dean says " Holy crap Look at this, he had land mines... Which they didn't take. Or the guns. I guess they knew what they were after, huh?" Sarah spots boxes inscribed with symbols on a far shelf and says "Hey Dean,Sam check this out see these symbols? That's binding magic, These are curse boxes." Dean says "Curse boxes? Th – they're supposed to keep the evil mojo in, right, kinda like the Pandora deal?" Sam says "Yeah. Yeah, they're built to contain the power of the cursed object." Dean says "Well Dad's journal did mention a whole bunch of stuff, you know? Dangerous hexed items, fetishes ... He never did say where they ended up." Sam says "Yeah. Well this must be his toxic waste dump Sam notices a rectangular shape in the dust and runs his finger along the dust. "One box is missing... Great." Dean says "Well maybe they didn't open it."

Inside Wayne and Grossman's apartment, Grossman says " Come on man, let's open it." Wayne yelling " Shut up about the damn box!" Inside the apartment of petty thieves Wayne and Grossman, Wayne is sitting on the couch, his left shoulder bleeding from a gunshot wound. The missing curse box is on a coffee table and he says " Do you see what's happening here? I am literally! bleeding! to death! " Grossman says " Uh, I'm gonna open it." Wayne says "Grossman!" Grossman says " Look what if this is really worth something? What, we should just hand it over to her? Hey, we took all the risk. Hell, Wayne. You got shot. And all for a lousy few hundred bucks. Now we could make more, selling whatever it is ourselves." Grossman breaks open the lock on the box with a knife and lifts the lid, Wayne gets up from the couch to see what's inside and Grossman says "Huh?" Wayne says " Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me?!" Wayne picks up the object in the box and says " It's a rabbit's foot- It's a rabbit's foot, Grossman! I'm gonna die for a damn rabbit's foot." Wayne and Grossman are interrupted by banging on the front door and Wayne says "Oh great, now what?" Wayne slams the rabbit's foot down on the table while Grossman answers the door and he says "Oh, hey Foster." Foster says " Hey, listen guys, not to be a drag or nothing but it's six o'clock in the morning!"Grossman says "Right." Foster says "Can't you keep it down?!" Grossman says "No we... Just got a situation here is all, sorry." Foster to Wayne says "What the hell happened to you?" Foster walks over to Wayne before turning back to Grossman, Foster says "Hey Grossman? Under my sink there's a medical kit. And get some water boiling."Grossman says "Ok." Grossman eaves and Foster checks Wayne's wound, he says " I used to be an Army Medic you know, in 'Nam? So I guess this is your lucky day." laughs.

Outside a apartment block Sarah, Sam and Dean pull up in the alley beside the apartment block, next to another car Dean leans out and checks the car's plates." Dean reads "Connecticut, Last three digits 880." Sam says " Yep, that's it." Dean clucks "Should've blacked out their plates before they parked in front of the security camera..." Inside Wayne and Grossman's apartment, they are are playing Poker Wayne says "Four Kings." Grossman groans " Unbelievable." Wayne says " You see that?" Laughs, Grossman says "Yeah, yeah, yeah." Wayne says "Deal 'em up again." Sarah, Sam and Dean break into the apartment, armed, and sneak inside, Wayne says "Royal Flush Grossman, that's the second Royal Flush in eight hands." Grossman says "Yeah, this is a lot of fun." Wayne says " I can't lose. I mean really, I - I can't lose!" Wayne grabs the rabbit's foot and he says " Maybe this thing really works? You know what I'm saying? Ah – I tell you something there's no way in Hell we are handing it over to that stuck-up bitch now, not after all we've been through. Uh uh. Let's go, huh? Let's get out of here, let's go have some fun." Sarah, Sam and Dean burst into the room, guns drawn and Dean says "FREEZE, FREEZE! NOBODY MOVE!" Sarah says "Don't move!" Dean shouts "DON'T MOVE!" Wayne asks "STOP!" Dean says "All right, give us the box. And please tell me that you didn't–" Sam says "Oh they did." Dean says "You opened it?!" Dean shoves Wayne against the wall and Wayne asks "Are you three cops?" Dean says "Huh." Wayne asks again "ARE YOU THREE COPS?!" Sarah asks "What was in the box?" Wayne glances over at the coffee table where the rabbit's foot sits, Sarah follows his gaze and says " Oh, was that is, huh? It was wasn't it? What is that thing?" Wayne uses Dean's distraction to knock the gun from Dean's It falls to the floor, causing it to fire. The bullet ricochets off a radiator and hits Sam's gun, causing him to drop it and the same bullet then ricochets again and breaks a lamp, Sam and Grossman both go for Sam's gun and Grossman pushes Sam into Dean and Sarah and they both fall back on the coffee table, launching the rabbit's foot into the air. Sam looks at the both of them and says "Sorry."

Grossman throws himself at Sam, sending them both to the floor, and then starts punching Sam in the face. Wayne goes for Dean's gun. As he picks it up and aims for Sam, he hits Dean luckily sarah stayed out of harm's way, who has just gotten up, square under the chin, knocking him down again,Grossman is now trying to strangle Sam. Sam desperately tries to reach for the rabbit's foot, which is almost out of reach Sam just manages to grab it, then knocks Grossman's hands away from his throat and kicks him back into a corner and Sam gets up and says "Sarah! Dean! I got it!" Wayne moves forward and cocks Dean's gun in Sam's face and Wayne says "No you don't." Grossman gets his hands on Sam's gun while Wayne pulls the trigger on Sam and the guns jams, Wayne panics and tries to clear the chamber, while Dean gets up and tries to stop him Wayne is surprised and stumbles back, tripping over a rug and falling back over the couch. Sam, Sarah and Dean look at each other, confused Grossman gets up and tries to point the gun at Sam and Dean says "Sam!" As Grossman moves, the books on the bookshelves behind him suddenly fall off and onto his head, knocking him out cold Sam's gun flies out of his hand and Sam catches it. Dean and Sarah looks astounded and says "That was a lucky break! pauses "Is that a rabbit's foot?!" Sam holds it up and says " I think it is." Dean and Sarah says "Huh."

At Biggerson's restaurant parking lot day time Dean walks over to the Impala with a paper bag in his hands, He gets in, Sarah and Sam are inside Dean takes something out of the bag and he says " I'm not finding anything on it in Dad's journal." Dean holds up several scratch cards in front of Sam and Sarah, Sam says "Dean,come on." Dean says "What?! Hey, that was my gun he was aiming at your head, and my gun don't jam. So that was a lucky break. Not to mention them taking themselves out, also a lucky break. Here, scratch one. C'mon Sam, scratch and win!" Dean hands over a coin and a card, Sam scratches it and Dean says " Dean, it's gotta be cursed somehow otherwise Dad wouldn't have locked it up." Sam gives Dean back the ticket and Dean says "$1200... You just won $1200! Laughs and hollers "I don't know, man, it doesn't seem that cursed to me!" Dean hands Sam another card expectantly, At the Wayne and Grossman's apartment Wayne and Grossman are still laid out on the floor, Wayne comes to and gets up, groaning and says "Grossman. Grossman, get up." Wayne kicks an empty beer bottle and it rolls into the kitchen and Wayne says " Hey, Grossman, get up. Hey!" Wayne nudges Grossman with his foot and walks into the kitchen, Grossman is unresponsive. Wayne steps over the beer bottle and heads to the sink, removing two plates, a colander and a large BBQ carving fork and placing them in the drainer. Wayne turns on the tap and splashes water on his face and dries off with a dish cloth and he says "Hey, Grossman. Grossman!" Wayne goes to walk back out of the kitchen, his foot catching on the beer bottle in the middle of the floor and he trips and falls backwards, landing on the fork he placed in the drainer. Grossman comes to, gets up and hears choking. Grossman walks into the kitchen and sees Wayne impaled on the fork, running from the back of his neck out through his mouth. He's gurgling and, presumably, dying, Grossman screams.

Dean lays out 6 scratch cards on the hood of the Impala, calculating their winnings and Laughs says "Oh, man!" Sarah is standing right beside him and Sam is on the phone with Bobby says "You touched it? Damn it, Sam!" Sam says "Well Dad never told us about this thing. I mean you knew about his storage place at Black Rock?" Back at Bobby's house, He says "His lockup? Yeah, I knew. Hell I built those curse boxes for him." Back in the parking lot of the restaurant parking lot Bobby says " Listen, you have got a serious problem." Sam notices something shining under a newspaper on the ground, It's a gold watch and Bobby says " That rabbit's foot ain't no dime store notion." Sam picks up the watch, turns and shows it to Dean and Sarah, Dean mouths "awesome!" Bobby says " It's real Hoodoo, Old World stuff,Made by a Baton Rouge conjure woman about a hundred years ago." Sam says "It's a hell of a luck charm." Bobby says "It's not a luck charm, it's a curse! She made it to kill people, Sam! But, you lose it, that luck turns. It turns so bad that you're dead inside a week." Sam says "Well, so I won't lose it, Bobby." Bobby says "EVERYBODY LOSES IT!" Sam says "Well, then, how do we break the curse?" Bobby sighs and says "I don't know if you can." Sam places the rabbit's foot in his jacket pocket and Bobby says " Lemme look through my library and make some calls, Just sit tight." Bobby ends the call and appears to be working on the colt.

Inside the restaurant Sarah, Dean and Sam enters and Sarah says "Don't worry, Bobby'll find a way to break it, Until then I say we hit Vegas, pull a little Rain Man and you can be Rain Man." Sam says "Look, we just lay low until Bobby calls back, OK? To the Restaurant owner " Hi, uh, table for three please." Restaurant owner says "CONGRATULATIONS!" An alarm goes off and Dean says "It's exciting, I know." Restaurant owner says "You are the one millionth guest of the Biggerson's Restaurant family!" Staff start singing and taking photographs, Balloons and streamers fall from the ceiling Sam looks embarrassed while Dean and Sarah looks ecstatic. In Kubrick's RV and Creedy's pickup, Kubrick says "Right, you hear anything, give me a call." Inside Kubrick's RV and says "Well that clears my book, the word's out and Now we wait." Creedy says "Now we eat." Kubrick says "Good idea. What do you like? I got canned everything." Greedy says "No, no, man, not eating in the RV. Look, I know a good place Wide menu, good service, homey atmosphere. Garlic knots! The menu's on their website." Kubrick doesn't look convinced.

In Biggerson's restaurant Sam is on his laptop, Sarah and Dean are both eating a bowl of ice cream and Sam says " Bobby's right This lore goes way back pure Hoodoo, You can't just cut one off any rabbit. Has to be in a cemetery, under a full moon, on a Friday the thirteenth." Sarah says "I think from now on, we only go to places with Biggerson's." Dean is struck with brain freeze from the ice cream Sarah and Sam laughs as a waitress, approaches their table with more coffee and asks Sam "Can I freshen you up?" Sam says " Yeah, yeah sure Thanks." The Waitress pours Sam more coffee but, smiling at him, spills some and the waitress says "Oh!" Sam says "Oh! Oh I uh-" Waitress says "Let me mop up here." Sam says "No, no don't worry it's okay, It's okay- I got it, uh..." Waitress says " It's no trouble, really." Sam says "Ok." Waitress says "Sorry about that." Sam says "It's all right." The Waitress appears to be flirting with Sam, Sam gives Sarah and Dean a look, The Waitress finishes cleaning up and walks away, looking over her shoulder as she goes and smiles. Sam and Dean both lean in and watch her retreating." Sarah rolls her eyes at them and Dean says "Dude, If you were ever gonna get lucky..." Sam smirking says "Shut up." Sam goes to pick up his coffee, knocks the cup over and manages to spill it all over the table and himself and Sam jumps out of his seat, Sam says "Oh! Oh Geez, uh..." Sam turns and a waiter with a full tray crashes straight into him, sending things flying and causing a scene both Sarah and Dean looks shocked, Sam says to the waiter "Sorry."Sam turns back to Sarah and Dean and says "How was that good?" Sam searches his jacket pocket and comes up empty, The rabbit's foot is gone and Dean says "Son of a Bitch." Outside the restaurant the waitress who was flirting with Sam,is sauntering out in slow motion. She looks at the rabbit's foot in satisfaction, then pulls off her short black bob wig and tosses it in a dumpster, smiling, and letting her long brown hair flow out.

Dean, Sam and Sarah rush out of the restaurant, Dean says "Come on." Sam falls flat on his face and both Sarah and Dean slows down and turns around and says "Wow! You suck!" Dean and Sarah reaches down and picks Sam up off the ground, Sam says "Ow..." Dean asks "So what, now your luck turns bad?" Sam's jeans are torn at both knees, which are bloody and raw and Sam says "I guess." Sarah asks " I wonder how bad?" Inside Kubrick's RV, Creedy passes his laptop to Kubrick who looks over the screen and he says "Looks good, I like that when they drop the whole onion in the fryer." Creedy takes the laptop back and says " Nearest location..." Creedy searches and then pauses, looking surprised. He passes the laptop back to Kubrick and asks " You seeing that?!" On the screen is a photograph of Sam, Sarah and Dean from their winning visit to the local Biggerson's, Kubrick grins and says "Yes I am." Kubrick looks up to the sky as though he's been given a sign, In Wayne and Grossman's apartment nighttime Grossman is holding a photograph of himself and Wayne and Grossman holds up a bottle of Tequila and sadly toasts the memory of Wayne and says "Adios, compadre."

Grossman pours a lug of Tequila on the floor, then takes a large swig The door to the apartment opens and Dean, Sam and Sarah walk in. Sam hangs about and Grossman asks "Oh, man. What do you want?" Dean says "Heard about your friend, That's bad luck." Grossman says "Piss off." Sarah says "We know someone hired you to steal the rabbit's foot, A woman." Grossman asks "Oh yeah? How do you know that?" Dean says " Because she just stole it back from us." Grossman laughs and Sam says "Listen man, this is seri-" Sam steps forward and trips on a wire on the floor mid-sentence, pulling a CD player off a shelf and sending it and Sam takes out a lamp as he goes. Dean and Sarah just rolls their eyes and doesn't look." Sarah calmly asks Sam " Sam, you OK?" Sam says from the floor behind the couch "Yeah, I'm good!" Sam pulls himself up and Grossman smirks Dean to Grossman says " I want you to tell us her name." Grossman says "Screw you." Sarah says "It wasn't a freak accident that killed your partner." Grossman asks "What?" Dean says "It was the rabbit's foot." Grossman scoffs incredulously and says " You're crazy, man." Dean says " You know I'm not you saw what happened, what it did. All the flukes, all the luck when you lose the foot that luck goes sour that's killed your friend and my brother here is next and who knows how many more innocent people after that. Now if you don't help us stop this thing, that puts those deaths on your head." Grossman looks worried and Dean says "Now I can read people ... and I get it you're a thief, and a scumbag, that's fine. But you're not a killer are you?" Grossman whispers "No."

Kubrick is leaning against his RV, which is festooned with bumper stickers: "HOW WOULD JESUS DRIVE?" "DON'T MAKE ME COME DOWN THERE. —GOD" and "Bethlehem or Bust". Creedy approaches from the restaurant and says "No one saw which way they went and, their meal was free so there's no credit card trail." Kubrick says " Don't worry, we'll find 'em." Creedy asks "What makes you so sure?" Kubrick says "'Cause there's a higher power at work here, I know it now." At the apartment block building, Sam, Sarah and Dean exit the apartment block, Dean's phone ringing As Dean answers, , he steps over a large wad of pink bubblegum on the ground and so does Sarah, Dean says "Hello?" Sam follows and there is a squishing sound, He gets a deeply frustrated look on his face as he lifts his shoe off of the bubblegum. Bobby says " Dean, great news. Wasn't easy but I found a heavyweight cleansing ritual that should do the trick." Dean says " Bobby, that's uh, great, 'cept Sam, uh..." Dean and Sarah looks over at Sam and grimaces when Sam lifts his shoe. Dean says " .. .Sam lost the foot." Bobby says "He WHAT?" Dean says "Bobby, Bobby, listen this chick stole it from him. I'm serious and In her mid 20's, and she was sharp you know, good enough at the con to play us." Sam is trying to scrape the bubblegum off his shoe using a broken storm drain grating and says "And she only gave the guy she hired a name, probably an alias or something." To Sarah "Uh, Luigi or something?" Sam is scraping his shoe off and Sarah says "Lugosi." Dean says "Lugosi." Bobby says "Lugosi? Lugos - Aw crap, it's probably Bela." Sam moves his foot too hard, dislodging his shoe. It drops into the drain with a splash and he tries to retrieve it and Dean says " Bela Lugosi? That's cute." Bobby says "Bela Talbot's her real name."

Bobby says "Crossed paths with her once or twice." Dean says "Well she knew about the rabbit's foot. Is she a Hunter?" Bobby says " Pretty friggin' far from a Hunter, but she knows her way around the territory and She's been out of the country, Last I heard she was in the Middle East someplace." Dean says "Ah, I guess she's back." Bobby says "Which means seriously bad luck for you." Dean says "Great." Bobby says "But, if it is Bela..., At least I might know some folks who know where to find her." Dean says " Thanks, Bobby. Again." Bobby says " Just ... look out for your brother and Sarah looks out for him as well, ya idjit." Bobby hangs up Dean and Sarah looks back at Sam, Sam looks thoroughly dejected and Dean asks "What?" Sam plaintively " I lost my shoe." Dean and Sarah looks down at Sam's sock-clad foot and sighs, annoyed they both rolls their eyes Sam hangs his head.

In the motel parking lot nighttime, The Impala pulls into the lot and stops just inside the entrance Dean is on the phone to Bobby and says " All right, Bobby, thanks. Hey, we owe ya. Another one." Dean looks to Sam and says "All right, Bobby's got it on pretty good authority that this Bela chick ... lives in Queens. So it'll take me about two hours to get there." Sam asks "You, my brother, are staying here 'cause I don't want your bad luck getting us killed." Sarah says "I'll stay here to keep him company." Dean drives the Impala into the main lot, passing Kubrick's RV on the way, Dean unlocks the door and leads Sam inside and Sarah follows, turning the light on and Sam says "What am I even supposed to do, Dean?" Dean says "Nothing! Nothing, come here I don't want you doing anything. I want you to sit right here Dean pulls a chair into the middle of the room and don't move, OK? Don't turn on the light, don't turn off the light. Don't even scratch your nose." Sarah sits down on the bed next to Sam, Sam sits in the chair, Sarah gives Dean a kiss and he kisses back and they both watch him leave, Sam wrinkles his nose a few times before risking a scratch.

In Bela's apartment early morning, Bela's on the phone and she walks down stairs and into the kitchen she talks with an affected British accent and she says "Because you shook on one point five, Well maybe I should just take it somewhere else?" She pets a Seal Point Siamese cat that is sitting on the counter, "Don't threaten me, Luke. Despite your reputation you don't scare me." pause, security monitors register Dean approaching, but she's not watching. "Well I'm glad you see it that way. I'll see you at the airstrip in an hour." She ends the call, picks up the rabbit's foot with kitchen tongs and the Siamese cat hisses she pauses in front of the security monitors as Dean moves off-screen; when she glances at the monitors, he's no longer on screen Bela puts the rabbit's foot down, opens the wine cooler and extracts a gun from it before moving through the living room toward the front door. The door is ajar as she approaches, she notices a beeping noise. The alarm system panel is flashing ERROR, A bright yellow Post-It stuck to the panel reads TURN AROUND and Dean appears behind Bela, his gun drawn. Bela turns and draws her gun and Dean says "You left without your tip." Bela smirks, Dean raises his eyebrows.

Sarah has gone for a bath, Sam rocks back and forth on the chair, bored stiff. Suddenly, the AC unit in the wall in front of Sam starts making a clunking, grinding sound, Smoke starts to pour out and Sam Despairingly says "Oh come on, I- I didn't- I wasn't..." sighs, Sam gets up and cautiously approaches the unit, The unit catches on fire. Sam grabs the comforter off one of the beds and attempts to put out the fire with it when Sam thinks he's got it, he gets up, only to find his jacket sleeve is now on fire. Sam panics and uses the curtain to put it out. The curtain rips and falls away, revealing Kubrick and Creedy staring in through the window. Sam falls back, knocking himself out on the floor kubrick smiles and looks to the sky in thanks.

Dean and Bela are engaged in a stand-off and Dean says "You're gonna give it back." Bela laughs and says "Sweetie. No I'm not." Dean says " Yeah, we'll see. Bela, right?" Bela says "That's right. Dean." Dean says "You know the thing's cursed, don't you?" Bela says " You'd be surprised what some people would pay for something like that." Dean says "Really?" Bela says "There's a lucrative market out there, a lot of money to be made. laughs "You Hunters with all those amulets and talismans you use to stop those big bad monsters. Any one of them could put your children's children through college." Dean asks "So you know the truth, about what's really going on out there, and this is what you decide to do with it? You become a thief?" Bela says "I procure unique items for a select clientele." Dean says "Yeah. A thief." Bela says " No, a great thief."

In the motel room Sarah had unfortunately got tied up luckily she was fully dressed, she's already restrained with duct tape and Creedy is restraining Sam to a chair with Duct Tape, Sam comes to and Creedy says "Oh, he's awake!" Kubrick says "Back with us, eh?" Creedy says "We didn't even have to touch you. You just went all spastic, and knocked yourself out? It was like watching Jerry Lewis try to stack chairs!" Sarah asks " Who are you, What do you wa-" Kubrick naps his fingers in Sarah's face which confuses both of them and he looks at Sam and says "I used to think your friend Gordon sent me." Sam says "Gordon? Oh come on!" Kubrick says "Yeah, because he asked me to track you down, and put a bullet in your brain." Sam says "Great, That sounds like him." Kubrick says "But, as it turns out ... I'm on a mission from God." Kubrick strikes Sam across the face. In Bela's apartment day, Dean says "Look Bela, my brother, he ... touched the foot and when you took it from him, his luck went from-" Bela says " I know how it works." Dean says "So then you know he's gonna die unless we can destroy it." Bela Insincere says "Oh... You can have the foot." Dean looks surprised and bela says "For one point five million." Dean says "Nice Yeah, I'll just call my banker. How'd you even find the damn thing? Stuck in the back of some storage place, middle of nowhere." Bela looks over her shoulder, Dean follows her gaze to a Ouija Board and planchette on the mantle and she says "I just asked a few of the ghosts of the people that it killed. They were very attuned into its location." Dean says "So you're only out for yourself, huh? It's all about number one?" Bela says "Being a Hunter is so much more noble? A bunch of obsessed, revenge-driven sociopaths trying to save a world that can't be saved?" Dean says " Well, aren't you a glass half-full?" Bela says "We're all going to Hell, Dean. Might as well enjoy the ride." Dean says " I actually agree with you there. Anyhoo, this has been charming but uh, look at the time. Oh and ... this?" Dean reveals the rabbit's foot in his hand, Bela looks pissed. Dean says "Looks like you're not the only one with sticky fingers, If it's any consolation I think you're a truly awful person." Bela fires at Dean and misses completely, She fires again, the bullet ricocheting around breaking several objects and hitting the Ouija Board. Dean chuckles and holds out the rabbit's foot to taunt Bela and makes a run for the door. Bela fires again at Dean's retreating form, the bullet again ricocheting around and destroying more objects. The Siamese cat runs off and Bela ducks and Dean escapes and he says "See ya." Bela sighs.

Creedy throws a glass of water in Sam's face, he's cheek is bruised and his nose is bloody Sam shakes the water off while Kubrick watches, sitting on one of the motel beds and he sighs and Kubrick says "You were a part of that demon plan to open the gate weren't you?" Sam says " We did everything we could to stop it." Kubrick says "Lie lie lie! You two were in on it, You know what their next move is too, don't you?" Sam says "No,we don't , okay? You're wrong about all of this."Kubrick says "Where are they gonna hit us next?" Sam and Sarah both stay silent Kubrick strikes Sam across the face again and Sam exhales and Kubrick asks "WHERE?! Gordon told me about you, Sam. About your powers. You're some kinda weirdo psychic freak?" Sam says "No, not any more. I – no powers, no visions, nothing, it just—" Kubrick says "LIAR!" He punches Sam in the face again, Kubrick says " Now no more lies, There's an army of demons out there pushing at a world already on the brink. We're on deck for the endgame here, right? So maybe, just maybe you can understand pause, draws his gun "why we can't take chances." Kubrick draws his gun and points it at Sarah and says "Whoa, okay, okay, no, do— hold on a minute! —" Creedy tries to intervene " Hey, Kubrick just—" Kubrick says " No, you saw what happened, Creedy. Ask yourself, why are we here? Because you saw a picture on the web? Because we chose this motel instead of another? Luck like that doesn't just happen" Sam says "Look, I can explain all of that if-" Kubrick says "Shut up!" He points to Sam without turning around, Sam lets out a long-suffering sigh "It's God, Creedy. He led us here for one reason. To do His work. This ... is destiny." Dean says "Whoa...."

Kubrick aims the gun point blank at Sam's forehead, Sam squeezes his eyes shut. The sound of another gun being cocked is heard in the room and Dean says " Nope, No destiny Just a rabbit's foot." Kubrick Put the gun down, son, or you're gonna be scraping brain off the wall, Dean says " Oh, this thing?" Kubrick says "Yeah, that thing." Dean says " Okay But you see, there's something about me that you don't know." Dean puts his gun down, looking smug, and picks up a pen sitting next to it and Kubrick says "Yeah? What would that be?" Dean says "It's my lucky day." Dean tosses the pen toward Kubrick, It lodges itself in the barrel of Kubrick's gun Sam and Sarah looks impressed. Dean laughs and says " Oh my God, did you see that shot!?" Creedy lunges at Dean and aims a punch Dean easily side-steps and Creedy runs straight into the wall, falling backwards and hitting the floor. Kubrick stares at the pen in the barrel for a few moments before trying to dislodge it. Dean says "I'm amazing." Dean up the TV remote from the table and throws it hard at Kubrick, who is just about to aim for Dean It hits Kubrick right between the eyes, knocking him out cold and he drops like a stone. Dean says "I'm Batman." Sam Sarcastic says " Yeah. You're Batman."

At the cemetery Sam is crouching , and sprinkles something onto the embers of a small fire Dean and Sarah is checking over more scratch cards and Sam says " All right. Bone ash, cayenne pepper, that should do it." Dean says " One second..." Sam says "Sarah, Dean , you—" Dean says "Hey, back off, Jinx. I'm bringing home the bacon." Sam sighs, Dean smirks and Sarah stashes the cards in her jacket, which she's wearing as she's feeling cold, Dean says "All right, say goodbye "wascawy wabbit"." The sound of gun is heard cocking, Dean turns around and Bela says " I think you'll find that belongs to me Or, you know, whatever. pause " Put the foot down, honey." Dean says "No, You're not going to shoot anybody. See I happen to be able to read people Ok you're a thief, fine, but you're not—" Bela ignores Dean, aims at Sam and fires, Sam goes down, groaning and Sarah goes over to him to check, Dean says " Son of a—" Bela says "Back off, tiger, Back off You make one more move and I'll pull the trigger." Sam gets up, clutching his shoulder and Sarah stands beside him and Bela says "You've got the luck, Dean You, I can't hit but your girlfriend and your brother them i can't miss." Dean says " What the hell is wrong with you?! You don't just go around shooting people like that!" Bela says "Relax It's a shoulder hit, I can aim besides, who here hasn't shot a few people? Put the rabbit's foot on the ground now." Dean says "All right! All right, Take it easy." Dean goes to drop the rabbit's foot, but instead throws it at Bela and says "Think fast." Bela catches the foot and curses, Dean smiles in satisfaction and Bela says "Damn." Dean says " Now, what do you say we destroy that ugly-ass piece of dead thing?" Bela sighs in annoyance.

Bela drops the rabbit's foot in the embers and she says "Thanks very much I'm out one and a half million, and on the bad side of a very powerful, fairly psychotic buyer." Dean says "Wow, I really don't feel bad about that. Sam, Sarah?" Sam says "Nope." Sarah says "Not even a little." Bela says "Hmm, Maybe next time I'll hang you out to dry." Dean says " Oh don't go away angry, just go away." Bela says "Have a nice night, boys and girl." Bela walks away, The rabbit's foot burns in the fire." Sarah asks " You good?" Sam says "I'll live." Dean says "I guess we're back to normal now, huh? No good luck, no bad luck. Oh! I forgot we're up $46000. I almost forgot about the ... scratch tickets." Dean searches his jacket and comes up empty, Bela's car roars in the distance. Sam, Sarah and Dean look at each other, then watch her drive away and she smirks but then what she doesn't realise is that she's only got the tickets that are worth $10 to $50 sarah had the better tickets with her and she says to the both of them "Yeah, i've got the tickets i put them in my jacket just in case." Both Sam and Dean was impressed and they had a group hug carefully due to the injury of Sam's shoulders."

In Prison Kubrick is talking to Gordon, Kubrick's nose is taped up and he says "You were right about everything, Sam Winchester is more than a monster. He's the adversary." Gordon asks "And what was it that convinced you?" Kubrick says "God led me to him, and His will is clear." Gordon says "Okaaaaay... That's great. Glad to have you on board, But, uh, first things first, We gotta get me the hell out of here. 'Cause like I told you before, Sam Winchester must die." Gordon hangs up the two-way phone.