4. First Event.

3rd POV...

Asuna removed the equipment, went to take her bath and got ready to sleep. She then came to sit on her bed and took her laptop. She switched on her laptop and went to check if there is anything new about the game.

She logged into her account in the "New World Online's" site and saw that some other players are online chatting on some board. She clicked on it and saw the messages.


8. "Looked like starting equipment to me. How can u sleep with poisonous bugs all over you? Makes me sick just thinking about it."

9. "Isn't total damage negation the only way to live through that?"

10. "Who was it?"

11. "Some cute girl not even 150cm tall. Prolly low AGI by how slow she walked. By the way, I tried what she did and melted instantly."

12. "She maxed out defense or something?"

13. "Maybe she unlocked a hidden skill"

14. "We'll have to keep digging for info. If she's a top player, we'll find out her name eventually."

15. "Report back if you find anything."

16. "Thanks for the info."

"Are they talking about the girl I saw earlier?" Asuna asked herself thinking about the person she saw earlier when she was about to log out of the game.

Asuna scrolled up to read more of the chat. She got to know that it was the same person they were referring to.

"[She's become really popular]" Asuna thought. She then went to sleep thinking about how her guild members will react tomorrow when they see her.

~~~Wednesday, in the game~~~

Asuna laughed at her guild member's reactions the next day she met them.

They completed dungeons and quests together. All of them got different skills and they were all happy about it.

All of them separated to go and get ready for the upcoming event tomorrow. They separated because teams are not allowed in the upcoming event, players can only join solo. They did this so that they would be sent to different areas when the event starts.

After they went their ways, Asuna decided to explore the game and check if she would get better skills from monsters that she will eat.

A thought came to her head when she was walking.

"[Now that I think about it, I don't know their real names. I only know their gamer ID]". "Should I ask them for their names or... just forget it" Asuna said.

Asuna forgot about the thought when she heard someone yelling, "Shield Attack! Shield Attack! Shield Attack!...

She tiptoed towards the source of the noise and hid behind a tree. She looked to see someone using her shield to hit some monsters whilst yelling.

She was short like Asuna. She had short black eyes and she was wearing a black and red armor.

"She must be a Great Shield-er" Asuna assured herself..."and she...looks familiar? Have I seen her before?"

Asuna thought about it for sometime and finally remembered she saw her yesterday.

"Aha, I remember her now. She was the girl I saw yesterday."

The girl defeated all the monsters and said something quietly. The girl then looked upwards.

Asuna also looked upwards to see that the girl was looking at some bugs in the air.

The girl used a skill and all the bugs fell down. Some fell at where Asuna was standing.

Asuna became surprised when the girl started eating a bug.

"She also knows about it? So it is not only me." Asuna whispered to herself.

The girl started saying somethings after taking a bite from the bug. Asuna wanted to hear her so she inched closer but was out of view of the girl.

"Ooh! It's just like candy that pops in your mouth!" Asuna heard the girl say.

"It's nice?" Asuna wanted to know it herself so she took a bug from the ground and bit it. Asuna could not stop herself from eating the whole thing..."At least some of the monsters taste nice, I thought they all tasted the same."

Asuna took more of the bugs and ate them until she could not get some from where she was standing.

A notice popped up in front of Asuna. Asuna saw that the girl has also received a notice.


"Acquired Bomb Eater"

"Acquired Devour"

Asuna read the contents of the skill and decided to put the skill in a better place.

She looked to see that the girl has put the skill in her shield's skill slot. Although she did not know if it was the same skill, she was sure it would be the same because the skill came from the same source.

She checked if her weapon or armor has any slot and surely both of them had slots. She put the skill in her weapon's skill slot.

Asuna thanked the girl in her mind and decided to tail the girl until she logged out. Asuna followed the girl everywhere she went.

Asuna ate any monster the girl would eat on her way and got the same skill the girl got.

Asuna carefully observed the girl and got to know that she was only increasing her defence. She also got to know that it was because of the defence that the girl survived when she was surrounded by the monsters.

The girl would sometimes notice that someone is following her but anytime she tries to look for the person, Asuna would hide or retreat to a safer distance away from her.

It eventually became late and the girl had to log out.

Asuna stretched and whispered to herself "I've been hiding for so long."

"Huh!" Asuna heard a voice behind her.

"H-Hello" Asuna turned and said to the girl.

"W-Were you the one...following me?" The girl asked Asuna and Asuna awkwardly smile at her.

"Yep! I was the one following you. I saw you eating monsters so I followed you to see if you would get skills from them. Hehe" Asuna said and told the girl her name.

The girl also told Asuna her name and they added each other as friends. Asuna and the girl now known as Maple logged out of the game.

Asuna did her daily routine and went to sleep that day still thinking about the game.

~~~Thursday, in the morning~~~

Asuna woke up and completed her daily routine. She then took her bath, wore one of her gym clothe with white shoes and logged into the game. It was a tight yoga top and shorts that Asuna had put on to be able to move freely in the game.

"I can move freely in this clothe." Asuna said to herself whilst movig her arms around.

She appeared in the middle of the town. Other players started to log into the game. Many people also came to the middle until there was little space left.

"They must be waiting for the event to begin" Asuna said because the people were not leaving to go and do dungeons and other things, they were just standing there. Some of them were chatting, some were standing idle and others were looking at their status.

Some people were looking at Asuna, saying some things about her. Asuna was not in the mood to hear the things they were saying so she went to a nearby chair to sit on it.

"[They have all this things here...they even created food that can be tasted and eaten in the game. I can even feel it when others touch me]" Asuna thought.

"RAWR" A weird looking thing appeared in the sky...Welcome! It's time to begin NewWorld Online 's very first event!

"Which 'monster' has it's wings on it's head?" Asuna said to herself seeing a flying thing in the air with it's wings on its head. It's body was half scale and half skin. It has a horn on the middle of it's forehead and it's color was red.

"It'll last three hours on a map specially made for today!" The thing continued..."By the way, I'm the game's mascot, Dorazou! For you new players, nice to meet you! Let's start the countdown!"

Dorazou counted down from three to zero and the players including Asuna were sent to a different area.

"Good luck everyone! RAWR!"

Asuna was sent to an area with trees everywhere. She could see ruins in the distance.

"Time to become a monster myself. I do not want to be running around since I am too fast" Asuna used her {TITAN} skill she got from eating the Dead Queen to become a giant monster..."This is better"

She became a giant. She has black hair and her abs were perfectly showing. Her feminine parts were also showing but the was no vagina. Part of her body were flesh whilst some were made up of glass.

"I can move normally like this. This skill makes me move normally, though it has increased my strength and vitality."

Asuna started moving around looking for other players to defeat. She saw a player with a short sword looking at her with fear.

"[They don't know I am a player like them.]" Asuna said in her mind smiling.

The person began to run away screaming.

"[Oh! You are going to attract more people for me. Maybe I should use him to bring more people here.]"

Asuna also started to run behind the person slowly. The person was still screaming. Nobody was coming. Asuna followed the person for sometime and decided to stop when she saw nobody.

"[Hmm...not working huh?!]" Asuna turned to see many people looking at her..."[You should have told me you were here. Were you trying to kill me. If not then time to kill]"

Asuna run and jumped into the air.

"Nice!" Asuna said in the air.

The people started to run away but because they were many, they were not fast.

Asuna landed on many people and a notice popped up:


"6 kills"

"[I will maybe be able to win this if I keep this up.]" Asuna thought and started kicking the people killing them. She killed many people and got a lot of points.

Asuna saw a person with two short swords in his hand coming towards her.

"[At least someone has the courage to go against a giant monster.]" Asuna sprinted towards the person killing people on the way.

She threw a punch towards the person but the person disappeared.

"Where did this monster come from?" The person said. He completely ignored Asuna and sprinted away.

"[Huh! I thought he was coming for me. Where is he...]" Asuna looked back to see that every body is missing. "[He killed them...or I did?]" Asuna was surprised.

She changed her course and sprinted in the direction the person went. She was loosing sight of the person because of her current agility.

"[Maybe I shouldn't have used this skill.]"

Asuna ran in a random direction because she lost the guy. She saw another person surrounded by many people. The person was defeating the people easily with his sword.

"[Let me go and fight him to see if he would be a worthy opponent. He must be a strong person.]"

Asuna went towards the person. The person looked at her surprised but he dashed towards her.

The person slashed Asuna's leg and her health reduced to 80. Asuna kicked the person away. The person blocked but was pushed back.

"[I can't defeat him like this...and I don't want him to know who I am too. Should I change back or escape.]" Asuna thought for sometime whilst evading the person's attacks and finally decided to fight him for sometime.

Asuna threw a punch at the person. The person used his sword to push Asuna's hand away and Asuna used this chance to grab the person with her other hand.

She used the person to hit the ground which decreased the person's health by 20. The person quickly got up and backed away from Asuna.

"Is this really a monster?!" The person said.

Asuna run towards the person punching and kicking. The person was also blocking.

They did this for sometime and they both reduced most of their health. They killed anyone they saw in their way.

"[This guy is trouble]" Asuna kicked the person away. She turned back and sprinted away from the person.

"[I have to get away from him]" Asuna looked back to see that the person is still following her.

"You have to finish what you started" The person screamed at Asuna. Asuna tried to kick the person. The person also tried blocked the incoming attack but nothing happened. He looked to see that Asuna is gone.

"Huh" The person said disappointed.

Asuna changed back to her form when she tricked the person and ran away from him.

"I have to be careful with this strong people." Asuna said to herself. Asuna ran towards a building she saw in a distance.

She stopped running when she saw poison all over the damaged building. "[Someone's using poison?]"

Asuna walked over to a stable building beside the damaged one and jumped on it. She looked to see it was Maple using the poison. Asuna checked the ranking and saw her name at the 7th place.

"[I can rest a little. First 10 people will get the rewards so it's okay for now.]" Asuna decided to watch Maple's battle.

Maple used her {HYDRA} skill to defeat all the people that came towards her.

Dorazou appeared in front of Asuna and informed her about the first three people in the ranking.

"[This is going to be interesting]" Asuna stood where she was still looking at Maple.

A lot of people came to where Maple was after the announcement.

"So they want to get her points? Maybe I can move up in ranking if I play with them a little." Asuna said smiling. She used her {HEAL} skill to recover her health.

Asuna used a new skill she got {LEAP} to jump onto where the people were. She went to stand beside Maple and Maple was looking at her with her mouth open.

"Need any help?" Asuna asked her and Maple nodded.

"I can use a little help but...will you be okay with my poison?" Maple said.

Asuna nodded and many people started coming. They became many surrounding Asuna and Maple.

She took her shield and looked at the people surprised.

"Hmph. She's naught but a newbie. I'll teach you how fearsome the battlefield is. Don't hate me for this!" Asuna heard a man with an axe say.

The man run towards Maple and used his axe to hit her side but nothing happened.

"Huh?!" The man said scared.

"I'm sorry that didn't work." Maple said smiling. She then used her skill {DEADLY BREATH}. Poisonous smoke came out of her shield and started spreading everywhere.

The people started running away but Maple used another skill to paralyse them. She killed everyone and sat down to rest.

"[So she also got the Hydra skill]" Asuna assured herself.

Asuna and Maple used their {HYDRA} skill to defeat the people.

"You also ate the poison dragon?" Maple asked laughing weirdly.

"Y-yeah" Asuna said smiling."[I guess people have other names for it too]"

"RAWR! It's over! Dorazou announced.

"Yay! I won't be fighting any monster!" Maple screamed in happiness.

She checked the ranking to see her name has moved up to the 5th place.

"Nice" She exclaimed.

"Woo-hoo! I'm so awesome" Maple screamed in happiness.

"Let's kick off the interviews with out third-place winner, Maple.!" Dorazou announced.

"Huh? Um, um..." Maple was confused.

Asuna looked at her also confused about what was happening.

"Anything to say about the event?" Dorazou asked Maple.

"um, uh... I took a pounding but I liked its" Maple answered as if she is shy.

"RAWR! Congratulations!" Dorazou announced to everyone.

~~~Friday. Maple~~~

"Huh? Third place? For real?" Risa asked Maple surprised.

"Yeah, I'm surprised myself." Maple answered.

"Wait a second. What level are you, Kaede?" Risa asked looking at her.

Kaede answered her which made Risa even more surprised.

The talked for some time on their way to their class. When they reached the class, Risa told Kaede about the 'class' she would choose.


Asuna was lying on her bed reading the messages people were sending.


439. "That's insane"

440. "Walking fortress, no. Last boss, yes"

441. "So cute and strong. She's the best."

442. "Think she's strongest 1v1 at the moment? Besides Payne, obviously"

443. "Hey, did you see the giant monster? She killed almost the same people as Maple."

444. "Yeah, I don't even know why they brought a monster when they said only pvp."

445. "Maybe it was a player who transformed into the giant because it was chasing us all around."

446. "Is there another Maple?"

447. "The new players are becoming really powerful"

448. "Maybe it is because they were already pros in games or something? Or it was just a coincidence."

Asuna switched off her laptop and took her phone. She logged into her discord and clicked on her clan's chat.


Willow-"Everybody is talking about a girl named Maple and a giant monster. I thought the event was only pvp."

SILENT-"It killed all of us."

Lisa-"I killed you?! I did not see you guys."

KingKai-"What do you mean by 'I'?"

SILENT-"Yeah, what do you mean?"

Lisa-"It is one of my skills. It is called {TITAN}. I got it from defeating the Dead Queen.

They started to send surprise emotes.

Lisa-"Okay, okay, I just didn't want anyone to see my skills. So I decided to use that one."

Deathnote-"You ate a zombie?"

"[He knows?]" Asuna thought surprised that another person apart from her and Maple knows about that.

Lisa-"Yeah. It was disgusting."

SILENT-"Eating? :D"

Deathnote-"Oh, sorry. I forgot to tell you guys. You can eat in the game. I have a skill called {FANGS}, I got it from eating a large fox. The skill makes me transform into the large fox I ate.

Willow-"And you guys kept it to yourselves?"

Lisa-"Don't worry, we will talk about it in the game."

Asuna closed the discord app and logged into the game.