Jump The Shark

The Impala is parked next to a lake, Sam is leaning against the hood, brushing his teeth. Dean is lying across the front seat, head and shoulders up against the door and Sarah is lying across the back seat, Dean twists around getting Sam's attention , and opens the door, which nearly dumps him on the ground. Sarah is already awake and asks "Hey. How'd you two sleep?" Dean climbs out of the car "How do you think? I'm starving. Let's get breakfast." Sarah asks "Where? We're like two hours from anything." Dean says "But I'm hungry now." Dean comes around to the front of the car, Sam says "There's probably still a sandwich in the back seat." Dean turns around, rubbing a hand over his face, and reaches in through the open back window, pulling out a paper bag. He opens the bag and sniffs, then leans his head back and inhales "It's Tuna."

A phone rings inside the car. Dean tosses the bag back into the back seat and puts his hands to his jeans pockets. Sam spits out toothpaste foam, Dean leans in through the front window and rummages in the glove compartment, pulling out the ringing phone. He hits his head on the roof as he tries to get out and looks at the phone, Sam asks "Isn't that Dad's phone?" Sarah gets out of the car and stands beside them and Dean flips the phone open, presses a button, and puts it to his ear "Hello?" A Young Man, Adam Milligan, answers "Uh, is this John?" Dean says "He can't come to the phone. Can I help you?" Adam says "No no no—I really—I need to talk to John. This is Adam Milligan, He knows me." Dean says "Well, sorry to be the one to break this to you, pal, but John died more than two years ago, Who is this?" Adam says "I'm his son." Dean stares.

The Impala parks next to Cousin Oliver's Hilltop Cafe, A van goes past Sarah, Sam and Dean get out of the car Sam says "Dean, look, best I can tell, Adam Milligan is real." Dean unlocks and opens the trunk, then the weapons box. Sam reads from a paper in an open folder "Um, born September twenty-ninth, 1990 to Kate Milligan. No father listed on the birth certificate. He's an Eagle Scout." Sarah is listening and Dean pulls assorted weapons out of the trunk, including Ruby's knife "Graduated from high school with honors and currently goes to the University of Wisconsin—biology major, pre-med." Dean closes the weapons box Sarah asks "Dean? You listening." Dean says "This is a trap." He closes the trunk and heads past Sam and Sarah, Sam closes the folder.

Inside the Diner, Dean, Sarah and Sam enter the diner with a bell ringing at the door. There's a Man at the counter, a waitress serving a burger, a couple other customers. Dean, Sarah and Sam scan opposite halves of the diner; Dean sees an empty table in a corner with four chairs and they go and sit down, Sam says "Dean, I'm telling you, the kid checks out." Dean says "Great, so he's an actual person on the planet Earth. Sucks he's got a demon in him." Another Waitress Denise , approaches the table with menus and glasses of water; she gives them each a glass "Hi. Welcome to Cousin Oliver's." Sam and Sarah says "Thanks." Denise says "Can I—" Dean interrupts her and says "We're actually waiting on somebody." Denise, annoyed, slaps down a menu in front of each of them and Sam says "Thank you—" Sam and Sarah picks up their menus long enough to slap it down. Dean takes his glass and pours it into the potted plant behind him Sarah asks "What are you—" Dean puts the glass between his knees and pulls out a flask, unscrewing the top.

Sam says "Holy water?" Dean says "Yup." Under the table, Dean fills the glass with water from the flask "One sip of Jesus juice, this evil bitch is gonna be in a world of hurt." Denise walks past; when she is out of sight, Dean puts the glass in front of the third place at the table. Dean pulls out a felt-wrapped package and undoes it and Sam says "And what if he's not possessed?" Dean says "Then he is a shapeshifter." Dean's package contains silver cutlery, which he sets at the third place at the table, removing the silverware already there and dropping it on the floor and Sam says "Hence the silver." Sam moves the journal on top of the menu Dean says "Look, either way, this thing is gonna bleed. I mean, using Dad as bait? That's the last mistake of its short, pitiful life."

Sam and Sarah both frown, watching Dean, who looks over "What?" Sam looks away "What?" Sam says "Dean...listen. There's an entry in Dad's journal." Sam flips through same "From January of 1990, saying he's headed to Minnesota to check out a case. That's, roughly, oh, about nine months before the kid was born." Dean says "Coincidence." Sarah says "Coincidence. Next two pages of the journal—torn out." Sam indicates the remains of the pages; these must have been deliberately left, because the journal is clearly a three-ring add-and-remove-pages type, Dean says "You're not actually buying this, are you?" Sam says "Look, man, I don't want to believe it either, I'm just saying it's possible." Sam closes the journal and picks it up, waving it "I mean, Dad would be gone for weeks at a time, and he wasn't exactly a monk." He puts the Journal away "I mean, a hunter rolls into town, kills a monster, saves the girl...sometimes the girl's grateful." Dean asks "Well, now I'm thinking about Dad sex. Stop talking." Sam says "Maybe he slipped one past the goalie." Dean says "Dude!" The door chimes. A Young Man has just come in: this is Adam Milligan, Sarah and Sam looks up then Dean looks up, Adam looks around, looking for the unfamiliar faces and Sam says "Adam?" Adam looks over,Sam raises a hand. Adam comes over "You Sam?" Sam says "Yeah. Uh, this is Dean and Sarah."

Adam sits down next to Sarah, Adam asks "So, um...how did you know my dad?" Sam says "Uh, we worked together." Adam's facial expressions indicate confusion "How did he die?" Sam says "On the job." Adam says "He was a mechanic, right?" Dean says "A car fell on him." Denise comes up to the table, much friendlier "Hey, Adam. How you doing?"Denise puts a glass of water in front of Adam, Dean leans forward to take it. Sam and Sarah frowns, Dean says "Oh, I'll take that. I am very thirsty." Dean takes a sip. Denise eyes Dean, displeased "The usual, Adam?" Adam says "Uh, yeah. Thanks, Denise." Denise leaves, Adam takes the glass of holy water. Dean, Sarah and Sam watch carefully as he drinks; nothing happens. Adam is not, then, possessed, or not by a demon less powerful than Azazel. Adam wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, Sam asks "So, uh, when's the last time you saw John?"

Adam says "I don't even know. It's...a couple years." Under the table, Dean pulls out a gun and aims at Adam Sam asks "Why did you decide to call him now?" Adam says "I didn't know who else to call. He's the only family I got." Sam blinks, "My mom's missing." Sam says "Really? I'm sorry. Uh, for how long?" Dean says "It's tragic, really. But if you're John's kid, how come we've never heard of you?" Adam says "'Cause John and me didn't really know each other. Not until a few years ago, anyway." Sarah says "What do you mean?" Adam says "My mom never talked about him. I knew some stuff." Dean asks "What kind of stuff?" Adam says "My mom's a nurse, and Dad came into the ER, pretty torn up. Hunting accident or something and I knew his name. John Winchester. That's about it. We're not exactly a nuclear family." Sam says "Yeah, well, who is these days?"

Dean asks "So, when did you, uh, when did you finally meet him?" Adam says "When I was twelve. My mom had one of his old numbers, and—" Dean hand tightens on the gun "—and after I begged her—God, twenty-four-seven—she finally called him. God, when John heard he had a son, he raced to town. I mean, he dropped everything. He drove all night." Denise puts a plate in front of Adam "There you go." Adam says "Thanks." Dean says "Well, that's heartwarming." Adam indicates his food "You mind?" Dean says "Please, dig in." Adam takes the napkin out from under the silverware without touching the silverware and spreads the napkin on his lap. Dean cocks his gun, "He would swing by once a year or so." Adam picks up the knife and fork; nothing happens. So Adam is not a shapeshifter, nor anything else that reacts on contact with silver. Dean glances away "You know, called when he could. But still..." Adam takes a bite. Dean uncocks the gun and puts it away "He taught me poker and pool and even bought me my first beer when I was fifteen. And, uh...he showed me how to drive. Dad, he had this beautiful 'sixty-seven Impala—" Dean says "Oh, this is crap. You know what, you're lying." Adam says "No, I'm not."

Dean says "Uh, yeah, you are." Adam asks "I'm sorry, but who the hell are you to call me a liar?" Dean says "We're John Winchester's sons, that's who." Dean indicates himself and Sam and Sarah says "I'm his future daughter in law." Dean continues "We are his sons." Adam stares at Dean, then at Sam, then Dean. Adam asks "I've got brothers?" Dean says "No, you don't have brothers. Look, man, I don't know if you're a hunter or what kind of game you're playing here." Adam says "I have never been hunting in my life." Dean says "Whatever. I'm out of here. Come on, Sam, Sarah." Dean gets up and goes to leave and Adam says "I can prove it."

Inside the Milligan House, Daytime Dean holds a framed picture of Adam and John, John is wearing a baseball cap. Sam and Dean examine the picture Dean says "He took you to a baseball game?" Adam says "Yeah, when I turned fourteen. Dad was around for a few of my birthdays." Sam holds John's journal, open to a page he reads from "September twenty-ninth, two thousand four. One word. 'Minnesota.'" Dean says "He took you to a freakin' baseball game?" Adam says "Yeah. Why? What'd Dad do with you on your birthday?" Adam takes the picture back, Dean says "Oh." Dean frowns, Adam looks away Sam says "Adam, you said you called Dad because your mom was missing." Adam says "Yeah." Sarah asks "How long has she been gone?" Adam says "Three days." Dean asks "Who was the last person to see her?" Adam says "Mr. Abbinanti, our neighbor. He saw her come home Tuesday night, but she never showed up to work on Wednesday."

Dean sees another picture, this one of John hugging kate, Kate resembles Mary and Sam asks Adam "Did you call the police?" Adam says "Mom's supervisor at the hospital did and then I drove down here as fast as I could. Adam pauses "I should have been here." Sarah asks "What'd the, uh, what'd the cops say?" Adam says "That they, uh, they searched the house. They didn't find anything." He pauses again "She wouldn't leave without telling anybody. It's like she just dropped off the face of the earth, you know?"

Inside Kate's Room Daytime, Dean shifts Kate's dresser Seeing nothing behind it, he shifts it back. There are more pictures on the dresser: one of Kate, John and a Young Adam,and one of Kate and a very small Adam, Dean focuses on the one with John "The, uh, nightstand was knocked over. Was there anything else?" Adam says "Oh, not really. The sheriff said there's no sign of a break-in." Dean looks around "What, you think the cops missed something?" Dean says "Maybe. Yeah. They don't have my eyes." Adam says "You're a mechanic." Dean says "Yeah. That's right." Adam hesitates and then he finally asks "Dean, what else can you tell me about Dad?" Dean says "You knew him." Adam says "Not as well as you." Dean says "Trust me, kid, you don't want to know." Sam and Sarah appears at the door, holding up a handful of papers "Give us a minute." Dean leaves the room.

In the Hallway Daytime, Dean, Sarah and Sam stop walking he asks Sarah "You talk to the cops?" Sarah says "Yeah. Like Adam said, no leads on his mom." Dean says "Shocker there." Sam says "But I did find this." Sam goes through papers till he finds a copy of the Windom Gazette dated January 9, 1990. The headline is "Missing Bodies Found" and the subtitle "Seventeen bodies recovered from abandoned shed". "Um...here. In nineteen ninety, there were seventeen grave robberies in Windom." Dean says "You think that's why Dad came through here?" Sam says "I'd say so. Check it out." Sam points at the photo accompanying the article. Dean takes a closer look, John is in the background of the photo. Dean nods "All right, so he was hunting something. What?" Sam says "No idea. Those were the pages he threw out of the journal. But last month, the corpse snatching started up again. Three bodies from the local cemetery." Dean says "So whatever he was after, he didn't kill it. It's back." Sarah says "And, what, it's stepped up its game to fresh meat? I mean, Kate's missing, and, uh—" Sam goes to the next paper. This one's a copy of a photo of a Man in large black glasses, Joe Barton and Sam says "So is a local bartender—a guy named Joe Barton." Dean takes the photo, Back in Kate's bedroom, Adam is sitting on Kate's bed, Dean comes to the door and holds up the photo "Hey, does your mom know Joe Barton?" Adam says "Uh, I don't think so. Why?" Dean looks back at Sarah and Sam, then at Adam after a long pause, Dean notices something by Adam's feet scratches on the floor. Dean comes over for a closer look and Adam asks "What is it?" Dean says "Watch out." Dean flips up the edge of the comforter and looks under the bed, then gets up "Give me a hand with the mattress." Dean tosses the pillows aside and with Adam's help moves the mattress off the bed frame. Under the bed is a vent large enough to fit someone through. Sam and Sarah M looks at it. Dean looks at Sarah and Sam, They raise their fists for rock-paper-scissors. Sam picks Rock, Dean scissors, Sam smirks and Dean waves his arms, frustrated, then puts his hands on his hips and says "Every Time."

Inside an Air Duct, A thump, the sound of the vent cover coming off, and light from a flashlight fills the duct. There are red stains along the duct Dean shines the light around, then slides inside. There is a T-junction at the end of the duct he's in and he says to himself "Why didn't I pick paper?" Dean crawls to the T-junction. More red stains: blood, Dean crawls a bit further; to one side is another vent cover, undisturbed. Dean has a pistol in his other hand, which he points around the corner before he leans around himself and there is a large amount of blood and bits of flesh or bone in the duct.

Motel Room Daytime, Dean and Sarah cleaning a shotgun each, A knock at the door they both turn a closeup of the motel card—they're at the Kismet Motel, advertising fishing charters and happy hour in the Sonny Buono Lounge—and Sam opens the door Adam enters and asks "Who the hell are you?" Sam says "Adam, hey." Sam closes the door behind Adam, Dean flips a cloth over the shotgun "Take it easy." Adam says "No, don't tell me to take it easy, okay? My house is a crime scene, my mom's probably dead, and you two—well, you tell me to call the cops, but you got to bail before they show? So, who are you really?" Silence "Cops didn't know where to look for my mom, Dean, but you did. And I heard you talking earlier—something about grave robberies."

Adam spots the end of the shotgun poking out from under the cloth "You're not mechanics. I just want to know what's going on." Silence "Please." Sam says "We're hunters." Dean says "Sammy!" Sam says "He deserves to know, Dean." Adam says "What do you mean, 'hunters'?" Dean and Sarah shakes his head, The Impala and Adam's truck truck are outside the Kismet Motel. Inside the Motel Adam says "Okay, so...basically, you're saying that every movie monster, every nightmare that I've ever had, that's all real?" Dean says "Godzilla's just a movie." Sam says "We hunt them, So did Dad." Adam nods "Okay." Dean surprised says ""Okay"? That's it?" Adam says "What am I supposed to say?" Dean says "That we're liars, that we're crazy. Nobody just says "okay."" Adam says "Well, you're my brothers. You're telling me the truth, right?" Dean says "Yeah." Adam says "Then I believe you. Now, what took my mom?" Sarah says "We're not sure. Something's in town stealing bodies, living and dead, but we don't know what." Dean says "There's a long list of freaks that fit the bill." Adam says "You think maybe she might still be alive?"

Dean and Sarah looks down, Adam turns to Sam, Sam looks down and Adam nods, realizing, and looks down "Oh. How can I help?" Dean says "You can't." Adam says "This thing killed my mom. If you're hunting it, I want in." Dean says "No." Sam says "Dean, look, maybe—" Dean says "Maybe what?" Sam says "He lost his mother. Maybe we can understand what that feels like." Dean asks "Why do you think Dad never told us about this kid, Sam? Huh? Why do you think he ripped out the pages?" Sam says "Because—." Dean says "Because he was protecting him!" Sam says "Dad's dead, Dean." Dean says "That doesn't matter! He didn't want Adam to have our lives, okay? And we are gonna respect his wishes." Adam asks "Do I get a say in this?" Dean and Sam unison says "No!" Dean heads for the door, "Babysit the kid." Sarah asks "Where are you going?" Dean grabs his jacket "I'm going out!" Dean leaves, Sam and Sarah both sighs and Adam asks "Is he always like that?" They both laughs and Sam says "Welcome to the family." Adam looks down, Sam says "Here."

Sam pulls out his gun and ejects the clip "I'm gonna teach you a few things." Adam says "Uh, Dean said—" Sarah says "We know what Dean said." Sam holds the unloaded gun out to Adam "And I know what it's like to want revenge." Inside a tomb daytime, The cemetery director escorts Dean, who is in FBI suit and tie "This tomb was built in 1926. Four generations of the Millsap family were interred here." Dean says "They don't build 'em like this anymore." Cemetery Director says "Tell me, Agent Nugent, have you thought about where you might like to spend eternity?" Dean hesitates "All the damn time." Dean looks around the tomb, "So, three bodies went missing. Any idea who did it?" Director says "Hooligans. Sick, deranged hooligans." Dean notices something spilled on the side of the tomb. He touches it, smells it, and recoils "This isn't blood. What is this?" Director says "No, it's embalming fluid. Whoever committed this crime didn't just take the corpses. They opened them up." Dean looks up.

Bar nighttime, Dean takes a seat at the empty bar and unfolds the papers he's carrying. The Bartender spots him and fills a glass at the tap "First beer's on the house for cops. Feds too." Dean asks "Am I that obvious?" Bartender says "I know all the local badges." She sets the glass in front of Dean "And you've got that...Law & Order vibe." The Bartender picks up a cloth and starts drying another glass "So, what's the FBI doing in Windom?" Dean says "Looking into the disappearance of Joe Barton." Dean slides the photo of Joe across the bar, The Bartender looks at it, stricken "I assume you knew him?" Bartender says "A little. I'm his wife. Lisa." Dean says "Well, Lisa, what can you tell me about his disappearance?" Lisa says "Same thing I told the sheriff. He stayed late Friday before last to do inventory. Never came home." Dean takes the glass of beer "And the police?" Lisa says "Nothing. Truth is, I was scared they stopped looking. But now you're here." Dean looks at the photos behind the bar. One is of Joe in a police uniform "Joe was a cop?" Lisa says "Deputy. For a little while. That was a looong time ago."

Dean says "He didn't happen to work the, uh, the grave robbery case, back in 'ninety?" Lisa says "He did. Yeah. Joe was the one who found those bodies. He got an award for that." Dean says "That was an interesting case. Framed near the police!Joe photo is the "Missing Bodies Found" article "He ever tell you how he did it?" Dean scans the newspaper photo for John "Most of the time, he said good, solid police work. But after a few beers, he'd admit he had a little help." Dean asks "From Who?" Lisa says "A 'specialist'. That's all he'd say." Dean asks "Cops ever find the guy that stole the bodies?" Dean takes a drink "No, But when I asked Joe about it, he'd say not to worry—that "we took care of what done it.""

Motel Room Nighttime, Adam is practicing disassembling a gun while SAM cleans a shotgun "Sam...how did Dad really die?" Sam says "Demon." Adam asks "You hunted it down? Got revenge?" Sam says "Dean killed it." Adam says "So it's over for you." Sam and Sarah looks over at Adam "It's never over." The lights go out. Something rattles Adam says "What the—" Sam says "Shh." Sarah, Sam and Adam stand "Stay here." Sam loads the shotgun, approaching the door. He opens the door and looks around, aiming the shotgun in whichever direction he's looking; nothing, A noise behind Sam; he turns and aims in its general direction. Again. There's a vent near the ceiling; Sam aims at that. Sam says "It's in the vents. Go!" Sam and Sarah fires at the vent, then hustles Adam out of the room, following right behind.

Outside of the Kismet Motel Nighttime, They hurry down the stairs Sam asks "Where's your car?" Adam says "Over here." Sam says "All right, keys." Adam says "Here." Adam and Sarah heads for the passenger side of his truck, Sam for the driver's side. While Sam fumbles with the keys, something grabs his ankle, yanking him to the ground and under the truck Sam grabs the truck to resist and Adam says "Sam!" The Impala pulls up and Sarah says "Dean, help!" Adam grab one of Sam's arms and Dean the other and they pull him free. Dean gets out of the car, grabs the dropped shotgun, and fires. Dean looks at Sam and Sarah, Sam looks at Adam, Adam flops to the ground.

Adam's truck backs out of the space. He'd parked right over a sewer grate, which is half open Dean ets out of the truck and approaches the grate, aiming the shotgun. There's blood on the edge. Dean gets up and heads past Sam and Sarah, who is leaning on the hood of the Impala he says "I winged it. Did you see anything?" Sam says "I didn't get a good look." Dean asks "What the hell is this thing?" Adam asks "Why—who—should we go after it?" Dean says "No, no. In that maze? That thing's long gone." Sarah says "All right, so, we don't know what it is, but we do know who it's going after. Joe Barton, Adam's mom—" Dean says "And Adam. It was under his truck, just waiting for him." Sam says "It set a trap, and I walked right into it." Dean says "Doesn't matter. You're right—there's a pattern. Joe Barton was a cop. I'm pretty sure he helped out Dad. So we've got him, Dad's girl, and his son." Sam says "All the people Dad knew in town." Sarah says "At least we know why it's back." Adam says "It wants revenge." Sarah, Dean and Sam look at Adam.

Inside the Milligan House, Kitchen nighttime, The door opens and Adam, Sarah, Dean and Sam enters and Dean says "Grab your stuff. We'll hit the road." Adam flips on the lights and heads upstairs. Sam sits at the kitchen table "We shouldn't leave." Sam thumps his injured ankle on another chair, Dean says "Yeah, let's stay here, where the kid's mom got ganked. Good one." Sam says "I'm serious." Dean says "No, Sam, we're gonna take the kid, we're gonna drop him off at Bobby's, and then you, me and Sarah are gonna come back here and finish what Dad started." Sam stops moving, an ace bandage in one hand "How? We got no leads, no witnesses. We do have what this thing wants." Dean says "You want to use the kid as bait? That's why you want to stay here?" Sam says "Maybe this thing will come back. We could train Adam—get him ready." Sarah says "He could die, Sam." Sam says "We could all die, Dean and Sarah Even if we do kill this thing, there are tons of other freaks that want revenge, on Dad, on us. What if they find the kid instead and he's not ready?" Sam unrolls the ace bandage and starts wrapping his ankle. Adam returns, backpack over one shoulder "I'll do it. Whatever it takes, I'll do it. I want to do it." Dean and Sarah both look over at Sam and he looks over at the both of them.

Shooting Range Outside Daytime, Three gunshots. The first one makes a hole in a piece of metal, through which Sam and Adam are visible, Sam holding a gun. The other side of the metal is a sign, "NO TRESPASSING", "TRESPASSING ON THIS PROPERTY IS STRICTLY FORBIDDEN", "VIOLATORS WILL BE PROSECUTED TO THE FULLEST EXTENT OF THE LAW IN ACCORDANCE WITH MINNESOTA PENAL CODE 555.512.457.800.8", on which two red rings have been spray painted. There are three small holes close together inside the smaller ring. Sam lowers the gun "Whoa." Sam says "It's easy. Just feel the recoil and time the trigger pulls. Three taps." Sam holds the gun out to Adam, Adam says "Yeah?" Sam says "Go Ahead." Adam takes the gun and moves in front of Sam, He fires three times, kicking up leaves; all three shots hit the sign, fairly close together, one on and two inside the inner ring. Sam grins, a distance away, Dean and Sarah , leaning against the Impala, shakes his head and looks away "Beginner's luck, right?" Sam says "Nah, man. You're a natural. Good shooting." Sam claps Adam on the back Adam says "Thanks."

Inside the Kitchen Milligan House Daytime, Books, one on "HELLHOUNDS", one on "THE ALL-WATCHING BAPHOMET", one on "AFFLICTIONS OF GHOSTS", one on something not visibly named in Europe', all are illustrated. The last appears to show something exploding out of someone's chest. Sam says "So, then we lit it on fire." Adam says "With a homemade flamethrower?" Sam says "Yeah, They're easy to build. I'll show you." Adam says "That is some job you got, man." Sam says "Being a hunter isn't a job, Adam. It's life. You're pre-med. You got a girlfriend, friends?" Adam nods "Not anymore you don't. If you're really gonna do this, you can't have those kinds of connections, ever. They're weaknesses. You'll just put those people in danger, get them killed." Dean and Sarah, across the room, looks away "That's the price we pay. You cut 'em out, and you don't look back. There's only one thing you can count on. Family."

Dean says "Sam." Sam looks over "Can I talk to you?" Dean gets up and goes over by the stairs. Sam follows and Sarah stays with Adam, "What the hell was that?" Sam says "What?" Dean says "'Hunting is life. You can't have connections.' Dad gave you that exact same speech, remember? It was just before you ditched us for Stanford. You hated Dad for saying that stuff, and now you're quoting him?" Sam says "Yeah, well, turns out Dad was right." Dean says "Since when?" Sam says "Since always. Dean, when I look at Adam, you know what I see?" Dean says "A normal Kid." Sam says "No. Meat. Because the demons and monsters out there, that's all he is. I hated Dad for a long time. I did. But now I think I understand. So we didn't have a dog and a white picket fence. So what? Dad did right by us. He taught us how to protect ourselves. Adam deserves the same." Dean says "Listen to yourself, man." Sam says "You think I'm wrong?" Dean says "I think it's too late for us. This is our life, This is who we are, okay? And it's fine. I accept that. But with Adam, he's still got a chance, man. He can go to school. He could be a doctor."

Sam says "What makes Adam so special?" Dean asks "What, are you jealous of the kid?" Sam asks "Are you?" Pauses "Dean...all this...it's not real. The dad Adam knew—he wasn't real. The things out there in the shadows—they are real. The world is coming to an end. That's real. Everything else is just part of the crap people tell themselves to get through the day." Dean says "Dad didn't have a choice with us, okay? But with Adam, he did and Adam doesn't have to be cursed." Sam says "He's a Winchester. He's already cursed." Dean says "No. No, whatever's hunting Adam, I'm gonna find it." Sam says "You already looked everywhere, Dean." Dean says "Well, then me and Sarah look again." Dean and Sarah leaves.

The Impala drives past and into the cemetery, Inside the tomb nighttime, Dean opens the tomb and their urns on a flashlight and shines it around. He spots a loose stone, large enough to hide a tunnel, and works it out of the wall with a crowbar. There is indeed a tunnel behind it. Dean shines the light along the tunnel. They shakes their heads and crawls in, At the far end of the tunnel is another room "Home sweet home." Sarah and Dean shines the light around. He steps in blood; there's quite a lot of it next to a severed arm and a pair of large black glasses. Dean picks those up and looks at them "Sloppy Joe." They both hear something in the tunnel and fires several times. The tunnel collapses Dean says "Oh, son of a bitch!" Sarah and Dean tries to make a call. No signal and Sarah says "Son of a bitch."

Milligan House nighttime, Sam pours salt along every window and door. Adam nails boards over every vent. In Kate's bedroom The vent in the floor, vent cover mostly off, remains unsalted and un-nailed-closed, Sam and Adam stand over it "All right. We've closed off every other way into the house. If this thing's coming, it's coming through here." A creak, like a door opening and Adam says "You were saying?" Kate says "Adam! Adam!" Adam says "Mom?" Sam says "No." Adam says "Mom!" Sam says "Adam!" Adam takes off downstairs Sam chambers a shotgun round and follows.

Inside the Kitchen, Adam says "Mom." Sam says "Adam, wait." Kate says "It took me, but I got away." Adam says "It's okay." Kate says "I got away." Adam hugs Kate, Sam aims the shotgun and says "Adam, step away from her." Adam says "Sam, what the hell?!" Sam says "She's not your mother!" Kate asks "Adam, who—what is going on?" Inside the tomb, Dean kicks at the door out of the tomb. It remains sealed. Dean and Sarah explores, pushing a skeleton out of the way with a foot. There is a sealed coffin with relatively fresh blood on the outside Sarah opens the coffin: it's Kate Milligan Most of her."

Sam says "Get away from him!" Kate asks "What is going on?" Sam says "You listen to me." Adam says "It's really her, okay?" Sam says "There was too much blood, Your mother's dead. There was too much blood in the vents!" Sam shoves Adam away from 'KATE'. Adam takes the shotgun, Kate says "Adam!" Sam says "Shoot it!" Kate says "He's crazy! Honey, it's me!" Adam points the gun at 'KATE', then at Sam, looking confused and terrified Sam says "Look—Adam!" Kate says "Honey, it's me!" Sam says "Look, that's not your mother!" Kate says "Baby, please!" Sam says "Shoot it! It's not human!" Adam levels the gun at 'KATE' and smirks "I know." Adam hits Sam on the chin with the butt of the shotgun and Sam goes down and Kate smiles. Back in the tomb, Dean opens another coffin. This one has the corpse of Adam, both Sarah and Dean puts a hand over their mouths; there's quite a lot of blood.

Dean and Sarah, now aware that his brother's alone with a monster, redoubles his efforts to escape. He looks around; there's a stained-glass window above him, depicting an angel. Inside the Milligan Kitchen, Kate is humming and Sam is tied to a table, unconscious. When he stirs, he notices he's tied at wrists and ankles, with duct tape across his waist. He struggles and groans. 'KATE' is cleaning her fingernails with the point of a knife "Silver. No wonder none of the tests worked. You're not shapeshifters. You're ghouls." Kate says "You know, I find that term racist." She emphasizes the point by waving her knife. 'KATE' sniffs Sam from hand to neck and nibbles his ear "Mmm. Fresh meat. So much better than what we're used to." Sam says "I should have known. It was the fresh kills that threw me. Ghouls don't usually go after the living. See, you're just filthy scavengers, feeding off the dead—taking the form of the last corpse you choke down." Adam says "And their thoughts. And their memories. Like Adam, for instance." Kate says "Well, we are what we eat." Sam says "You're monsters." Kate draws the knife across Sam's arm, drawing blood. Adam says "Our father was a monster? Why? Because of what he ate? He never hurt anyone, Sam. Living, anyway." Kate pulls the knife free "No. He was no monster. But the thing that killed him was. A monster named John Winchester." Sam looks at her.

Inside the Tomb, Sarah and Dean breaks a long piece of metal off one of the coffins and tries to use it to pry the door open. It doesn't work "Holy crap." They both start stacks one coffin on another, stands on them, and uses the metal bar to smash through the stained-glass window. Dean grabs the edge of the window and swings himself out and then he helps Sarah out. Inside the Milligan House, Kitchen There's a stab wound in Sam side; 'ADAM' digs a finger into it and Kate says "Thanks to your daddy, my brother and I grew up on our own. At least we had each other." Adam licks his finger "Like you and your brother. Inseparable." Kate says "Actually, it was very hard to get you on your own." Adam says "Like you said, Sam, the only thing you can count on is family." Kate drinks some more blood, then licks her fingers "And for twenty years, we lived like rats." Adam says "Graveyard after graveyard, all that stinking flesh." Kate says "Then we thought, 'hey, why not move up to fresher game?'"

Adam says "And we knew just where to start." Adam digs the point of the knife into the cut in Sam's arm and "Revenge—it's never over, is it, Sam?" Kate says "First, it was John's cop friend, and then his slut, and then his son." Kate points with the knife at herself, then at 'ADAM' and Adam says "Then I called John, but the son of a bitch was already dead." Kate says "So I guess you, Sarah and Dean will have to do instead." Adam says "Dean won't interrupt us this time. We're gonna feed on you nice and slow—like we did with Adam." Kate says "Oh, and, by the way, he really was your brother." Sam struggles "You should know that." Adam says "He was still alive when we took our first bites." Kate says "And he was a screamer." Kate and Adam each open gashes along one of Sam's arms. Blood drips into bowls placed to catch it and Adam says "Sam, the more you struggle, the faster you're gonna bleed out, So you might as well lie back and relax."

Dean says "Hey!" Both Dean and Sarah appears, aiming a shotgun they fires and 'ADAM' hits the wall, a hole through his shoulder and Sam says "Dean, Sarah they're ghouls!" Dean pauses, then fires at 'KATE'. Blood spatters the wall; her headless corpse collapses "Which means head-shot." Adam slams Dean , breaking a lot of glass on the way down. Dean grabs Adam, and slams him down, then takes his metal bar and tries to slam 'ADAM's' head. 'ADAM' dodges. They fight; 'ADAM' goes down, and Dean beats his head in. Silence falls, Sam says "Dean, Sarah." Dean comes over to Sam and cuts through the ropes and duct tape, grabbing a couple towels on the way. They help Sam sit up and uses the towels as pressure bandages, murmuring the whole time and Dean says "Come on. Come on. Come on. Hang on. All right, here we go. Here we go. Hang on, buddy. All right." Sam says "Thank You both." Sarah says "That's what family's for, right? Keep pressure on that."

Forest Nighttime, Sam asks "You sure we should do this?" Adam's body , wrapped in sheets, is lying on a pyre and Dean opens a bottle of lighter fluid "Ghouls didn't fake those pictures. They didn't fake Dad's journal." Dean sprinkles lighter fluid over Adam "Adam was our brother. He died like a hunter. He deserves to go out like one." Sam says "Maybe we can bring him back. Get a hold of Cas, call in a favor." Dean says "No, Adam's in a better place." Dean lights a match and tosses it on the pyre. Adam's body goes up in flames and then Dean says "You know, I finally get why you and Dad butted heads so much. You two were practically the same person." Both Sam and Sarah looks over at Dean, I mean, I worshipped the guy, you know? I dressed like him, I acted like him, I listen to the same music. But you were more like him than I will ever be. And I see that now." Sam says "I'll take that as a compliment." Dean says "You take it any way you want."