Chapter 17

Passion and Power.


Ct was  treating his boyfriend's allergies.

"Love isn't it itchy," She asked while putting the ointments in his rashes.

"A little," He said.

"Hayyst," She sighed and faced him.

"Next time love please tell me," She said.

"Okay love, I'm sorry," He said kissing her forehead.

"Okay so let's pack we're going back to the Castle," She said.

"Okay love," He said went out of her room.

She was just packing her all belongings then got dressed brushing her hair.

Jake, come to her room Carry her luggage then they go in his car.

Then heading into the Castle.

"Love, aren't you tired you can sleep we have a long departure time," He said folded their hands.

"I'm not tired," She said smiled at him.

"That's good Anyway when are you going back here,?" He asked her.

"Hmm maybe one's a month," She said.

"Okay your not tired,?" He asked her.

"No why,?" She said.

"I just worrying about your health you know you have a lot of responsibilities," He said.

"Thanks for your concern love but I can handle everything," She said.

"I know that because of your weird ability you can also handle my erection without entering you," He said immediately she slapped him.

"Hoy," She said.

"Why are you shy," He said while laugh.

"I'm not shy," She said glaring at him.

"If you say so," He said kissing her forehand.

"Love can I asked," He said.

"Go," She said looking outside.

"What if someones flirt me then I flirt back to aren't you mad at me," He said.

He was just teas her she looked so serious.

"I kill you motherfucker try it let's see I'll be buried you both," She said glaring at him.

"Hehehehe My love was Inlove with me," He said.

Poked her nose.

"Fuck you don't do that or else I cut your Dick," She said snapped his hair.

"Your wish is my command boss," He said in a hard voice.

"Anyways Love, when are you planning to forgive your mom.

come on he's your mom," She said.

He was clenching his fist and did not answer her.

"Love I'm not ordering you I was just saying," She said.

"You don't fucking care, stop mentioning her," He said.

Ct was blinked hearing those words.

And want to torture herself.

She doesn't have a right to give him the advice to forgive his mom.

She was just a girlfriend.

"Okay then, I'm sorry I shouldn't say that," She said looking outside.

Jake, was Sigh looking at his girlfriend didn't mind him looking outside.

He was holding her hands.

"I'm sorry love I should not yelling at you," He said kissed her forehand.

"It's okay it was my fault," She said still looking outside.

"Love don't be mad at me," He said.

"I'm not mad," She said looking at him.

"Prove it, "He said.

"If you don't believe me okay," She scratch his shoulder.

"Okay I believe you," He said.

"Sounds good," She said rested her Head on the window.

After so many years,

No, I'm just kidding they had arrived at the castle.

"Are you ready facing my grandma," She said to him.

"Yes 100% ready," He said and they were Walk inside while holding hands.

She saw her grandma sitting on the couch looking at them.

"Grandma," She said kissing her forehead.

Her grandma's eyebrows raised looking at her.

"Hello ma'am," Jake, greeted in a polite voice the slightly bowed.

"Grandma meets my boyfriend he's the engineer in the farm building I hope you can accept him because I loved him," She said.

Her grandma just signed.

"Do I have a choice, Of course, you are my Nieta, If you were happy with him then go I won't against, and you? What's your name Hijo,?"Her grandma asked him.

"Hmm, Brixon Jake Greekless nice meeting you ma'am," He said offered his hands.

"Nice meeting you too anyways don't call me Ma'am you're so formal Since your my Granddaughter's boyfriend you can call me grandma," Her grandma said she was Smile at least her grandma accept him as her boyfriend she was happy.

"Okay then so Let's have dinner," Her grandma said.

While her grandma walks ahead she hugged him.

"I'm happy now," She said.

"Yeah me too," He said.

"Anyways we have protocols this house don't be talking while we are in front of the foods," She said.

Jake, eyebrows tingle.

"Okay then,"  He said and they were Walk into the dining table.

Sat beside her girlfriend and while they are eating the feeling was awkward and the silence was deafening between them.

Only the plates forks make a sound.

He was glanced At her Girlfriend and also her grandmother and they were both eating didn't mind each other.

"They are was weird," He mumbled and eat.

After he helped Ct, washing the dishes while her grandma in the rocking chair while smoking.

"Loves you know lately the feelings for me were so awkwardly.

Yes I'm a serious sometimes but When in the dining having dinner I can't use to be like this but As your boyfriend, I should be accustomed to being like this especially here," He said.

"Yeah," She said wiping dry her hands.

"Ct Nieta Bring your Novio's to the guest room he should not sleep in your room," Her grandma said.

"Yes Grandma," She said.

"So let's go," She said and they are walking.

"So this your temporary room since you here," She said.

"Okay loves but let's Walk outside first," He said.

"No can't be my grandma might be mad at us let's go i. The harden," She said.

"Okay then," He said and they were Walk together while walking he was roaming his eyes looking around this mansion was amazing the all types of equipment were durable, and also the style such a beautiful Espanola style.

The paintings big vase and also a lot of trophies.

"Who's the architect of this mansion love?" He asked her.

"Papa's friends," She said.

"Nice," He said.

"Yeah," She said then they are sat on the bench.

He was looking at the whole garden it was nice the flowers were unique and also the greenhouse light was very cute.

"Love your place was very beautiful," He said.

"Yeah," She said.

"And also that's Greenhouse lights," He said pointed the small greenhouse.

"That's my house let's go," She said approaching the greenhouse.

"Come," She said.

Take something inside and there was have a small door.

"This is the album picture of my family," She said Open the album it was amazing the style album was color gold.

"Look this is me when I was kids look I'm so fat," She said showing him.

He was Smile looking at her picture she was very cute has fatty cheekbones.

"Your so Fatty" He said.

"Yeah according to my mom that time I'm always eating tamales ice cream sweety food that's why I'm so fat and I'm always crying if they are didn't give what I want," She said.

"Oh yeah, I remember your size when they first time we meet that time your fat too," He said.

"Yeah," She said.

"And this is me when I was 7 years old," She said.

"Your so cute your light yellow eyes and your curly hair," He said then looking at her.

"And now you look even more beautiful," He said then winked.

"I know," She said rolling her eyes then looking back at the album.

"Is this your mom and dad,?"He asked her.

"Yeah," She said.

"You look like your dad," He said.

"Yeah, but My eyes Looks like my mom," She said.

"Yeah, and who is he,?" He asked looking at the boy beside her eating tamales.

"Oh he's my older brother he was died also," She said.

"What causes,?" He asked her.

"Illness," She said.

"Ow that's sad, he looks like your mom," He said.

"Yeah," She said.

"Anyways let's go there," She said putting back the album inside and they were Walk together somewhere Inside the Rancho.

"Jake, it's your turn to tell me your childhood experience," She asked him while they are Walking.

"Hmm, It was very horrified past'," He said.

"Ow then tell me I want to hear," She said.

"Okay I was bad you know because of my mom and dad, I was always cutting classes hanging out of my friends, in the Bar and sometimes dad will fetch me up in the precinct, did something wrong," He said.

"So also with your friends.?

And wait is your friend Before is they are your friends until now"?She asks him.

"Fortunately not they are useless friends greedy.

They are leaving me always in the hanging, actually My friends now I'll meet them when The time I was in the troubles they are helping me fight my 5 enemies, and staring of that Were closed to each other and you know they are the reason why I've graduated in college you know WHen mom and dad got divorcé I was very depressed that Time I lost my appetite to continue my studying I was broke that time thanks god that my friends are here always on my side comforting me give me and advice encourage, me to be strong enough to make me fight the difficult challenging and accept the facts that's my mom leave us choosing her Arabic loved one," Hearing Those words Ct,   was feel so sad for him that was a difficult situation.

"And my dad also neglecting me always got drunk every night didn't care about my feelings also, he was in love my mom too much,  and thank God as my Grandma and grandpa take care of me give me an allowance every time I'm in the school, my dad was stopped Waking up the reality when I was an accident because of him.

I was picking up him in the bar I was almost Dead, that time you know car accident," He said.

His voice was slow but full of pain.

She hugged him.

"I'm sorry and now I understand when you'll never forgive your mom," She said caressing his back.

"It's Okay love you don't have to say sorry," He said cornered her face on his Palm then smacking kiss her nose.

"I love you so much my dearest clients," He said in a tender voice.

"I love you to My Engineer," She said there was about to kiss when Her grandma Speak clearing her throats.

"The night was going to deepens Ct, You know my rule," Her grandma said.

She was Smile sparingly.

"Okay Abuela," She said.

"Okay I'll go ahead, "Her grandma said.

"Good night Abuela," She said.

"Good night have a nice sleeping both of you," Her grandma said then Walk she was looking at him.

"So let's go," She said and they were inside.

"Good night my loves," She said kissing his cheeks.

"Good night my loves," He said and winked.

"Okay I will go to my room If you need anything just call me," She said.

"Okay then," He said and watching her walk into her room.

Then sat on the bed.


"Sir we have any information about the princess with her daughter," Francisco said the leader of the rebels one of the men's Turístico, the opponents of King Leo, after so many years looking for the princess Finally they are found her.

And now they are planning to kidnap them.

to get the right position in Majay'sia.

They have to kill the king and princess so that they can reign in the palace.

Turístico was evil smiled looking at the picture of the long lost princess with her daughter.

"Francisco you need to get the princess and her daughter as soon as possible.

while Leo has not found them yet," He said.

In an authority voice.

"Your Majesty will follow,"

he said while bowing.

Immediately went into the campus preparing the gun commanding the all rebels group.

And move to the Philippines.

Doña, Pasi was laid down on her bed she doesn't feel asleep thinking about her granddaughter's love life and the man.

The Greekless surname was familiar for her but maybe because of the business.

He was an engineer.

Nothing to worry about him.

She knew how to study the background of the person.

He has loved her granddaughter.

She took her eyeglasses reading a book since she doesn't feel asleep.

Mira was looking for the Numbers of Nato, on her Laptop but She could not found she had to buy a new cellphone to contact him but for a while, she was contacted him using her messenger.

She was calling him.

"Sexy babe why didn't you responding my text earlier,?" He asked her.

"I'm sorry Babe, I throw my phone in the sea lately when I was going to my work," She said.

"Oh why Something happens to you,?"He asked her.

"Unfortunately yes I bumped someone's which Makes my gooey sprained," She said.

"I'm sorry sexy babe I wasn't there to help you," He said.

"It's okay babe, I can handle myself," She said.

While yawning.

"So how's your foot now,?" He asked her.

"Fortunately Was fine now," She said and remember the guy lately.

"That's good anyways you look tired rest well I call you back tomorrow," He said.

"But I want to talk to you," She said while pouting.

"Aw my sexy babe was really cute if you did that I want to kiss you," He said.

"Anyways how's your day now," She said Change the topics.

She missed his lips.

"Fine," He said.

"That's good," She said.

And stopped when something noise outside her room.

"Sexy babe, what's wrong,?" He asked her.

"Nothing," She said looking at the door when someone knocked.

"Hold on," She said.

Walk into the door She has frowned when she saw no human being.

She was About to luck the door when someone covering her mouth then luck the doors.

She was struggling to want to shout.

"Shhhh, I'm not a bad person shii," He said in a gasping voice Slowly take off his hands.

She was immediately screamed calling her mom.

"Hmmm, Let go of me," She said.

"MIRA," Her mom said.

" Princess Please be quiet I'm not a bad person I'm here to protect both of you against Turístico, he was also planning to take you, please understand," He said.

She was confused looking at her mom.

"My uncle but why," Her mom asked him.

"I have no position to tell you, Princess," He said in a serious voice.

"Stop calling me princess I'm no princess and tell my dad that I will never back the palace," Her mom said.

Immediately embracing her.

"Okay, Princess but hope you understand The King now was in a Dangerous situation because of his Malady, anytime he was dead he was begging you in the notes," He said.

"What's the kind of Malady,?" Her mom asked him.

"He was diagnosed a brain tumor cancer, and his life now was counted," He said Makes her shocked.

"And asides from that reason you better stay in the palace for a while for your safeties and your life was in danger," He said.

"Okay Princess you may rest I will stay here to protect, you," He said and her mom hugs her.

"Let's go Hija, let's talk tomorrow," Her mom said.

"Okay mom," She said she was sleep beside her mom.

She immediately hugged her mom when she was Heard a shot of the gun outside.

"Mira, relax I'm here I will protect you, just sleep," Her mom said.

But she was scared couldn't sleep.

Covered her ears.

While Nathan and his colleagues are fighting the all rebels were attack them the King was right Turístico group rebel was the move to attacks wanna take the princess here good thing that they came here first.

Protect the Princess and her daughter.

Ct was immediately getting up  Heard a gun shotting.

She immediately went to her grandma's room.

But her grandmother was getting out also her room.

"Love," She said approaching Jake.

"Grandma grandma where did the gunshot fire come from.

It looks just near here

maybe the one who shot me might they come back grandma what are we going to do," She said in a panicked voice.

Jake hugged her.

"Love calm down stay here I will peek outside," He said and walk outside he saw the 3 security standing looking afar.

"Hey where're the gunshots from,?" He asked her.

"I think near from Lolita's house," The security said and he was frown.

Immediately call Nato.


While NATO'S feel bored worried waiting for Mira, on The phone.

It was 30 minutes passed she didn't back her room.

Until he felt asleep.

He was wake up when he's suddenly rung.

He was frowned looking at the caller it was Jake,

"Hey," He answer.

"Are you call Mirás Lately I'm here in the Castle now In CT, House meets her grandma. something gunfire happened here so call Mira, it is located near their house from," He said immediately he was hung up then call his girlfriend.

She did not answer her phone he was dialed again but she did not answer he was worried to call, Jake, again.

"Jake, I was worried about her she did not answer her phone Jake, I will go there my sexy babe," He said.

"Listen, Bro, the Island was dangerous please don't go there since I was the one who's here I will check Mirá For you then I will report you," He said.

"But Jake," He said.

"Nato, listen don't panicked I will check here don't worry," He said.

"Hayyst Jake, I believe you please Check her," He said then hung up the phone.


"Let's call the police," He said.

"Okay here's the number of Captain Kamin," Doña pasi Said.

"Okay," He said immediately call.

Then approach his girlfriend.

"Love just relax," He said.

"But I'm worried about my friends," She said.

"The police handle them," He said.


"Back out they are too many and there is upcoming police Let's go,!

we should not be caught by the police," Francisco, said immediately boarded in the helicopter.

and immediately left the area.


Mira, was crying hugging her mom until the gunfire stopped.

"Princess is are you Okay there, the king was in a difficult situation in the palace we had to go there while it is not too late,"

The guy said.

"Hija, If you don't want to go you can stay here I had to visit my dad," Her mom said.

"No mom I can't allow you to go there alone mom I will go with you wherever You go they may oppress you there," She said immediately the guy laugh.

She glared at Him.

"I apologized," He said slightly bowed.

"So if you're ready we have to go the police upcoming they should be caught us there, this, not our country," He said.

"Mom belongings," She said.

"No needs let's go," He said and they are Left their home Walk into the helicopter.

While in the departure she remembered her career and her boyfriend.

"Mom we will not be there for long rights,?" She asked her mom.

"Yes," Her mom said.

"Good," She said enjoying the view.

And she was shocked when. She was realized that she should be able to talk Nato,

Then she was out of the country for a while and also her friends for sure they were about me.

"Fuck Mira, your idiots," She said and her mom looks at her.

"Are you cursing,?" Her mom asked her.

"I'm sorry mom thought lacking that we should say goodbye to dona and Nato, and Ct," She said.

"I'm sorry to say but they shouldn't know about the royalty," The guy said.

"I'm sorry Hija but this can't be even your dad didn't know my real Identity," Her mom said which makes her shocked.

"Mom," She said.

Her voice asking her.

"Soon Hija You Will understand," Her mom said.

"Okay mom but I feel so sad," She said.

"That's life," Her mom said stroking her hair.


"Jake, let's go," Ct, said immediately boarded Taleto's back went into Mirás home.

"Okay," He said and get back to ride her.

When they we've arrived they immediately knocked on the door.

Her heart was pounding looking at their house full of gunshots bullets.

"Jake, let's get inside," She said and Enter.

"Mira! Lolita where are you are you Okay,!" She said looking at them but they are not here She was started panicked looking at Jake,

"Jake, they are not here," She said in a worried voice.

"Let's contact Her," He said.

She was immediately Dialled Mirás number but cannot be reached she wants to cry.

"Jake, her phone was cannot be reached who will we do now they might be kidnapped or no it can't be," She said and cry.

"MY Loves just calm down Okay," He said embrace her.

The police came immediately looking around.

"Señora, Are you witness everything happens here," The chief of police asked her.

"Nope I was just arrived here checking them But we could not see the Captain do your best to find them," She said.

"Okay Don't worry," He said.

Jake, was restless hesitant to call his friends for sure he was angry if he knows this situation but he should know what's happened to her loved ones.

"Jake, what is she Okay I will going there, Wait for me," He said.

"Bro-" He said but it's too late he has already ended the line.

He took a deep breath.

While looking around.

"My loves," Ct said and looking at him.

"Now this is a big problem Nato, was coming here for sure he must be worried about Mirá," He said.

"Hayswhat's this happening who the fuck taking them away from here," She said approach her grandma talking with the Police.

He has also approached them.

"I loves Grandma you had to rest now I'm staying here waiting for Nato," He said.

"You sure Hijo," Her grandma said.

"Yeah my loves you need to rest the night was deeper," He said kissing her forehead.

"Okay my love you take care here," She said.

"Yeah," He said.

And they are going back to Rancho while he was sitting on the bench waiting for Nato,.

🇪 Madrid.

Señora Margarita was busy with her works in the company.

A lot of their clients was backing out.

She had to find some other clients very soon or else the company was bankrupt.

But she did all her best to save the company and get back okay the financial situation.

She rubbed her head looking at the reports.

"This is can't be I had to do something hide the company situation in the boards and shareholders," She said looking the way how to hide.

She immediately called her executive assistant they need to fake the reports for this month.

"No one will know that all the reports are fake," She said.

"Señora, You call me," Her executive assistant said.

"Have a seat," She said.

"Okay Señora," She said.

"Okay you know the company was in a difficult situation right," She said.

"Yes Señora," She said.

"Okay fake the reports for this month tomorrow you need to finish because the meeting is in the other day," She said.

"What? But that's was illegal señora," She said.

"Mierda,! I know just follow what's my order," She Said.

"You may go," She said back her attention on the all papers.

"Margarita let's have lunch together," Her husband said.

"I'm busy," She said.

"You know the Work just waiting," He said.

"No! Please leave me alone," She said holding her head.

"Margarita is there's have a problem,?" He asked her.

"Just leave," She said.

David was just sighed looking at her wife.

He was worried about her.

She was like this when she has a secret problem and sooner later he was shocked knowing the truth of what she'd done.

For an example of her Brother in-laws He knows that hiding the secrets and sided with the wrong is a crime but he has to blind himself to the fact that his wife is a criminal.

because he was loved her.

And also the welfare image of their company yes it was greedy but he doesn't care.

Quiera was just laying on the bed still recovering her all bruised was swollen and her skin was turned a Violet color she was gritted her teeth enduring the Sting pain.

She was feeling so angry with her boyfriend how could he did this to her.

She threw the remote control on the window.

Pressed the intercoms.

"Bring my food right now," She said I'm strick voice.

The watch back in the movie.

She was annoyed waiting for her food.

"Here's your food señorita," The servant said to put the food tray on the bedside table.

"Why did you taking so long I'm starving," She said in a rude voice.

"I'm sorry Señorita," She apologized then bowed.

"Okay you may go," She said looking at the food she was craving then immediately digs the food.

Riojeblahmar was talking with the Detective secrets investigate the Del-soiko groups of the company.

And they are found out that there has a financial problem and they lost a lot of clients.

He knows that Quería, was planning to leave him and he won't let that happen.


He had to do something to makes her won't leave him.

Stay on his side enduring his bad evils appearance.

He was smiled taking a great financial experts and Great businessman who was handled everything to enter his money investment and buying the one shareholders of the company.

"You can't escape me, Me Amor," He said sitting on his chairs.

"Señorita, this is the investment proposal I've done and about Mr. DelFero I have an appointment meeting with him tomorrow " Farrow, Said.

"Okay just call me if everything was fixed and I can introduce myself as Their new majority shareholders can't wait," He said and smirked.

"Yes, Señorito for the meantime just relaxed I can handle everything," Farrow, said.

"Okay then," He said swooping around his chairs.

"Señora Margarita, someone's clients want to speak with you," Her secretary said.

"Okay just connect it," She said.

And smiled at least there's have one client.

"Hello is this Senora Margarita Del-soiko I'm your new client and if you won't mind I'll be there at your company in 30 minutes, about the business proposal," The Clients said and the corner of her lips raised into smile.

"Sure, my pleasure," She said.

"Okay then see you," The client said.

"See you," She said and drop the telephone.

GABRIEL AND SARAH was in the helicopter sealing investigates.

Show the picture on the company owner and they found out that the helicopter was owned by Mr. Aguilar, the pilot the Del-soiko case with their Daughter case was connected.

"And now Gab, we had to do something to find the Pilot," She said facing her laptop in the car try to track the location.

"This the Signature of the pilot and let's go, we had to go in the Detection room try to Trace this fingerprint," He said.

"Okay let's go, fortunately even it was a long years ago the company owners keep the copy receipt papers of the customer and that was great full this way we can solve fast the case," She said.

"Yeah," He said.

When they have arrived they immediately went into the Detections Room put the fingerprint on the wall Detections screen, but they were both sighs saw the results.

The location in the public cemetery of the Passion Dela Blanca means he was dead.

"No fucking way we had something to do," She said.

"This shit," He said.

"Okay, Maybe he has a relative there,"

She said.

"No according to of this SI Profile he has no other family except his one dead daughter and his wife also dead," He said

"Okay then do look at this I think this woman's know him, this picture is long time ago," She said pointed the woman.

"Yeah, wait," He said to put the picture On the Detections screen.

"This is her SI Profile," He said showing her the SI Profile or Secrets information.

"Look Gab, she was located in your birthplace," She said.

"What let me see," He said looking at the location and he was chuckled fantastically.

"Who knows that After so many years of running away those freak in place.

I will come back there for the mission," He said.

"Yeah so let's go to the condo," She said and they were stepping out of the Detections Room then boarded in the car driving into his condo.

While in the departure he was sigh.

Remembering those places.

When they have arrived they immediately sat on the couch.

"Gab I know you won't going back to your birthplace but we had to solve this case as soon as possible I can't wait to feel that we're in a peaceful place starting our new life Happy ever after, with us," She said.

"Yeah we had to do this," He said holding her both cheeks then smacking kisses her.

She was gulped looking at him.

"I want you to kissed me for too long until I was gasping I don't want that kind of kissed I want more pleasuring kissed," She said.

And he was immediately kissed her torridly deeper claiming her tongue.

She was wrapping her arms around his neck then move responding to his kiss.

Their kisses was aggressive sucking nibbling Their lips together.

Exchanging their saliva feel the sweetness.

Of their lips.

His hands stroking her buttocks while her hands to stripping off his t-shirt caressing his absence.

She was arched when his lips moved her neck sucking her skin gliding down his tongue into her collar bone.

His lustful face fixed on her then crouched down.

Remove her clothes together with her panties.

Immediately kissed her abdomen down into her delicate body.

She was wobbling of the sensation when his frenzy full of desires Tongue played her navel.

They were both stop by the cellphone rang.

She was about to ignore the caller Continue of they're doing but Gabriel' stopped looking at her.

"Answered the phone might importance matter," He said.

"Okay then," She said took her phone while remaining in their position.

"Me Hija your dad in the hospital right now he's condition was critical he was a heart attack," Her mom said which makes shock immediately pushed him away from her top.

"What mom what's happening,?" She asked her mom.

"It's a long story let's talk if you were already here," Her mom said.

"Okay mom," She said.

GABRIEL was sitting on the floor when she has pushed him.

He didn't even know what's happening but based on Her face Something happens to her family.

He was stood up approaching her when she was immediately crying.

"Shhhh What's happening,?" HE asked while embracing her.

"Gab dad was in the hospital right now I had to go there," She said.

"Shhhh You Should go there for you Dad, don't worry about the mission I can handle this," He said.

"Really," She said.

He was Smile silly then nods.

"Thank you Gab," She said.

"Okay you better get ready I will be sent you to the seaport," He said.

"Okay," She said immediately run into Their room.

He fixed herself got dressed then sit waiting for her.

15 minutes passed she was getting out of their room.

"Let's go," He said and they were steeping out of his condo unit went into the basement.


Nato was driving his boat.

When he has arrived he immediately got down from the boat walk into his girlfriend's house.

He saw Jake, standing on the edges approaching him.

"Jake, si she was here, is she was okay,?" He was asking him but He just shook his head.

"I'm sorry Bro, but I didn't save her When we arrived here no one was here even her and her mom but Don't worry I've already reported the police and they were looking for them right now," He said.

"No that's not true," He said Enter the house looking for his girlfriend.

"Sexy babe where are you, auntie,!" He was shouted to call them but no one response he was looking everywhere part of Their House but he could not found her.

He has gritted his teeth a tear flowing down his cheeks.

Punched the wall.

"I will be looking for her

sexy babe where are you," He said in a hard voice.

"Bro just calm down we to do something how to save her," Jake, said.

He was taking a deep breaths calming down himself.

nothing will happen even if he goes Wild here calling her.

They need to make way taking her back from whoever kidnapped them.

"Okay so what's the plan,?" He asked him.

"Let's call Qutam he can help us," Jake said and he nodded.

Ct, could not fell asleep thinking of her friend Mira, she had to do something to found her.

She was Stood up call her boyfriend Jake,

"My loves are You still there In Mirás home I want to help," She said.

"My loves I'm here in the middle of the sea now with Nato, we're going to Manila' please stay in your room don't leave there.

The situation was complicated danger right now," He said.

"But but what are you going to do in manila,?" She asked him.

"We have NBI friends He can help us, " He said.

"Okay love just takes care," She said.

"Yes you too anyway I will call you back tomorrow," He said.

"Okay, bye I love you," She said.

"Love you too," He said and end the call.

She was put her phone on the bedside table the laid down on the bed.


When They have arrived Mira, was amazed at the place it was very beautiful.

She walked still holding her mom's arms looking around everyone they pass bows down to pay their respects.

They were stopped in the Palace.

"Welcome back home princess," The groups of Maids said then bowed.

She was like a kid hiding her mom's back.

"Welcome to the palace Hija this my real Place," Her mom said.

"Mom this is a very beautiful place but looks full of sadness the color of the grass flowers was so weird," She said.

"Okay Princess let's get inside the King was waiting for both of you," The guy said and they are walking the red carpet.

She felt she is in another world.

and it's all just a dream..but not.

This is real.

She was stopped looking at the old guy sitting on the gold chairs.

"Welcome home my long-lost princess and you my only granddaughter Can I hug you both," He said and looking at her.

"Let's go Hija," Her mom said holding her hands.

"I miss both of you," He said immediately her mom was looking at them.

"I miss you too dad I'm sorry," Her mom said.

"You don't have to say sorry," He said.

Hugging her mom.

She was smiled for some reason looking at them.

Maybe she was just glad looking at her mom and Grandpa got closed again.

"My little princess comes here," He said Open his arms she was looking at her mom then slowly approach him.

He immediately hugged her.

While she was stunned.

Her mom smile at her.

"What's your Name, Hija,?" He asked her.

"Mira," She said.

"Nice name anyways I would like to say thank you for both of your I was happy right now and I can rest forever," He said looking at her and her mom.

"But Dad we didn't stay here for so long," Her mom said.

"Let's talk about this tomorrow you had to rest Nora, brought them in their room," He said.

"Yes King," She said.

"This way Princesses," She said and walk ahead.

And they were next to her.

To be continued...