Sam walks across a city square towards Dean and Sarah sitting on a bench, Dean is on his phone and he says "Yep. I got it. Okay, bye." Dean hangs up then in one motion picks up and throws an unopened can of soda to Sam, stands up and shoves the last of the food he is eating into his mouth and Dean chewing says "So?" Sam says "So, the professor doesn't know crap." Dean says "Shocking pack your panties, Sammy, we're hitting the road." Sam says "What? What's up?" Dean says "That was Bobby some banker guy blew his head off in Ohio and he thinks there's a spirit involved." Sam says "So you two were talking a case?" Dean says "No, we were actually talking about our feelings and then our favourite boy bands. Yeah, we were talking a case!" Sam says "So a spirit, what?" Sarah says "Yeah, the banker was talking about some sort of electrical problems at his pad for like a week and Phone was going haywire, computer was flipping on and off." Sam says "Huh." Dean says "This is not ringing your bell?" Sam says "Well, sure, yeah. But, Dean, we're already on a case." Dean asks "Whose?" Sam says "Yours." Dean says "Right. Yeah. Well, you coulda fooled me."
Sam says "What the hell else have we been doing lately other than trying to break your deal?" Dean says "Chasing our tails, that's what. Sam, we've talked to every professor, witch, soothsayer and two bit carny act in the lower 48. Nobody knows squat! And we can't find Bela, we can't find the Colt. So until we actually find something, I'd like to do my job." Sam says "Well there's one thing we haven't tried yet..." Dean says "Sam, No." Sam says "We should summon Ruby." Dean says "I'm not gunna have this fight with you." Sam says "She said she knows how to save you." Dean says "Well, she can't." Sarah says "Oh really, you know that for sure?" Dean says "I do." Sam asks "How?" Dean says "Because she told me, okay!" Sam says "What?" Dean says "She told me Flat out She can't save me, nobody can." Sarah says "And you just somehow neglected to mention this to us?" Dean says "Well, I really don't care what that bitch thinks and neither should you, so..." Sam says "So what, now you're keeping secrets from us Dean?" Dean says "You really wanna talk about who's keeping secrets from who?" They stare at each other in silence for a long moment, Sam and Sarah both turns away and then Dean asks "Now where you two going?" Sarah says "Guess we're going to Ohio."
Sarah, Sam and Dean in the Impala turn into the driveway of the house where Ben died and then headed inside and went into the study and Woman pointing says " I found him there." Dean asks "Why don't you tell us everything you saw, Mrs Waters." Mrs Waters says "You mean beside my dead husband?" Sarah says "Just everything else you saw. Please." Mrs Waters sighs and says "Blood. Everywhere. The phone was ripped from the wall, his favourite scotch on the desk, what else could you possibly want to know?" Sam asks "Why was the phone ripped from the wall?" She says "I don't know."Sam asks "You mind if I take a look?" Mrs Waters says "I already went over this with the other detectives." Dean says "We'll be out of your hair in no time, ma'am." Sam Pressing a few buttons asks "Ma'am, what time did your husband die?" Mrs Waters sighing says "Sometime after 11."
Sam waits until Dean and Sarah looks at him, then taps the phone display and Sarah asks "What about strange phone calls? Receive any of those lately, weird interference, static, anything like that?" Mrs Waters Defensively says "No." Dean raises his eyebrows at her. "No!" Dean says "Mrs Waters, withholding information from the police is a capital offence." Sam noisily clears his throat, both Dean and Sarah glances at him and receives a bitchface under his breath "In some parts of the world I'm sure." Mrs Water sighing says "A couple of weeks ago, uh....there was this..." Sarah asks "This what?" Mrs Water says "I woke up one morning, I heard Ben in his study. I thought he was talking to a woman." Sam asks "What made you think that?" Mrs Water says "Because he kept calling her Linda. The thing is, I picked up the other line and nobody was there, Ben was talking to nobody." Sam says "There was nothing?" Mrs Water says "Just static." Sarah asks "Did you ever speak to Ben about this phone call?" Mrs Water says "No. I should have" Sam asks "Did he ever say who Linda was?" Mrs Water getting upset says " What difference does it make, there was nobody on the other end!" The three of them exchange a look.
Back at the Motel Room, Sarah is at the laptop, Sam sitting on the bed and Dean is sitting next to Sarah and Sam asks "Did you find her?" Sarah says "Yeah, Linda Bateman. She and Ben Waters were high school sweethearts." Sam asks "So what happened?" Dean says "Drunk driver hit them head on, Ben walked away." Sam asks "So, what then? Dead flame calls to chat?" Dean says "You would think, but Linda was cremated. So why's she still floating around?" Sarah says "You got me." Dean asks "What about that, uh, caller I.D?" Sam says "Turns out, it's a phone number." Sarah says "No phone number I've ever seen." Sam says "Yeah, 'cause it's about a century old, back from when phones had cranks." Dean says "So why use that number to reach out and touch someone?" Sam says "Got me there too, but we should put a trace on it." Sarah asks "Well how the hell are we going to put a trace on something that's over 100 years old?"
Interior Basement Office, Sarah, Dean and Sam follow a suited man down the stairs and along a hallway and the man says "We don't get many folks from HQ down here." Dean says "Yes well the main office mentioned that there would be a lunch." Sam and Sarah gives Dean bitchface behind the man's back, Dean just shrugs and the man says "Well I'm sure we can arrange something, The man you wanna be speaking to is right this..." Sam swipes at a fly that has flown into his hair. "I know, sorry. We've got something of a hygiene issue down here if you ask me." Man enters the basement office "Stewie? What did I tell you about keeping this place clean." Stewie sits at a large console with multiple screens and keyboards. Various packets and junk food are strewn about, Stewie jumps at their entrance and desperately tries to close down the multiple screens in front of him showing advertisements for porn sites." Stewie clicking quickly "Spam mail...spam mail..." Man says "Stewie Myers. Mr Campbell, Mr Raimi and Miss Miller." Stewie still clicking says " I don't know how all this got here.." The Man reaches out and flicks the back of Stewie's head, making him jump again and grunt. Man says "From headquarters?" Stewie spins around in his chair, then quickly crosses his legs and places his hands together on his lap "Give these gentlemen and Lady whatever they need." Stewie says "Yeah."
Dean says "Thank you." Sam says "Thanks." Sarah says "Thanks." The Man leaves and Stewie asks "So....can I help you?"Dean checks to make sure the Man is gone, then gestures toward the screen smirking "Is that, ahhh," Sarah looks at him a little annoyed and then Stewie Quickly "No." Woman on the computer "Oh, me so horny." Stewie quickly clicking again "Maybe." Dean says "A word to the wise? Platinum membership? Worth every penny. Ha?" Sarah says "Right, anyway. We're here to trace a number?" Sam hands Stewie a piece of paper and Stewie says "Where did you get this?" Sam says "Off caller I.D." Stewie says "Oh no, that's impossible." Dean says "It hasn't been used in a few years, we know." Stewie says "A few years? It's prehistoric. Trust me, nobody is using this number anymore." Sarah asks "Sure. Could you run it anyway?" Stewie says snarkily "Sure. Why don't I just rearrange my whole life first." Dean, Sarah and Sam looks at each other Dean goes over to Stewie and whispers "Listen, uh, Stewie. You got like six kinds of employee code violations down here, not to mention the sickening porn that is clogging up your hard drive and now when my partner says run the number, I suggest you run the number!"
The three of them give Stewie a hard look. He looks between them then turns back to his console Dean grins, Sam and Sarah both shrugs they shoulders and smiles. Stewie says "Okay, whatever, jeez!" Stewie clicks a few more buttons, One of his screens fills with a long list of numbers and he says "Holy crap." Sam says "What?" Stewie says "I can't tell you where the number comes from, but I can tell you where it's been going." Sarah asks "What do you mean?" Stewie pushes print, goes to the printer and hands some paper to Sam and Stewie says "Ten different number in the past few weeks, all got calls from the same number." He looks between Sarah, Sam and Dean as they stare at each other, then sighs and walks between them back to his console. He sits and stares at it for a moment, then looks back and asks "So, are we done here? Cause I was....sort of...busy?" Dean smirking says "Right."
Exterior Suburban Street, Sam gets out of a rental car he makes his way up a footpath, knocking on the door. It is opened by a middle-aged man, his son comes to stand beside him, around 6-7 yrs old and the Man says "Yes." Sam says "Hello sir, I am with the phone company?" Man says "We didn't call the phone company." Sam says "Oh no sir, we're calling you. We've had a lot of complaints from the neighbourhood lately." The Man says "Complaints?" Sam says "Yes sir. Dropped calls, static, maybe even strange voices on the other end of the line?" A teenage girls steps into the hallway while Sam is speaking, looking startled. The Man says "No, we haven't had any of that here." Sam says "Nothing?" Man says "No." Sam says "Okay. Great, just thought we'd check. Thanks." Man says "No problem. To his son "Come on, Simon." As they turn to close the door Sam sees the girl staring at him, looking scared. She turns away as the door closes and Sarah stares after her.
Sam returns to his car, As he opens the door the girl appears and she says "No way you work for the phone company." Sam says "Sure I do." Laine says "Since when does a phone guy drive a rental or wear a cheap suit?" Sam huffing a laugh says "Yeah, well. Maybe we're both keeping secrets." Laine asks "Why did you ask my Dad if he's hearing strange voices on the phone?" Sam asks "Why, did you hear something?" Laine says "No." Sam says "My mistake, I thought maybe you did." Laine says "Well I didn't, okay?" Sam smiling " Okay. Sorry to bother you." Laine looks uncomfortable but doesn't move, Sam looks down at his keys "Because you know...if you did...then I would have told you that I've been right where you're standing right now. Hearing things, even seeing things that can't be explained and maybe I would have been able to help out a little bit. Anyway..." Laine says "Hey wait. Maybe....maybe I've been talking on the phone...with my Mom." Sam says "Well that's not so strange." Lanie says "She's dead, Like three years now." Sam asks "How often does she call you?" Laine says "A few times It started a week ago I thought I was like, crazy or something." Sam says "Well I can tell you one thing for sure, and you're going to have to go with me on this, okay? You're not crazy."
Interior Sam's Rental Car, Sam answering phone "Yeah." Sarah and Dean Walking down a busy street Sarah says " stiffs have been calling people all over town." Sam says "Yeah, tell me about it." Sarah says "Me and Dean just talked to an 84 year old grandmother who's having phone sex with her husband, who died in Korea!" Sam says "Eww." Sarah says "It redefined my understanding of the word 'Necrophilia'." Sam asks "So what the hell's going on here, Sarah?" Sarah and Dean reaches the impala and she says "Beats us, but we'd better find out soon. This place is turning into spook central." Sam says "Yeah. All right, I'll call you later." Sarah opening the back passenger door says "Yeah." They hang up and then Dean's phone rings and he answers and says "Yeah, what?" There is nothing but static. "Sam?" John says "Dean." Dean freezes, looking shocked "Dean, is that you?" Dean says "Dad?"
In the Motel room, Sam and Sarah sits at the table, Dean paces and Sam says "Dad? You really think it was Dad?" Dean says "I don't know, maybe." Sam asks "Well what did he sound like?" Dean says "Like Oprah! Like Dad, he sounded like Dad, what do you think?" Sam asks "What did he say?" Dean says "My name." Sam asks "That's it?" Dean says "Call dropped out." Sam asks "Why would he even call in the first place, Dean?" Dean says "I don't know, man. Why are ghosts calling anybody in this town? But I mean, other people are hearing from their loved ones, why can't we? It's at least a possibility, right?" Sam says "Yeah I guess." Dean asks "Okay, so what if....what if it really is Dad? What happens if he calls back?" Sam says "What do you mean?" Den says "What do I say?" Sam says "Hello." Dean says "Hello?" Sam shrugs and so does Sarah and then Dean says "That's what you come back with. Hello?" Sam says "Uhh..." Dean Grabbing his jacket and heading for the door "Hello!"
Dean walks out, Sam and Sarah after him, concerned and they both shakes their heads, Later Sam is on the couch on his laptop and Sarah is lying on the bed on her laptop and Dean returns and asks Sam "Find anything?" Sam says "After three hours I have found no reason why anything supernatural would be going on here." Dean says "Well, you know, you think a Stanford education and a high school hook up rate of zero point zero would produce better results than that." Sam says "Hilarious." Dean says "Sammy, you're just looking in the wrong places, pal." Sam asks "And what are the right places, Dean?" Dean Reaching into his jacket pocket "Motel pamphlet rack." He drops some literature on the coffee table and says "Milan, Ohio. Birthplace of Thomas Edison." Sam Flicking through the papers says " Yeah, right. So what?" Dean says "Keep Reading."
Sarah joins Sam at the table and Sam scoffs, slightly and keeps looking. He sighs, but after a few moments his eyebrows go up and he looks at Dean and then shows sarah and she has the same reaction and Sam says "You're kidding." Dean raises his eyebrows back, smiling. In the Museum A young female guide shepherds a tour and she says "And we're walking. And, here we have one of the museum's most unique and treasured possessions. Thomas Edison's spirit phone. Did you know that Mr Edison, as well as being one of America's most beloved inventors, was also a devout occultist? Ooh!" Dean whispering "What's with the quote-y fingers?" Guide says "He spent years working on this, his final invention, which he was convinced could be used to communicate with the dead. Pretty spooky, huh?" The guide checks her watch, twirls her fingers in the air and begins leading the group into the next room "And we're walking, We are walking. We're walking and we're not touching that and we're walking and stop."
Sam quickly gets out his EMF and holds it over the spirit phone and Sarah asks "Anything?" Sam says "Nothing." Dean asks "What do you think?" Sam says "Honestly? It kinda looks like an old pile of junk to me." Dean says "It's not even plugged in." Sarah says "Maybe it didn't work like that." Dean says "Okay. Maybe it's like a radio tower, broadcasting the dead all over town." Sam says "Could be." Dean says "You know, this caller I.D. is 100 years old, right? Right around the time this thing was built." Sarah says "Yeah, but why would it all of a sudden start working now?" Dean says "I don't know, But as long as the mouldy are calling the freshers around here it's the best reason we've got." Sam says "Yeah, maybe." Dean says "So maybe it really is Dad."
Sam and Sarah sleeps, Dean sits at the table, a large take away coffee cup in his hand, his phone beside him and he stares into space. The phone rings, the display showing 'SHA33'. Dean grabs it quickly and heads into the bathroom and Dean whispers "Dad?" John says "Dean." Dean asks "Is it really you?" John says "It's me." Dean says "How can I be sure?" John says "You can't. Dean, how could you do it?" Dean says "What?" John says "Sell your soul." Dean concerned " I was looking after Sam, like you told me to." John says "I never wanted this, Never You're my boy, I love you and I can't watch you to go to hell, Dean." Dean says "I'm sorry and I don't know how to stop it." John says "'Cause if you break the deal Sam dies, right?" Dean says "What?" John says "Well I know a way out and For both of you and Sarah." Dean asks "How?" John says "The demon who holds your contract. He's here. Now."
Lanie's bedroom, Lanie is on her computer and writes "Okay. See you tomorrow." The computer beeps a new message and SHA33 writes "Lanie? Is that you?" Lanie typing "Mom?" SHA33 writes "I asked you a question last night. Have you thought about it?" Lanie types "I don't know what you want." SHA33 writes "Of course you do. I want to see you." Lanie says "I went to see you. At the cemetery." SHA33 writes "That's not what I mean." Lanie writes But I'm scared." SHA33 writes "Don't be sacred. I'm right here with you." The screen suddenly blacks out. Lanie can see her reflection in it. She is terrified. Behind her, her mother approaches and lays a hand on her shoulder Lanie swings around but there's no one there. She jumps up, turns off the screen and backs away, gasping and crying, The screen turns itself back on and Lanie gasps. "Come to me." is typed over and over across the whole screen, Lanie approaches the computer, crying.
In the Motel Room, Dean is typing furiously on the laptop, Sam enters and Sarah comes out of the bathroom and Dean asks "What's up?" Sam says "That girl Lanie, her Mom's ghost spooked her out pretty bad last night." Dean says "That sucks." Sam says "Yeah it does, What are you doing?" Dean says "I think Dad's right. I think the demon is here. Check it out." Dean hands Sam some papers and goes to his bag and Sam says "What is this, weather reports?" Dean says "Omens. Demonic omens. Electrical storms everywhere we've been for the past two weeks." Sam says "Ahh...I don't remember any lightning storms." Dean says "Well, I don't remember you studying meteorology as a kid either. But I'm telling you, that bastard's been tailing me...wearing some poor dude's meat." Sam says "And it's following you because..." Dean says "I guess I'm big game, you know. My ass is too sweet to let outta sight." Sam says "Okay, Sure." Dean snatching the papers back "Don't get too excited, Sammy. Might pull something." Sarah blow dries her hair and Sam says to Dean "Dean, look, I wanna believe this man, I really do..." Dean says "Then believe it! if we get this sucker, it's Miller Time." Sam says "Yeah, that's another thing. Dad rattles off an exorcism that can kill a demon? I mean not just send it back to hell, but kill it?" Dean says "I've checked it out and this is heavy duty Dark Ages,Fifteenth century." Sam quietly says "Yeah, I've checked on it too Dean and so has Bobby." Dean says "Okay And?" Sam says "Look, It definitely is an exorcism, okay, there's just no evidence it can kill a demon." Dean says "No evidence it can't." Sam says "Come on man..." Dean says "Hey, as far as I'm aware the only one of us who has actually been to hell is Dad and maybe he picked up a couple of tricks down there, like which exorcisms work." Sam says "Maybe it does we hope it does too, but we gotta be sure."
Dean asks "Why aren't we sure?" Sarah says "'Cause we don't know what's going on around here Dean! I mean, some guy blows his brains out, a little girl is scared out of her wits." Dean says "Wow, a couple of civvies are freaked out by some ghosts, News flash Sarah , people are supposed to be freaked out by ghosts!" They stare at each other for a long moment Sarah and Sam both sighs and Dean drops his head in frustration Sam asks "Dad tell you where to find the demon?" Dean shouting says "I'm waiting on the call!" Sam sighs again and says " I told Lanie I'd stop by." Dean sarcastic says "Oh, good yeah. No you go hang out with jail bait. Just, uh, watch out for Chris Hansen. Meanwhile we'll be here getting ready to, you know, save my life." Sam keeps moving toward the door and Dean shouting " You're unbelievable, you know that? I mean for months we've been trying to break this demon deal. Now Dad's about to give us the freaking address and you can't accept it? The man is dead and you're still butting heads with the guy!" Sam says "That is not what this is about." Dean shouting " So what is it!" Sam shouting back "The fact is we've got no hard proof here, Dean and after everything, you're still just going on blind faith!" Dean says "Yeah, well maybe! You know, maybe that's all I got, okay?" They stare at each other again, Dean looks down and Sam says "Please just please don't go anywhere until I get back. Okay, Dean? Please." Dean and Sarah both remains silent, Sam shakes his head and turns for the door. Dean watches him go and continues staring at the door for a long moment and he shakes his head and moves to sit heavily at the table.
Inside Lanie's house, Sam asks "Have you told your father about any of this?" Laine says "And bother him at work? No and he wouldn't believe me anyway, he'd just chuck me into therapy." Sam asks "So what did your mother say?" Laine says "She wanted to see me, So at first I thought I was supposed to go to the cemetery." Sam asks "Did you?" Laine nodding "Nothing happened. But then she started asking me to do other things." Sam asks "What sort of things?" Laine says "Bad things." At Simon's house, Simon sits playing at his table, The phone rings and Simon looks over at his toy telephone sitting on the floor then walks over to it and the display reads SHA33 and Simon answers "Hello? Simon Greenfield speaking, Hi Mommy. Yeah, I wanna see you. Where are you?"
Back in the motel Dean sits at the table staring at nothing and his phone ring and he snatches it up and Sarah stares at him and he says "Dad?" John says "Dean." Dean asks "Where's the demon?" Back in Laine's room, Sam says "Lanie please tell me what happened, it's very important." Lanie says "Mom told me to go to Dad's medicine cabinet." Sam says "And?" Lanie says "She wanted me to take his sleeping pills, take all of his sleeping pills." Sam says "She wanted you to kill yourself?" Lanie nods, crying and asks "Why would my Mom want me to do that?" Sam says "I don't know." Lanie says "I mean, just so I could come to her?" Sam asks "What'd you say?" Lanie says "She wanted me to come to her." Sam says "No, how'd she say it?" Lanie says ""Come to me." Like a million times." Sam says "Laine, That's not your mother." At Exterior Suburban Street Dean and Sarah, pulls up and gets out He grabs his weapon's bag from the trunk, looks around and moves toward a house with Sarah beside him unsure of what to do.
Lanie's hallway Sam says "Listen to me, Don't answer the phone and Don't use the computer. Don't do anything unless I say to, all right?" Sam starts down the stairs and realizes Lanie's not following and Sam says "Lanie." Lanie standing in a doorway "Where's Simon?" In the Interior House Sarah and Dean enters quietly enters and moves down the hallway, listening. A floorboard creaks on the second floor and Dean says "Hello?" On the busy street, Simon walks as if in a trance across the road, Cars horns blare. In the Interior House, Sarah drops a rosary into a large bottle of water and Dean shaking a paint can and spraying a devil's trap on the floor. Simon keeps walking across the next road, A large truck barrels toward him and in the cab the driver glances away from the road to check his delivery list. He looks back to see Simon in front of him and the truck horn blares and tires squeal, Simon seems to awaken and throws his hands up to protect himself. Sam rushes the road, grabs Simon and dives for the verge they lay panting as the truck roars past.
In Sam's rental Car, His on the phone and says " Dean, it's not Dad." Dean says "Then what is it?" Sam says "A crocotta." Dean asks "Is that a sandwich?" Sam says "Some kind of scavenger. Mimics loved ones, whispers 'Come to me', then lures you into the dark and swallows your soul." Dean says "A crocotta, right, damn that makes sense." Sam says "Dean, look, I'm sorry man, I know..." Dean then asks "Hey, don't these things live in filth?" Sam says "Yeah." Dean says "Sam, the flies at the phone company." Nighttime Carpark of the Phone company, Sam creeps along an alley and peaks in a window at Stewie , sitting at his console and he is distracted by a banging noise. When he looks back Stewie is leaving the room and Sam runs back up the alley, Stewie is leaving the building and Sam hides behind a van, holding his phone to his ear to get ahold of Dean but he's phone goes straight to voicemail "This is Herman Munster. Leave a message." Sam says "Dean, I'm in the parking lot and he's here, hurry." Stewie unlocks his car, Sam rushes him, pushing him into the car and holding a metal spike to the back of his neck. Grunting Stewie says "What the hell!" Sam says "I know what you are." Stewie says "Wait,Mister."
Sam says "And I know how to kill you." Stewie says "Please. Okay, wait, wait. If we're overcharging you for the call waiting or something I...I can fix that. I am your friend!" Sam looks confused, "Please. Please just don't kill me!" The manager from earlier sneaks up behind Sam "Don't kill me, please!" The Manager hits Sam over the head with a bat and Sam slumps to the ground, Stewie turns around, sees the manager, grins and starts bouncing up and down and Stewie says "Yeah! That's what happens when you mess with the phone company, dillweed!" Stewie to his manager "Thank you, Clark!" Clark lifting the bat again " Forget about it." Stewie says "Clark?" Clark smashes Stewie with the bat.
In the Phone Company Basement, Stewie and Sam are tied to chairs, Stewie Snivelling " I'm sorry, Clark. I'm sorry for whatever I did to you. I'm sorry...please..." Sam coming to says " Wait! Don't do it." Clark to Sam "You're awake." Clark leans over Stewie and places the tip of a knife against his thigh, Stewie says "You're not a killer Clark, no! There's a good man inside of you, I know it." Clark looks to Sam and asks "What do you think, Sammy, am I a good man?" Sam says "Just let him go." Clark says "I would, I really would If only I'd had more than a salad for lunch. You see, I'm starving." He lifts the knife high above his head and plunges it into Stewie's chest and Sam says "No!" Clark moves in front of Stewie's body, His mouth opens, revealing a blood red interior and razor sharp spikes. He crouches slightly, holds Stewie by both shoulders and unhinges his jaw, his mouth becoming impossibly wide. Placing his mouth close to Stewie's face face he sucks in his energy Sam shudders and looks away. Clark stands, wiping his mouth and says "My last call with Dean, That was you You led me here." Clark says "Some calls I make, some calls I take, but you have to admit, I had you fooled for a while. All that Edison phone crap."
Clark laughs and moves over to the telephone exchange cabinet. He places his hands against the glass and leans back in ecstasy. Sam asks "What are you doing?" Clark says "I'm killing your brother or maybe I'm killing another guy, We'll just have to see how it goes." At the police locker Room, A man's phone rings just as he finishes changing. He looks at the number, glances over at the other person in the room, and answers he softly says "Hello?" Girl through static " Hi Daddy." Man says "Hey baby. I thought you said you weren't gunna call anymore." Girl says "I know, Daddy." Man says "You know how sad this makes your old man. How upset I was at your funeral." Girl says "I had to call, I know who killed me Daddy." Man says "What?" The Girl says "The man who killed me, he's at the house right now." Man shocked " What are you saying to me?" The Girl says "He's at the house Daddy, he wants to kill you too!" Hanging up the phone, the man's face becomes set in stone.
Back in the Basement, Clark pulls the knife out of Stewie's chest and Sam says "You know, mimicking Dean's one thing. But my Dad. That's a hell of a trick." Clark says "Well once I made you two as hunters, it was easy. I found Dean's number, then your number, then your father's numbers. Then emails, voicemails, everything. You see, people think that stuff just gets erased, but it doesn't. You'd be surprised how much of yourself is just floating out there, waiting to be plucked." Sam says "Dean's not going to fall for this. He's not going to kill that guy." Clark says "Then the guy kills him." In the Suburban House, Car headlights shine across the window into the room where Dean and Sarah waits, They silently moves toward the hallway. A car door slams Dean removes the lid from the bottle of holy water. They hears a noise toward the back of the house and frowns, moving down the hallway toward the back door They pause then looks from the back to the front door.
Sarah stays hidden at Dean's request and The back door slams open and the man appears, raising a rifle and firing. Dean leaps out of the way, dropping the bottle of holy water and the Man begins reloading, Dean glances at the holy water it is draining away. He waits to hear the bullet shell being removed and runs for the man, using his forward movement to slam him back into the wall. He hits him a few times, then knees him viciously. Letting him drop, Dean moves toward the rifle but the man follows, grabbing Dean and slamming him backwards onto a table. He gets in a few hits before Dean headbutts him. As the man falls backwards to the ground Dean kicks him in the stomach, He kicks him four times, pauses, then kicks him once more, even more viciously leaving Sarah in a state of shock.
Back in the Phone Company Basement, Clark standing over Sam says " Technology. Makes life so much easier. Used to be I'd hide in the woods for days, weeks, whispering to people, trying to draw them out into the night. But they had community, they all looked out for each other, I'd be lucky to eat one or two souls a year. Now when I'm hungry, I simply make a phone call. Sneering You're all so connected, But you've never been so alone." Clark opens his mouth and begins to unhinge his jaw while raising his knife. While he has been speaking SAM has managed to escape his ties, his wrists bloody. He erupts out of the chair and they fall to the ground, Clark losing the knife. They struggle for it, Sam rising first Clark grabs Sam's Jacket and swings him around into a metal grate. Clark picks up the knife running at Sam.
Dean and the man slam through a glass door, The man is groggy and Dean quickly reaches for the man's belt. He pulls out a handgun, flicking the cartridge out and tossing it aside. As the man struggles to get to his feet, covered in glass, Dean pulls back the rug, showing the devil's trap sprayed onto the floor. He turns away, pulling the exorcism out of his pocket. The Man confused, stares at the markings on the floor and he asks "What is this?" Dean says "Your funeral." Dean begins the exorcism in Latin. The man glares at him and slowly moves forward out of the circle and says "You do this to my daughter too?" Dean staring at the devil's trap asks " How the hell did you get out?" Man shouting says "Did you do this to my daughter too?" Dean says "Wait, this is a mistake." Sarah joins Dean and the man says "You killed her!!" Dean says "No, wait." The man leaps at Dean, Sam and Clark struggle for the knife, exchanging blows as they move about the room. Sam finally manages to pull the knife away and hits Clark, forcing him backwards into the wall. A spike, one of many on a corkboard, jams into the back of Clark's neck killing him.
The Man falls on Dean as he lies on the ground, laying into him and he says "She was 9 years old!!" Dean says "Stop! I didn't! You gotta believe me!" The Man keeps hitting him, Dean manages to twist around and grab the rifle, smacking the man in the forehead with the butt. He falls backwards and Dean rises, standing over him, crying the man says "Why did you kill her?" Dean says "I'm sorry. I didn't kill your daughter." Man says "Then what are you doing here?" Dean Anguished says "I don't know."
Back in the Motel Dean holds a facecloth to his cut eye, groaning. Sam enters the room and comes to the door of the bathroom and Sarah is sorting out the bags, Dean says to Sam I see they improved your face." Sam sniggering "Right back at ya." Dean moves past Sam into the main room, They sit on a bed each and Sarah sits next to Dean and he says "So, crocotta, huh?" Sam says "Yep." Sarah says "That would explain the flies." Sam says "Yeah it would. Hey, um...look I'm sorry it wasn't Dad." Dean huffs "Nah, I gave you a hell of a time on this one." Sam says "Ahh." Dean says "You were right." Sam says "Forget about it." Dean says "I can't I wanted to believe so badly that there was a way outta this. I mean I'm staring down the barrel at this thing, You know, Hell. For real, forever, and I just..." Sam says "Yeah." Dean tearing up "I'm scared, Sam, Sarah I'm really scared." Sarah held dean's hand also tearing up says "We know." Dean says "I guess I was willing to believe anything. You know, the last act of a desperate man." Sam says "There's nothing wrong with having hope, Dean." Sarah says "He's right you know." Dean says "Hope doesn't get you jack squat. I can't expect Dad to show up with some miracle at the last minute. I can't expect anybody to, you know. I mean the only person that can get me out of this thing is me." Sam Earnestly says "And me." Sarah says "Me too." Dean asks "And me?" Sam says "What?" Dean says "Deep revelation, having a real moment here, that's what you come back with? And me?" Sam raising his eyebrows " you want a poem?" Dean says "The moment's gone." Sam and Sarah both smiles slightly, Dean flicks the TV on, reaches between the beds, grabs three beers, and holds one to Sam and one to Sarah without looking at them. They take their drinks,, they crack them open and drink in unison, while staring at the TV.