Dream a Little Dream of Me

In a bar Sam is sitting on his own and he appears to be a bit drunk Sarah and Dean enter the bar and when they both see Sam they walk over, brows furrowed and Sarah says "There you are, What are you doing?" Sam turns to them and shrugs "Having a drink." Dean says "It's two in the afternoon. You're drinking whiskey?" Sarah says "No, you don't." Sam asks "What's the big deal? I do what dean use to do before he got with you Sarah, hit on chicks all the time. Why can't I?" Dean looks around and says "It's kind of slim pickings around here." He turns back to Sam, "What's going on with you?" Sam shakes his head, and doesn't say anything for a few moments and he looks completely lost and says "I tried, Dean." Dean and Sarah both look confused and Dean asks "To do what?" Sam says "To save you." Dean and Sarah looks like, all right this is going to take a while, and pulls up stools to sit down next to Sam and to the bartender Dean says "Can I get a whiskey? Double, neat." Sam says "I'm serious, Dean." Dean says "No, you're drunk." Sam says "I mean, where you're going... what you're gonna become. He looks close to tears, scoffs shakes his head "I can't stop it, I'm starting to think maybe even Ruby can't stop it. But really, the thing is, no one can save you." Dean says "What I've been telling you." Sam says "No, that's not what I mean, I mean no one can save you, because you don't wanna be saved. pause I mean, how can you care so little about yourself?"

Dean takes in all this, and scoffs, and smiles a little Sarah is quiet letting Sam and Dean talk to each other, Sam asks Dean "What's wrong with you?" Dean looks over to meet Sam's eyes s, but before they get a chance to say anything else, Dean's cellphone rings and he answers and says "Hello?" (...) "Yes, this is Mr. Snyderson. (...) He looks surprised "What?" he looks over at Sam and Sarah and asks "Where?" In a hospital bed Bobby is lying in a bed and Sarah, Dean and Sam standing next to his bed and Sam asks "So, what's the diagnosis?" Doctor says "We've texted everything we can think to test he seems perfectly healthy." Dean says "Except that he's comatose." Doctor asks "Mr. Snyderson, you're his emergency contact. Anything we should know? Any illnesses?" Dean says "No, he-he never gets sick. I mean, he doesn't even catch cold." Sarah asks "Doctor, is there anything you can do?" Doctor says "Look, I'm sorry, but we don't know what's causing it... so we don't know how to treat it. He just... went to sleep, and didn't wake up." Dean, Sarah and Sam share a look and then they look over at Bobby.

In the motel room, Sarah, Sam and Dean enters the room and Sam says "So, what was Bobby doing in Pittsburgh?" Dean says "Unless he's taking an extremely lame vacation..." He closes the door as they walk into the center of the room. Sarah says "I mean, he must have been working a job, right?" They continue to walk around the room and Dean asks "Well, you think there'd be some sort of sign of something, you know?" Sam opens a drawer, but it's empty Dean does the same, and that too is empty. The room looks completely clean "Research, news clippings..." Sarah turns to the closet and Dean says "Or a frigging pizza box or a beer can." Dean walks away from the dresser he was looking in, and Sarah walks over to the closet, Bobby's clothes are hanging there, she turns on the light and dean and sam turns around to her and she asks "How 'bout this?" Sarah moves the clothes out of the way and on the wall behind them hangs all of the news clippings, maps and pictures they were looking for. there's pictures of roots, mushrooms, seeds and a map where Bobby has written "Pittsburgh" in big letters and underlined it. There's post-its with addresses and numbers and there's a piece of paper about a plant.

Dean chuckles "Good old Bobby, always covering up his tracks." Sam asks "You make heads or tails of any of this?" Dean takes one of the papers about a plant and reads the title of it ""Silene capensis", which of course means absolutely nothing to me." Sam says "Here, Obit." Sarah takes a newspaper clipping and reads from it as she skims it and says ""Dr. Walter Gregg, 64, university neurologist."" Dean asks "How'd he bite it?" Sam says "Um.. actually, they don't know. They say he just went to sleep and didn't wake up." Dean takes the clipping from Sarah, reading it himself." Dean asks "That sound familiar to you?" Sam says "All right, um... So let's say Bobby was looking into the doc's death. You know, hunting after something-" Dean looks up at him. "–that started hunting him." Sam says "Yeah." Dean says "All right, stay here. See if you can make heads or tails of this." He points to the closet and Sam asks "What are you two gonna do?" Dean says "We're gonna look into the good doctor myself." He walks to the door.

Books and boxes are cluttered over the office, ready to be packed up and removed Dean, Dr Gregg's assistant and Sarah comes in and Dean asks "So you're Dr. Gregg's lab assistant?" Sanders says "That's right." Sarah asks "Well, his death must have come as a shock to you." Sanders says "Yeah, it did." Dean and Sarah looks around the office, while Sanders stands behind them and Sanders says "But, still, go in your sleep, peaceful... That's what you wish for, right?" Dean says "Yeah, right." Dean looks at a book on the doctor's desk and says "Dr. Gregg uh.. studied sleeping disorders? Dreams?" He picks up the book and holds it up for Sanders, "I don't understand, I went over all of this with the other detective." Dean puts down the book and looks at her, curious and asks "You already spoke to another detective?" Sanders says "Yes, A very nice older man with a beard." Dean says "Well we'd love to hear it again if you don't mind." Sanders says "Thing is, I'm sort of busy. Maybe we could do this later?" Sarah says "Sure. Yeah. Just bring you down to the station later this afternoon, her face falls "and get your statement on tape, do it all official-like." Sanders says "Look, okay, I didn't know about Dr. Gregg's experiments. Not until I was cleaning out his files." Dean and Sarah are both confused and Dean asks "His experiments, uh...? The ones he was conducting on ... sleeping?" Sanders says "No one knew, okay? Not the university, not anybody. I already spoke with a lawyer and he told me I can't be held liable for anything." Sarah says "Maybe you couldn't, but that was before the new evidence came to light." Sanders asks "New evidence?" Dean says "Mm-hm." Sanders asks "What new evidence?" Dean was about to say something and then Sarah says "We're not at liberty to say." Sanders sighs, most likely feeling screwed "Look, I'm just a grad student, This was a gig to cover tuition." Dean says "Maybe so. But, uh, still, this- this... this could go on your permanent record and unless you hand over the doctor's research to me, all of it."

Jeremy Frost's Residence, Dean and Sarah holds up their badges, that states they are both detective for Pittsburgh police department, Jeremy moves away from the door so Dean and Sarah can come in. Jeremy says "Look, I don't know what the RA said, but, ah, I was growing ferns." Dean and Sarah both walk in, Dean chuckles "Take it easy, Phish, that's not why I'm here." Jeremy says "Really?" They both turn around to him, Dean's got a file in his hands, Jeremy relieved "Oh, thank God, Okay." Dean says "I wanna talk to you about Dr. Gregg's sleep study." Jeremy says "Yeah. Dr. Gregg just died, right?" Sarah asks "You were one of his test subjects, right?" Jeremy says "Yeah." He opens his fridge and takes out three beers, He holds them up a bit, motioning as a question and he then holds two out one for Dean and one for Sarah and says "Unless you're on ... duty or, whatever?" Dean and Sarah looks to the door for a second, and then decides to go for the beer and Sarah says "I guess we can make an exception." Dean and Sarah take a bottle each and Jeremy grabs the bottle opener. He opens his bottle as they both open theirs They lift their beers to each other and then both take a swig. Dean closes his eyes as he takes in the beer, enjoying the taste and gives a small smile before continuing with the interview and Sarah asks "Now, Dr. Gregg was testing treatments for a, uh, "Charcot-Wilbrand syndrome"? Which means...?" Jeremy says "Um.. I, uh.. I can't dream."

Dean and Sarah both make a "huh" face and Jeremy says "I had this bike accident when I was a kid and banged my head pretty good and I haven't had a dream since and till the study you know, sort of." Dean asks "What'd the doc give you?" Jeremy says "It's this yellow tea. It.. it smelled awful, tasted worse." Sarah asks "What did it do?" Jeremy says "Just passed right out. And uh, I had the most vivid, super-intense dream. Like a bad acid trip, you know?" Dean forgetting his role says "Totally." Sarah gives him a look and he remembers the roll and says "No." Jeremy says "That was it. I dropped out of the study right after that. I didn't... like it. To tell you the truth... it kind of scared me." Dean looks at him, thoughtful.

In the Hospital Dean and Sarah are sitting by Bobby's bed, looking at him, thoughtful and then Sam enters after a few seconds. Dean becomes aware of something, and turns around to see Sam walks further into the room and Sam asks "How is he?" Dean rubs his hand over his chin as he turns back to Bobby, Sam walks to stand by the foot of the bed and he's got files in his hand and Sarah says "No Change." Dean asks "What you got?" They both get up and walks over to Sam, to see what he brought with him and says "Well, considering what you told me about the doc's experiments.. he sighs "..Bobby's wall is starting to make a hell of a lot more sense." Dean asks "How so?" Sam holds up a picture of a plant from the folder and says "This plant, Silene capensis, is also known as African Dream Root? It's been used by shaman and medicine men for centuries." Dean says "Let me guess. They dose up, bust out the didgeridoos, start kicking around the hackey." Sam says "Not quite If you believe the legends, it's used for dreamwalking. I mean, entering another person's dreams, poking around in their heads." Dean says "I take it we believe the legends" They share a look and Sam says "When don't we? But dreamwalking is just the tip of the iceberg." They pick up a paper from the folder that contains info on the root and a drawing of it and Sarah asks "What do you mean?" Sam says "I mean, this Dream Root is some serious mojo. You take enough of it, with practice, you can become a regular Freddy Krueger, You can control anything. You could turn bad dreams good, you could turn good dreams bad." Dean asks "And killing people in their sleep?" Sam nods and says "For example." Dean and Sarah sighs, Sam says "So let's say uh, let's say this doc was testing this stuff on his patients, Tim Leary-style." Dean says "Somebody gets pissed at him, decides to give him a little dream visit, he goes nighty-night." Sarah says "But what about Bobby?" Sam says "I mean, if the killer came after him, how come he's still alive?" Dean says "I don't know."

In the dream house,Bobby is holding a door closed as the woman is banging on it, making it rattle and she continues to scream and Bobby's panting, scared He looks around for something to hold the door, and grabs an old suitcase and he desperately grabs around the space, which now reveals itself to be a closet, for anything to hold the door and he grabs a broom and holds his back to the door, trying to keep it closed, Bobby screaming "Help me! Somebody help me! HEEEELP MEEEEE!"

In the hospital hallway Sarah, Sam and Dean comes out through a door, probably just leaving Bobby's room and they walk the hallway and Dean asks "So how do we find our homicidal sandman?" Sam says "Could be anyone." Sarah says "Yeah?" Sam says "Yeah." Dean says "Anyone who knew the doctor, had access to his dream shrooms." Sam asks "Maybe one of his test subjects or something?" Dean says "Possible. But his research was pretty sketchy. I mean.. I don't know how many subjects he had, or who all of them were." Sam scoffs and Dean looks at him and says "What?" Sam loud sigh "In any other case, we'd be calling Bobby and asking him for help right now." Dean looks like he just thought of something and grabs Sam by his arm to stop him and he looks up at him and says "You know what? You're right." Sam says "What?" Dean says "Let's go talk to him." Both Sam and a Sarah are a little confused and Sarah says "Sure. I think we might find the conversation a bit one-sided." Dean says "Not if we're tripping on some Dream Root." Sam says "What?" Dean says "You both heard me." Sam says "You wanna go dreamwalking inside Bobby's head?" Dean says "Yeah. Why not? Maybe we could help." Sarah says "We have no idea what's crawling around in there." Dean says "Well how bad could it be?" Sam says "Bad." Dean says "Dude, it's Bobby." Sam considers "Yeah, you're right. One problem though, We're fresh out of African Dream Root, so unless you know someone who can score some ..." Dean says "Crap." Sarah says "What?" Dean says "Bela." Sam says "Bela? Crap scoffs "You're actually suggesting we ask her a favor?" Dean says "I'm feeling dirty just thinking about it, but yeah." Dean and Sarah starts walking again, Sam sighs and walks after them.

Sam is sitting doing research on his laptop when a knock on the door sounds, He closes the lid on the computer, sighs and then walks over to the door, He cautiously only opens it a few inches and then when he sees who it is, sighs, and opens it up completely, holding it open Bela walks in in a trenchcoat and she says "Hey, Sam." Sam closes the door as Bela stops in the room, turns around, and then faces him Sam annoyed says "Bela, I didn't think there's a chance in hell you'd show up." He stands across from her, putting his hands on his hips and she just smiles at him and Bela says "Well, I'm full of surprises. Though, truthfully..." She takes hold of the belt of her trenchcoat, and advances slowly towards Sam and says "You wanna know why I'm here?" Sam takes a few steps back as Bela comes up in front of him and says "Okay." She opens and takes off her coat, revealing the top of a lacy slip or bra – she's not wearing a shirt and says "Because of you." Sam looks to the side, unsure and a bit embarrassed, as the coat falls to the floor, revealing that she's wearing a slip.Sam says "Uh.. What are you doing?" He looks down at her and she puts her hand on his cheek, her eyes on his lips and Bela says "I can't stop thinking about you." Sam confused says "What?" She leans in and kisses him and he responds and puts his hand on her arm, They breath in with the kiss and she puts her other hand on his waist, Sam asks "Are you sure?"

Dean's Vo says "Sam! Wake up." Sam is sitting at the desk, sleeping bent over with his head on his arm. Drool covers his hand and he's got a smile on his face. In the background, Dean and Sarah are sitting on chairs, looking up at Sam and holding papers that they apparently been reading through. Sam smiles a little more and then realizes it was just a dream, His smile disappears and he sits up, wiping his face with the back of his hand the same he had drool on, which he discovers both Dean and Sarah chuckles , watching him. He wipes his face with his other arm and Dean says "Dude, you were out and making some serious happy noises." Sam looks very uncomfortable and doesn't look over at Dean or Sarah and Sarah asks "Who were you dreaming about?" Sam says "What? No one. Nothing." Dean says "C'mon, you can tell us Angelina Jolie?" Sam says "No." Dean asks "Brad Pitt?" Sam turns around, almost looking at him and says "No. No! Dude, it doesn't matter." Dean says "Whatever." Sam says to himself "Whatever." Dean says "I called Bela." Sam gets still at this, a smile quickly flashes by, Trying to cover his voice when answering." Sam awkwardly, embarrassed says "Bela? Yeah? She- What'd she.. you know, say? She.. gonna.. help us?" Dean says "Shockingly, no, which puts us back to square one, We've been trying to decipher the doctor's notes. Unfortunately, he has worse handwriting than you do." Sam is still in his chair, back to Dean and Sarah , looking around a little and Sarah says "You gonna come help us with this stuff?" Dean and Sarah looks over at him, Sam looks around, and then down to his lap. He shifts uncomfortably and looks up, still keeping his back to Dean and Sarah and says "Yeah, yeah. Just give me a sec." He moves around a bit in his seat, stretching suddenly a knock on the door sounds and the three of them turn in its direction. Sam stays in his chair as Dean to open the door, Dean opens the door just inches, just like Sam did in his dream and when he sees who it is, he looks annoyed and opens up the door, walking with it, Dean says "Bela. As I live and breathe."

Sam swallows visibly, Bela enters , wearing a similar trenchcoat to the one in Sam's dream, only this one is black and the other one was tan and Sam reacts to her right away due to the dream, and tries to cover up his "situation" and Bela says "You called me. Remember?" Dean says "I remember you turning me down." Bela says "Well, I'm just full of surprises." Bela turns to Sam and Sarah, Sam who is still in the chair. He lifts one hand at her, waving awkwardly over his shoulder, staying half-turned away from her with his other hand in his lap. He doesn't look her in the eyes and says "Hey, Bela. What's going on?" Dean looks from her to Sam, and she just continues on. "I brought you your African Dream Root." She hands over a jar of it to Dean "Nasty stuff, and not easy to come by." She puts her bag on the TV and starts to open her coat, with her back to Sam, he sits up, alertly, breathing in anticipation ... and Sarah asks "Why the sudden change of heart?" Bela says "What? I can't do you a little favor every now and again?"

Sam tenses up in anticipation as her coat slips off ....and Dean says "No, You can't." The coat falls away and reveals her in a regular long-sleeved blue shirt, and not as naked as Sam had been half-anticipating and he lets out a breath silently, visibly relaxing a bit more and Dean says "Come on, I wanna know what the strings are before you attach them." Bela says "You said this was for Bobby Singer, right?" Dean nods "Well, I'm doing it for him. Not you." Sarah asks "Bobby? Why?" Bela says "He saved my life once, In Flagstaff." Dean throws Sarah and Sam a look, and they both shrug He looks back at her, still not responding to her statement. "I screwed up and he saved me, okay? You satisfied?" Dean says "Maybe." She looks at Dean , who's now looking at the jar, and at Sam and Sarah. Bela says "So when do we go on this little magical mystery tour?" Dean says "Oh, you're not going anywhere. I don't trust you enough to let you in my car, much less Bobby's head, No offense." Sam looks a bit disappointed, Dean walks over to the closet and he urns on the lights and opens up the safe, where the Colt is, and he puts in the jar of Dream Root with it Sarah, Bela and Sam watches him. Bela says "None taken." Sam looks up at her quickly and Dean closes the safe, locking it. He walks into the room again, where Bela is looking a bit annoyed now and Bela says "It's 2 am. Where am I supposed to go?" Dean says "Get a room. Ah, they got the Magic Fingers, a little Casa Erotica on pay-per-view. You'll love it." Bela says "You..." She takes her bag in a huff and walks to the door, retrieving her coat on the way, Sam jumps out of his chair calling after her and says "Nice to see-.. Seeing you..." She slams the door behind her, ignoring him. Sam "....Bela." Dean who was smiling after her, takes that in and he turns to Sam a bit confused and so is Sarah.

Sam walks over to the beds with three glass cups of the liquid containing the Dream Root. Dean and Sarah is sitting on the bed, waiting for him. As Sam comes over, he hands one glass to Sarah and another to Dean and then sits down on the other bed and Dean asks "Uh, should we dim the lights and synch up Wizard of Oz to Dark Side of the Moon?" Sam and Sarah looks over at him, with a smile and Sam asks "Why?" Dean looks at them, disappointed and asks "What did you do during college?" Sam looks at him with his usual "huh" reaction to such questions, Dean goes to drink the liquid but Sam stops him, he says "Wait, wait, wait. Whew. Can't forget this." Dean puts down the cup and looks over at him as he pulls out a little envelope from his shirt pocket. He pulls something out and as Dean and Sarah , he puts it in it and says "Here." Dean asks "What the hell is that?" Sam says "Bobby's hair." Dean asks "We have to drink Bobby's hair?"

Sam says "That's how you control whose dream you're entering. You gotta ... drink some of their uh... some of their body." Dean says "Well, guess the hair of the dog is better than other parts of the body." They put it in and Sam and Sarah exhales , getting ready to drink what seems to be a very disgusting drink and they raise their cups a bit, Dean says "Bottoms up." Sam and Sarah says "Yeah." They clink their cups together in a toast and then drinks it all up and the three of them grunt , trying to swallow, which seems to be a little hard and they smack their mouths a bit, due to the awful taste and they look quite disgusted and nothing seems to have changed and Sarah asks "Feel anything?" Sam says "No. You feel anything?" Sam looks over at them as they both shake their heads "No." He holds up the cup and looks in it and Dean says "Maybe we got some bad shwag." Sam asks "Hey, when did it start raining?" Dean and Sarah looks over at the window as well and he gets up and walks slowly to the window, drawing open the white curtain liners. The rain is actually not coming from the sky, but from the ground and asks "When did it start raining upside down? Okay, I don't know what's weirder – the fact that we're in Bobby's head ... or that he's dreaming of Better Homes and Gardens." Dean looks at Sam and Sarah while he just looks around the room a bit more and Sam says "Wait. Wait a sec. Imagine the place, uh, without the paint job, More cluttered, dusty, books all over the place." Dean says "It's Bobby's house." Sam says "Yeah." Sarah calling out "Bobby?!" Sam walks around the room feeling like they're being watched and he whispering says "Bobby?" Sam looks towards the door, while Dean and Sarah is still in the living room and Sam says "Dean? Sarah?" They both turn to Sam and he says "I'm gonna go look outside." Dean whispering "No, no, no, stay close." Sam says "Dude, I'll be fine. Just, look around in here. Look, we gotta find him."

Sarah says "Don't do anything stupid." Sam nods and walks to the door, The windows show that it's still raining outside. Outside of Bobby's house Sam is coming out of the door he just opened, and now – instead of a dark rainy, color-drained day, we see everything in bright technicolor and the sun is shining. The house is bright blue, with flowers all around, and birds chirping can be heard. Sam walks out on the porch, a confused look on his face. We pan over the yard, and down to BOBBY's car, that looks completely new and then suddenly the front door slams behind him, Sam turns around at the sound and goes back and tries to open it but it's locked and says "Dean! Sarah!" He walks over to the window next to the door and bangs on the wall while looking in and he says "Dean! Sarah!" But he doesn't get a reply or reaction and Sam walks down the porch out of view.

Back inside Bobby's house Dean and Sarah open the doors to the kitchen, where we saw Bobby and he walks in, looking around cautiously. He moves through the kitchen towards the hallway on the other side and Dean says "Bobby?" He walks out into the hallway, where there's two doors. One across from the kitchen and one on the left. "Bobby!" Dean and Sarah turns around as if they heard something and looks down the hallway in the other direction, where there's another closed door. Bobby's voice scared says "Who's out there?" Dean and Sarah turns back to the door that was on their left when they entered the hallway and they both walk over to the door and we see long scratch marks on it. Dean whispered "Bobby, you in there?" Bobby says "Dean?" Dean replies "Yeah. It's me and Sarah's here, open up." Bobby opens the door and looks behind Dean and Sarah and Sarah says "Hey." Bobby moves into the kitchen, looking scared and looking around to make sure the screaming woman isn't there and he has scratches on his cheek and nose and Bobby asks "How in the hell did you find me?" Dean says "Sarah, Sam and I got our hands on some of that Dream Root stuff." Bobby asks "Dream Root? What?" Sarah says "Dr. Gregg, the experiments?"

Bobby, who's still looking around, throws him a glance. He's terrified and says "What the hell are you talking about?" The lamp flickers "Hurry." He runs for the closet again, Dean and Sarah turns around and grabs him, trying to figure out what's going on and Dean asks "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. What's going on?" Bobby says "She's coming." Sarah says "Okay, you know this is a dream, don't you?" Bobby terrified says "What are you, crazy?" Dean says "It's a dream, Bobby! None of this is real!" Bobby says "Does that look made-up?" Dean and Sarah turns around and we see the woman coming out into the hallway. She's wearing a white dress and there's blood on it, coming from wounds on her neck and chest. Suddenly the closet door slams shut and Bobby turns around, rattling the doorknob to make it open. Dean and Sarah looks at him and then when Bobby turns around, Dean and Sarah looks back at the woman, She looks rather normal except for the bleeding wounds on her chest and neck and even her hair is styled in a regular fashion but she doesn't look happy though and Dean asks "Bobby, who is that?" Bobby has tears in his eyes now, but not from being terrified and says "She's... She's my wife."

Outside of Bobby's house Sam comes around the house and there's a little pond and loads of beautiful flowers. Sam walks further into the backyard, just looking around, Karen Singers VO asks "Why Bobby?" Back inside Bobby's house Karen asks "Why did you do this to me?" Bobby, Dean and Sarah are standing in the kitchen, by the living room, and Karen Singer is standing in the doorway leading to the hall. At her words, Bobby turns around and says "I'd rather died myself than hurt you." Karen says "But you did hurt me. You shoved that knife into me. Again and again. You watched me bleed. Watched me die." Sarah stays where she is and Dean comes up behind Bobby and grabs hold of him and says "Bobby, she's not real." Bobby doesn't respond to Dean , his eyes are on his wife and Karen says "How could you?" Bobby is close to crying now and says "You were possessed, baby, You were rabid and I didn't know what I know now I didn't know how to save you." Karen says "You're lying, You wanted me dead! If you'd loved me, screaming "you would've found a way!" Bobby small sobbing says "I'm sorry." Dean grabs hold of him again, more forcefully this time and says "Come on." Dean drags Bobby into the living room and as he begins to slide the doors closed, Karen Singer runs for the doors, screaming at them and Sarah was right by his side, Outside Sam is walking by a line of washed sheets, drying in the wind. When he turns around, Jeremy – Dr. Gregg's research subject – is suddenly there, swinging a bat at Sam and hitting him hard in the chest and shoulder, which causes his body back in the motel flinches from the hit that his dream-self just took and falls to the ground with the hit.

Sam is on the ground, holding his shoulder and Jeremy stands over him and Sam asks "Who are you?" Jeremy asks "Who are you? You don't belong here." Sam says "You're one to talk. You're in my friend's head." Jeremy says "You got a poor choice in friends, This is self-defense and he came after me, He wanted to hurt me." Sam says "That may be because you're a killer." Jeremy says "You should be nicer to me. In here... you're just an insect. I'm a god." Inside Bobby's house Karen is jumping and banging on the doors to the living room, screaming. Dean and Sarah leaning against it and Dean says "I'm telling you, all of it. Your house, your wife, it's a nightmare!" Dean and Sarah standing by the doors, keeping them closed. Bobby is standing across from him, just looking at them Karen continues to bang and scream. Dean finally grabs a wire to tie around the door handles and Sarah moves out of the way and Bobby crying "I killed her." Dean says "Bobby! This is your dream. And you can wake up. I mean, hell, you can do anything." He ties the doors together just as Bobby walks up behind them and says "Just leave me alone and let her kill me already." Dean grabs hold of him, trying to get him to wake up, to snap out it all Dean says "Look at us, Look at us You gotta snap out of this now, I'm not gonna let you die and You're like a father to me, you gotta believe me, please."

They look at each other for a moment Bobby looks once at the door his wife is still banging on and screaming behind, and then he look back at Dean and Sarah and says "I'm dreaming?" Dean says "Yes! Now take control of it." Bobby looks towards the door, and then he closes his eyes tightly and suddenly all the banging and screaming stops, Dean lets go of him and walks over to the doors. He removes the cable and slides the doors open, revealing an empty kitchen and Karen is nowhere is sight, Bobby says "I don't believe it." Dean turns around and looks at them breathing heavily says "Believe it. Now would you please wake up?" Outside of Bobby's house Sam is still on the ground and Jeremy is standing over him and he says "Sweet Dreams." He raises the bat and Sam pulls up his arm to take the impact, Jeremy lifts the bat and starts to swing it down, hard.

In the hospital Bobby wakes up suddenly, sitting up in bed and in the motel Sam, Sarah and Dean wake up with suddenly at the same time, sitting up on their beds, panting in the hospital room Bobby's panting, looking around. Later in the hospital Bobby is sitting in bed, looking over the papers from the investigation Dean and Sarah are sitting on the bed next to him and Dean asks "Hey, Bobby. That, uh... That stuff, all that stuff with your wife?" Bobby looks over at him "That actually happen?" Bobby says "Everybody got into hunting somehow." Dean says "I'm Sorry." Bobby says "Don't be sorry. If it weren't for you and Sarah 'd still be lost in there. Or dead, Thank you both of you." Sarah smiles and Dean only responds with a twitch of his lips. Sam comes in after that, seeing the guys sharing a look and he says "So, uh, stoner boy wasn't in his dorm and my guess is he's long gone by now." Bobby says "He ain't much of a stoner." He picks up a picture of Jeremy looking at it and Sarah says "No?" Bobby says "No, His name's Jeremy Frost Full-on genius, Hundred-and-sixty IQ. Which is sayin' some, considering his dad took a baseball bat to his head." Dean nods at that, Bobby picks up another paper and hands it to Sam and says "Here's Father of the Year, He died before Jeremy was 10." Sam says "Looks like a real sweetheart." Bobby says "Injury gave him Charcot-Wilbrand. He hasn't dreamt since." Sam puts the paper back on the little side table and Sarah says "Till he started dosing the dream drug." Bobby says "Yep."

Dean asks "How'd he know how to dig up your worst nightmare and throw it at you?" Bobby says "Hey, he was rooting around in my skull. God knows what he saw in there." Sam asks "Yeah. How'd he get in there in the first place? Isn't he supposed to have some of your hair, your DNA, or something?" Dean says "Yeah." Bobby says "Yeahhhh. 'Fore I knew it was him, he offered me a beer. I drank it, Dumbest frigging thing." Dean says "Oh, I don't know. It wasn't that dumb." Nervous Laugh Sarah looked away without saying a word, Sam and Bobby both looks at him with this comment and Sam says "Dean, Sarah you didn't?" Sarah says "I was thirsty we both was." Sam angry says "That's great. Now he can come after either one of you." Dean says "Well, now we just have to find him first." Bobby says "We better work fast ... and coffee up. Because the one thing we cannot do – is fall asleep."

Impala nighttime two days later, Dean's behind the wheel, Sam is sitting next to him and Sarah behind and Dean is clearly pissed over the whole situation and Dean says "I mean, this Jeremy guy's not a friggin' ghost. Where the hell could he be?" Sarah asks "Dean, you sure you don't want me to drive? You seem a little..." Dean looks at her through the front mirror "... caffeinated." Dean angrily says "Well, thanks for the news flash, Edison!" Dean's He tries to get hold of it but he fumbles, muttering indistinctly in frustration. He finally gets it in hand and says "Tell me you got something!" Bobby says "Strip club was a bust, huh?" Dean says "Yeah." Bobby says "That was our last lead." Dean says "What the hell, Bobby!" Bobby says "Don't yell at me, boy. I'm working my ass off here." Dean says "Sorry, I'm sorry. I'm just.. I'm-I'm-I'm tired." Bela is using her spirit board and tarot cards to find help from the dead "Well, who ain't?" Dean asks "What's Bela got?" Bobby turns to Bela and she asks "What do you got, Bela?" Bela says "Sorry. Sometimes the spirit world is in a chatty mood, and sometimes it isn't." Bobby says to Dean "She's got nothing." Dean says "Great! Well, I'm just gonna go blow my brains out now!" He flips the phone closed and throws it in his lap and He hits the steering-wheel grunting angrily.

Bobby flips his phone closed and looks over at Bela, who's still working by the board. Bobby walks over to her and says "Let me ask you somethin'." She looks over at him "What are you doin' helping us?" She smiles a little and says "Bobby, I'm surprised you don't remember." Bobby squints his eyes a little, trying to think what she means "Flagstaff?" Bobby looks thoughtful for a moment, not making the connection and says "Oh. Yeah. Right. Flagstaff." He stares off into the distance, still trying to recall, Suddenly Dean turns the car on a side road instead of continuing on. When they get to a clearing in the woods, he shuts off the engine and says "All right, that's it. I'm done." Sam asks "What are you doing?" Dean slides down a bit in his seat, resting his head on the back of it and says "Taking myself a long-overdue nap." Sarah says "What?! Dean, Jeremy can come after you and me." Dean says "That's the idea." Sam says "Excuse me?" Dean says "Come on man, we can't find him, so let him come to me and Sarah." Sam asks "On his own turf? Where he's basically a god?" Dean says "We can handle it." Sam says "Not without me you aren't." He reaches over and pulls out some of Dean and Sarah's hair and they both say "Ow." Sarah asks "What are you doing?" Sam fiddling with their hair says "Comin' in with you both." Dean says "No, you're not." Sam asks "Why not? At least then it'll be three against one." Dean doesn't have a response first, opening and closing his mouth and says "'Cause I don't want you digging around in my head." Sam says "Too bad."

Sam goes for the items to make the liquid and Dean and Sarah just looks at him for a moment and the three of them fall asleep, leaning on the doors of the Impala Sam wakes up first, clearing his throat. The car is right where it was before and Sam says "Dean,Sarah." Sam hits Dean and Sarah looks around a bit, looking extremely tired and Sarah asks "What are we still doing here?" Sam says "I have no idea. A sound can be heard from outside the car. "There's someone out there." Dean and Sarah are sitting on a picnic blanket and they've a little baby girl they call Mary Rose Winchester and they looked happy, Then it disappears, and it becomes wallpaper and Dean and Sarah are standing in a hallway with doors on both sides.

Sam is still running through the woods, in pursuit of Jeremy and he comes to a clearing, where he stops, panting, looking around and says "Dean?! Sarah?!" In the motel dream room, Dean and Sarah are walking down the hallway towards a door at the end of it. Before they reaches it, it suddenly opens up slowly and they both stop , watching. The door glides open more, revealing a motel room. Clicking can be heard, as Dean and Sarah enters the room as they comes in, we see that the motel room looks exactly as the one he, Sarah and Sam Across the room from the door, sits a man on the chair by the desk, Sarah and Dean walks further into the room, watching him and Sarah asks "Jeremy." The man keeps clicking the on and off button for the lamp on the desk, his back to Dean and Sarah he clicks the lamp back on and we see that it's.. Dean and he turns his head back towards Dean and Sarah , and he doesn't look very nice. Dean and Sarah sees that the man is himself. DREAM DEAN slowly stands up, and turns to Dean and Sarah who swallows at the sight of himself. DREAM DEAN doesn't looks so hard anymore and he says "Hey, Dean and Sarah." Dean says "Well, aren't you a handsome son of a gun." He smiles, Dream Dean says "We need to talk." Dean nods and begins to walk in a circle, as does DREAM DEAN. They're walking in the same direction just across from each other, Dean nodding "I get it, I get it I'm my own worst nightmare, is that it? Huh? Kind of like the Superman III junkyard scene? A little mano y mano with myself?"

Dream Dean says "Joke all you want, smart-ass. But you can't lie to me. I know the truth." Sarah stays quiet letting the two Deans talk, They stop walking, now having changed places. Dean standing by the desk, Dream Dean by the door and he says "I know how dead you are inside. How worthless you feel. I know how you look into a mirror... and hate what you see." Dean swallows, gets ahold of himself "Sorry, pal. It's not gonna work. smiling "You're not real." Dream Dean says "Sure I am. I'm you." Dean says "I don't think so. 'Cause see, this is my siesta. Not yours. raises left hand "All I gotta do is snap my fingers and you go bye-bye." He snaps his fingers once, and nothing happens. Dean's smile fades, and he snaps again, noticing nothing's happening. DREAM DEAN just watches him, Dean snaps them three more times and then lets his hand fall to his side, eyebrows lifted. DREAM DEAN gives him an I-told-you-so nod and he says "I'm not going anywhere and Neither are you or your beloved girlfriend Sarah." The door slams shut behind him, and locks all the smiles are gone from Dean's features; he's completely serious, Dream Dean "Like I said..." He raises his right hand, in which he is now holding a sawed-off shotgun "... we need to talk."

In the Impala, A bang can be heard, and Sam wakes up, gasping. He looks over at Dean and Sarah , who's still asleep and says "Dean, Sarah." Sam hits him on the arm and says "Hey." It's not Dean but Jeremy Sam is still in the dream, He hits him on the arm two more times and then Jeremy turns around, with a hard, evil look. Sam only has a second to respond and take in that it's Jeremy and not Dean, and then Jeremy hits him hard in his stomach with the tip of the bat he used earlier in Bobby's dream, Sam grunts and opens the door. Outside of the Impala Sam falls out through the door, face first, still grunting over the pain. Jeremy comes around the front of the car, the bat resting against his shoulder "Boy, you just don't know when to leave well enough alone, do you?" As he walks towards Sam , who's reached the back of the Impala still on the ground, he closes the door Sam fell out through and continues walking up to him. Towering over Sam who's now turned over, looking up at him, still moving backwards. Sam pained voice says "You're a psycho." Jeremy says "You're wrong." Sam says "Yeah? Tell that to Dr. Gregg." Jeremy says "The doc? No, no. The doc's the one that got me hooked on this stuff and then he took it away."Sam is lying still on the ground, looking up at him. He leans on the Impala, raising the bat, holding it like he's about to swing, looking down at Sam "But I needed it, and he wouldn't let me have it." Sam says "So you killed him?" Jeremy says "I can dream again. You know what that's like, not to be able to dream? You never rest, not really. It's like being awake for 15 years." Sam says "And let me guess. That makes you go crazy?"

Jeremy leans down towards Sam, holding the bat out at him and says "I just wanna be left alone. I just wanna dream." Sam says "Sorry. Can't do that." Jeremy says "That's the wrong answer." Sam is suddenly pulled flat against the ground, He groans and gasps heavily Sam's now tied to railroad spikes, unable to move and Jeremy says "I'm getting better and better at this. Stronger and stronger all the time." He's still standing by Sam's feet, now examining the bat. Sam looks to the side, and Jeremy looks down at him and says "But you and your brother and his precious Girlfriend? You're not waking up, not this time and I'm not gonna let you." Sam looks up at him. Dream Dean Vo says "I mean, you're going to hell and you won't lift a finger to stop it." Dean and Dream Dean has begun circling each other again, Dream Dean says "Talk about low self-esteem. he chuckles "Then again, I guess it's not much of a life worth saving, now is it?" Dean to himself "Wake up, Dean. Come on, wake up." Dream Dean says "I mean, after all, you've got nothing outside of Sam, well except for Sarah." They stop circling each other. They're now back in their original positions. Dean by the door, Dream Dean by the desk "You are nothing. You're as mindless and obedient as an attack dog." Dean smiling in denial, braving it out "That -That's not true."

Dream Dean says "No? What are the things that you want? What are the things that you dream? I mean, your car? That's Dad's. Your favorite leather jacket? Dad's. Your music? Dad's. Do you even have an original thought?" Dean scoffs, not wanting to admit to anything, Dream Dean says "No. No, all there is is, "Watch out for Sammy. Look out for your little brother, boy!" You can still hear your Dad's voice in your head, can't you?" He motions with the weapon to his head, "Clear as a bell." Dean smiling says "Just shut up." Dream Dean lowers the gun and says "I mean, think about it ..." He begins to walk towards Dean,whose smile is fading now. "... all he ever did is train you, boss you around." They're now standing face to face Dream Dean says "But Sam .... Sam he doted on. Sam, he loved." Dean says "I mean it. I'm getting angry." Dream Dean says "Dad knew who you really were. A good soldier and nothing else. Daddy's blunt little instrument. angry "Your own father didn't care whether you lived or died, Why should you?"

Dean angrily "Son of a bitch!" Dean pushes Dream Dean hard, knocking him into the wall above the desk, Sarah stood back unsure of what to do, Dean screamingly angrily "My father was an obsessed bastard!" Dream Dean tries to get up and Dean kicks him down on the desk again. Dean holds the weapon as a bat and hits Dream Dean once and then pins him to the wall with it. "All that crap he dumped on me, about protecting Sam! That was his crap and he's the one who couldn't protect his family. He-" Dean steps back and swings the weapon again, hitting Dream Dean twice "He's the one who let Mom die." Dean pins Dream Dean again "– who wasn't there for Sam. I always was! He wasn't fair! I didn't deserve what he put on me." He backs Dream Dean and Dean says "– who wasn't there for Sam. I always was! He wasn't fair! I didn't deserve what he put on me." He backs away from Dream Dean "And I don't deserve to go to Hell!" Dean shoots Dream Dean twice in the chest. As he lowers the weapon and looking at Dream Dean he's dead, Blood is splattered on Dream Dean's face and his eyes are closed.

Jeremy is hitting Sam repeatedly on his legs and knees, both with the bat and with his feet. Sam is grunting through the assault, not able to move. In the Motel Dream, Dean approaches Dream Dean on the desk, looking at him. Suddenly Dream Dean's eyes flickers open and they're completely black, as when a demon possesses a human. Dean widens his eyes at that Demon Dean sits up, looking into Dean's eyes. Demon Dean says "You can't escape me, Dean. You're gonna die. And this? This is what you're gonna become!"

Jeremy is now standing over Sam, the bat hovering above Sam's chest and he says "You can't stop me. There's nothing I can't do in here." Sam panting "Because of the Dream Root." Jeremy says "That's right." Sam says "Yeah? Well, you're forgetting something." Jeremy now holds the bat, ready to swing down on Sam and says "What's that?" Sam looks at him and says "I took the Dream Root too." He smiles, Man says "Jeremy!" As Jeremy turns around, It's Jeremy's Father, Henry , standing at the edge of the woods and says "Jeremy!" Jeremy says "No. No ...." Henry begins walking towards him and says "Dad?" Henry says "You answer me when I'm talking to you, boy." Jeremy backs away from Sam and Henry He no longer has the bat in his hands and Jeremy says "No." Suddenly Sam shows up and hits Jeremy across his face with the bat.

In an unknown location Jeremy's eyes flicks open and Dream Dean stands up, Outside of the Impala Sam hits Jeremy again and in the unknown location Jeremy turns over on the cot he's sleeping on, a clear reaction to the hit from Sam He begins to shake and gasp in his bed, most likely from being beaten by Sam in his dream, and then he dies. Demon Dean disappears and a flash on the screen appears.

The Boys and Sarah wake up, panting and they look over at each other and then look away. Dean is clearly shaken by what just happened and so is Sarah but doesn't say anything, In the Hallway Bobby and Sam comes around the corner and walks down the hallway together. Sam has a key to the room in his hands and Bobby says "So you did a little dream-weaving of your own in here, huh?" Sam says "Yeah. I just sort of concentrated and it happened, you know?" Bobby asks "Didn't have anything to do with... you know, your psychic stuff?" Sam looks at him, and they stop walking. Bobby turns and looks at him and says "No. I mean, I don't think so." Bobby nods and says "Good. Good." Sam swallows, looking a little worried. They continue walking down the hallway and inside the room Sarah was in the bathroom getting ready and Dean s on the phone with his back to the door, hanging up the phone. Hearing the door opening, he turns around, and Sam and Bobby enter and Sarah comes out of the bathroom Dean asks "Hey, you guys seen Bela? She's not in her room. She's not answering her phone." They close the door and comes in and Sam says "She must've taken off or something." Dean says "Just like that? It's a little weird."

Bobby says "Yeah well, if you ask me what's weird is why she helped us in the first place." Dean says "I thought you saved her life." Bobby confused "What the hell are you talking about?" Sarah says "The thing in Flagstaff." Sam turns around and looks at Bobby and Bobby says "That thing in Flagstaff was an amulet. I gave her a good deal, that's all." Dean, Sarah and Sam are confused and then Sam says "Well, the why did y-?" Bobby says "You boys better check your pockets." They both reach into their pockets "Not literally." Dean stops what he's doing and slowly looks up at Sam and Sarah and then turn to the safe in the closet. Sam and Sarah who's looking at Dean does the same, Dean walking says "No, no, no, no." He goes over to the safe and opens it up. It's empty, Sarah says "The Colt."Dean looks over at them and slams the safe shut. Sam says "Bela stole the Colt." Bobby says "Damn it, boys, Sarah!" Dean says "Pack you crap." Dean walks over to his bag on the couch and Sarah asks "Why? Where are we going?" Dean turns to her and says "We're gonna go hunt the bitch down."

Outside of the motel daytime, The boys and Sarah are standing by the open trunk, Dean is zipping his bag closed and Sam puts his own in there, Sarah has already put her bag in the boot and gets into the back passenger seat waiting for them, Dean asks "Hey, Sam. I was wondering. When you were in my head, what did you see?" Sam says "Uh, just Jeremy. He kept me separated from you and Sarah easier to beat my brains out that way, I guess." Dean scoffs "What about you? You never said." Dean shakes his head Nothing, we was looking for you the whole time." Dean takes the keys out the lock to the trunk and closes it and they get into the car and close the doors and Sam sighs as he sits down and Dean looks thoughtful for a moment and says "Sam, Sarah." They both look over to him Sam says "Yeah?" Dean doesn't look at either of them and clears his throat I've been doing some thinking, and... Well, the thing is... I don't wanna die." Both Sam and Sarah's expressions softens, sadness "I don't wanna go to hell." They both swallow and neither answers straight away and then Sarah says "All right. Yeah. We'll find a way to save you." Dean looks over at the both of them, and then looks away nodding. He looks back at Sam and Sarah a little smile on his lips and says "Okay, good." Sam and Sarah both nod