Chapter 5

Passion and Power.

Days had passed Ct, was staying in her room still recovering.

Captain Kamin was  investigated of her case Looking the suspect but until now he did not found out the person who was attack her in the Little island.

"Sir, "SPO SANTIAGO said to Captain Kamin.

until now they did not know who the culprit was. But he did not stop to investigate not only because this is him an obligation.

he just wants to give back everything she has helped his family before.

She was the only person who was Help him to reaching of his achievements righ now except his family.

"So, are you tracking the helicopter,"?

He asked to SPO1 Santiago.

"Hmm, according to the witnessed sir the helicopter was colored dark and that helicopter is from spain,"

SPO1 Santiago said and he was nods.

"I think this case is connected to her mom and dad," He said and looking to his computer laptop.

Ct, was watching a movie in her room she were feel so  bored.

She wanted to go out went her office to work but her Grandma did not allow her.

So was just follow her chilling on her bed.

Her grandma was worried about her.

And she was understand of her feelings right now.

Her wounds on her shoulder almost got well.

She was stopped thinking of the guy who was save her.

She can't even say thank you for him.

But maybe soon if they are meet again.

Jake, and Nato, was busy guiding the foreman and the  contractors of the building.

While he was handling the papers plan.

"Bro, Don, calls us," Nato, said.


He just said and walked into the Rancho de Ignacio.

"Good that you're already here,"

Don said, and they sat down.

"So, what are we talking about Is it about the structure,?" He asked put the papers plan on the table.

"HAHAHA 'Just calm down don't worry about my grandson's we having fun here  You are very serious unlike this Fortunato hahaha," Don Ignacio said.

"He is really weird inclined to laugh, Hmmp maybe this old man is really like this," He was mumbling sips his coffee.

"I've been courting Doña Pasi for a long time, but she rejects me I have no chance for her love,"

Don Ignacio says and he will curious.

"Doña, the Grandmother of the Woman sump I will  call her Mierda cause she were always cursing,"He smirk imagining her reactions.

"I think she was pretty right Don,?"

Nato asked to Don Ignacio.

"HAHAHA  exactly," Don Ignacio said.

"So Are you still Inlove with here until now,?" Nato asked to Don Ignacio.

"Yeah I think," He said.

After having lunch with Mr Ignacio they he was go ahead into the structure while Nato, still talking with Don Ignacio.

"Hahaha Jake, you know Don Ignacio was a joker person I really enjoyed earlier while talking to him," Nato, said  while then sits besides him.

"Bes but for me everything he says is meaningless," He said and Nato punched his shoulder.

"You can't really keep up because you are too serious in life," Nato said to him.

"Exactly," He said with a shrugs.

"I don't even know how I lasted you so long, you were so quiet you mother fucker," Nato said.

"Just find another friends unlike me that's a simple problem," He said.

"Fuck you," He said immediately walk out.

he just chuckles looking at the shore,

MIRA, was preparing her all documents hospitals papers for her work she was going into the Rancho Ignacio.

"Mom, I'll go ahead  I have to go," She said, to her mom who was cooking.

"Oh be careful,"

Her mom said.

"Don't worry, mom señorito Lucio was not yet there,"

She said and brush her hair.


Her mom said and she took the resume papers and stepping out of their home and walked into the Rancho De Ignacio and since she accustomed of the sunlight hit her skin she doesn't bring an umbrella or something covered on her skin.

When she has arrived she pressed the doorbell and looked at the man who was also came out from inside.

"What is he doing here don't tell me he's grandson but the only known señorito Lucio is the one grandson of Don auh maybe he was a visitor,"She, said.

"Hello, what do you need '"?The maid asked her.

"Hmm, I just need to talk Don,"

She said to the maid.

"Okay, ma'am,"

The maid said and she just waiting.

"Okay ma'am come in,"

The maid said and she went into the harden.

But she was  stopped when she saw the guy, "Tsk what did he also do here,"She, asked herself.

"Oh, even four days has passed the embarrassed was still on her mind,"

She wanna steps back her way but she have no other choice she had to talk with Don Ignacio.

She was took a deep breath stepping towards them.

"Hmm, Go-od after-noon Don,"

She stutter said.

"Oh, Mira, your here what do you need,"?Don asked to her.

her eyes could not avoid the man who was still smiling at her.

"Tsk" She tsked.

"Hmm Don may I to talk to you about my work as Nutritionist in your hospital and if your busy you can sign these papers," She said and gave the folder in the Don.

She couldn't help but be distracted by the guy staring at her.

She breath relief when Don was already signing the paper.

"Thank you don I have to go," She said and quickly went out.

"Please excuse me Don, Ignacio,"Nato said  stepping out of the mansion to follow her.

"Her name is Mira,"

He mumbled and followed her.

"Hey, sexy wait for me,"

Hearing those words Mira immediately run to avoiding him.

"Tsk that freakin guy annoying,"

She said, run faster.

"Hey, why did you run"?

She was almost out of her  balance when he was held her hands.

"Hmm, let go of my hand,"

She said her heart was pounding echoed into her body which makes her fell weaker.

He stare at her seems like memorising on her face she felt so awkward by his gaze.

"Hi I'm Nato 'and you miss sexy," He said she was nibbled her lips against the strange nervous feelings her throat was dry.

"Ah-eh Mira,"

She Speak and he was laughed looking at her.

"Why are you ashamed of me," He asked her.

"Hmm why,"?

She asked  too she was beat herself by her stupidity answer.

"My god Mira,  your idiot " She muttered.

"Hmmph because I've saw your naked body let's forgat it," He said.

"Okay let's forget," She said curled her fingers.

"So can you be my friends right now," He said offer his hands.

"I don't even know you  why would I let you be my  friends,"

She said raised her eyebrows looking at him.

"I'll introduce myself" He said scratch off his hair.

"That's not enough for I give my trust to you,"

She said and he just nods.

"Okay I understand let's start from the beginning and if you already know me I will court you," He said and she was choking her saliva.

"Ughkk'ughkk what are you saying about are insane,"She said.

"Hey, are you okay I'm just saying the truth I like you,"!

He said looking straight into her eyes.

"Hmmph, shit you're annoying your stranger the you like me " She said quickly walk out.

"Hey, I was joking I'm sorry if I offend you but that's a truth," He said chasing at her.

"Stop following me or else I cut your tongue,"

She was threaten but he Doesn't feel fear instead he was  Lough as hell.

"If you can,"! He said.

She was immediately Walk into their home while holding her chest.

"Oh my god what's this,?" She asked herself.

Nato was quietly following Mira,into her house.

Then went into the structure.

"Ct, apo you can go somewhere but you have a bodyguard," She was stops eating the chips then looking at her grandma.

"Hmm, why Abuela I'm fine and maybe they won't be come  back here," She said, and her grandma held her hands.

"My Nieta, we are not sure what if they will suddenly return back here so is either you like it or not you had a bodyguards,"

her Grandma said, she just nods.

🇪🇦 Madrid.

"Señora Margarita please I'm begging you please even for my daughter who's suffering in the hospital please let me Barrow your money my daughter needs to her med therapist if I cannot pay the med therapist my daughter will be dead señora," Please.

The man said in a begged  voiced to Her.

"Mierda '! I don't fucking care your daughter,!" She said indifferently and went back to her desk.

"Please Senora,"He said pleadingly and kneeling  down said.

but he did not pay attention to her.

So he was returned into the hospital without bringing any money for the therapist down payments for her daughter.

"Me hija I'm sorry for being I failed as father for you I cannot find any money for your med therapist I'm sorry please hold on I'll do my best to earn money please fights"

He was talking to her daughters who was sleeping while has a lot of tube  every part of her body.

She has a bone cancer stage4

she has been in the hospital for a long time.


His daughter called him in a weaker voice still closed her eyes.

"Me hija what's wrong there's had something pain in your body I'll call a doctor Wait-," He was stopped when his daughter holds his hand.

"Pa-∆ £ I'm so tired papa,"

His daughter was slowly said and he couldn't stop crying.

"Mi Hija, don't say that,"

HE said and caress his her hair.

"Pa-pa I'm sorry but I can't I'm so tired maybe it's time for I'm with ma-ma in the Hea-ven al-ways re-mem-ber pa-pa- te querio  "

His daughter said and the monitor was loud.

Senora Margarita was sitting down in her swivel chair.

"Señora Dios Mio there is a man outside who wants to talk to you,"

Her Secretary said in the intercom system.

"Mierda! Just called the security and dragged him out,"! She Said to her Secretary.

"No, I killed her.

she is the reason why my daughter's  dead you can't stop me to enter this building never  HAHAHHA,"

The secretary shuddered at the man's voice and her eyes widened when he was suddenly killed the security  she was panicked quickly hid under the table while calling the police,

"My god Senora,"

she said looking at the man ruining the doorknobs  of the office.

Señora stood up immediately from her swivel chair when the doors broke cus of the gunshot she hid in the deep on her table.

"Mierda what's happening outside"!

She said and the man enter of her office.

"HAHAHA, now señora Margarita you'll pay what you've done HAHAHHA get out of there or else my guns which making you out there hands in the air," He said.

"Mierda, judío!"

She said and stood up

"Damn his crazy," She mumbles gradually getting out under the desk.

"Hey calm down judío let's just talk peacefully put down your gun,"

She said and he just smirks.

"Talk peacefully come on.

no need To talk all you have to do is pray how to escape your times to death

because I will kill you rights now.

You need to rest 'FOREVER," He said and point his gun into her Head her knees were trembling with the extreme nervousness.

"Damn can't be Mierda I need to escaped this crazy,"

She was mumbling roaming her eyes.

"So, you scared of death huh it's okay I'll give you a second to confess your all sins in one-two start,"!

Judío suddenly shouted and her knee was shaking.

"Judío please let's talk I'll give what you want a lot of money I'll give it to you just stop like this,"

She said and Judío's gaze deepened on her.

"It's too late if you gave it to me earlier maybe my daughter was still alive and now you'll give! Mierda eat your money stupids,"!He was slapped her and she was consciousness fell on the floor.

"Chiefs please hurry up the señora was there 'in her office with Mr unknown guy,"

The Secretary said and they immediately  run towards the office

They are walked.

slowly opened the door they saw the suspect turning his back while the señora was lying on the floor unconscious and has blood on her head.

"Hey put it down your gun and your hands up in the air"! The police said slowly judío look them with smirked.

"We are around you don't you dare move or else I'll shot this gun into your body. I said put it down your gun,"

The policeman said in a gigled voice.

"HAHAHA! You think I'll follow your order chief HAHAHHA," He said and point his gun in Senora's heads.

"I killed her first"!

Judío shouted angrily and the police quickly shot the man's foot.

"Ahhhh-mierda I kill you," He was shouted try to kill senora,Margarita and the police no had other choice to shot him because he was resisted.

"Hold your fire" !!

The chief said and everyone just holds and stops.

While judío lied on the floor and bathing his own bloods.

Then immediately taken him into the crime scene and because he had no other relatives, he was taken into the morgue.

While Señora Margarita's loaded into the ambulance to bring her into the hospital.

After very tense happening.

The company  was peacefully empty.

🇵🇭Castle  Island.

Ct, was laying down on her bed the drowsiness wasn't visited her.

Her Grandmother in the side room was already asleep.

a lot of things was enter on her mind.

The first who was a threat to her life second her parents.

"Oh my gosh mom dad  Please help  me to find out right away who tried to kill me," She said, and looked out of the window gazing the little star.

Jake,also couldn't sleep because of the call he received earlier.

His Father call him to inform that his mom was already in their House with her siblings outside he also found out that his mommy's husband has separated in Saudi and his dad was is just an idiot  stupidly accepted her mom again.

He was even anger with his mom.

  But He's dad was so inlove with her mom even the spite Everything she'd done.

His dad was able to be accepted and brought her again in their home.

"Tsk I don't know what to do,"

He said himself took his cigarettes.



"Mom, where's Kuya Jake,  you said he was here,"

Nelly asked to her mom they are already here in her stepdad House.

"Hmm Nelly he was busy with his work maybe tomorrow his here. Right Bren,"? Nelfha Asked to her husband.

She knows that her son were still angry at her because he's dad accepted her again she has two children with her Arab husband she was Heard any bad comments of her husband right now even he's  one sister but they do not mind of them.

"My son can't accept me for sure because Of what I did leaving them choosing my first love over them.

but now that Bren has accepted me again I will not waste the opportunity and if he does not forgive me it seems okay I don't deserve  but I do everything I can to fulfill my role as a mother of him.

I was so regretted why I traded them for my first love when I first gave birth to my eldest son. Haram's true personality came out, he was always beat me. Until  I could not handle anything and I file again the divorced.  We've been got Divorce  4 years ago. Until Bren and I met in Dubai when I went for the job and he was he's business trip we talked he confess again that he was still loved me and he was ready to be Nelly's father I did not agree that' time but our communication continued until we returned how I felt about him before.

They are was having a dinner she was thankful that her husband was considering Nelly of his real daughter and love her.