
Meenakshi climbed up the stairs, avoiding all the glances around her. Some were of pity while others bore malice. But at least Dhruv was not there!

She sneezed up.

It concerned Vijay. He didn't bear any bad intentions towards her. He was only worried because he knew what Dhruv was capable of. And he hated the idea of Meenakshi getting destroyed by that man!

Someone touched his shoulder from behind and he turned back to find Iqbaal staring at him.

"I know what you're thinking. But don't indulge too much in the matter. You know how Dhruv is. I don't want one of my brother's losing his life."

He patted his shoulder, his eyes filled with concern. Vijay nodded. He didn't know what more to say. Iqbaal was like his big brother. But that didn't leave the piece of emotions he held for Meenakshi.


Meenakshi changed into a set of dry clothes and placed her wet salwar on a bucket, to be washed later. Another sneeze came its way, turning her nose red.

She groaned. Her running nose was getting on her nerves. With one hand on her nose, she searched for a handkerchief. The letter she brought with her was safely hidden in her Almirah. She didn't feel like telling anyone about it.

Her thoughts were disturbed by the vibrations of her phone. Meenakshi picked it up, noticing its screen flashing a familiar caller ID. Meenakshi squealed in excitement and left her running nose behind to receive the call.

"Ryan!!! How are you???"

"Yo. I'm fresh like my morning poop." he replied.

"Eww! Shut up. Why are you calling me so late? Where were you all this time?" Meenakshi pouted.

"Sorry sis. I had to go to a job interview."

"Oh. How was it?"

"Ah! It was brilliant. The interviewer didn't kick me out within five minutes. It took 30 minutes."

Meenakshi sighed and nodded her head in disappointment.

"You shouldn't annoy the interviewers with your weird answers."

"What should I do? I'm so unique, my answers are also very unique. It's not my fault that they're so old minded."

Meenakshi smacked her head. Her brother would probably get his name inscribed in the Guinness World records as 'The World's Weirdest Person'.

"Leave it. How are you?"

"I'm fine."



"Tell me the truth."

His tone was very serious this time. Meenakshi gulped in the phlegm. She didn't like the fact that Ryan could catch her lying.

"I-I'm telling the truth, Ryu. I'm completely-"

"No. You're not. I can sense it from here. Tell me. Did that bastard do anything?" Meenakshi could feel the wave of anger radiating from Ryan. This wasn't going well.

"N-No. He didn't."Meenakshi controlled her tears, prepared for commencing from the brink of her afflicted brown universes. She couldn't tell what happened. No way!


"No. He's a gentleman. He treats me very well." Meenakshi gulped in the bitterness in her tongue. Dhruv was just anything but gentle.

"Meenakshi! Do I look like a fool to you? I know when you're lying to me.

Wait. I'll book my flight ticket and come there. I'll see what that fucking son of a bitch has got!"

"RYAN!!!"Meenakshi shouted at him. It startled the caller on the other end.

"Firstly, you shouldn't curse someone by the name of his mother! And secondly, I swear on my life that won't come here and indulge yourself in my matters!"

"Meenakshi, but-"

"No Ryan! I don't want to hear anything. Just p-please don't indulge in my matters!"She felt her cheeks wetting up. She knew Ryan very well. He would turn up here and start up a fight with Dhruv. That ruthless Devil won't even consider once before taking her precious brother's life away. No. She couldn't let it happen.

She could sense his silence and she knew he was hurt. But she had no other choice! She'll live to be a piece of hatred rather than risk Ryan's life in the hands of Dhruv! He's the only one she had in this world!

"Ok. But promise me. If you face any problem, you will tell me."

Meenakshi tried to hide her sobs.

"I promise."

Even if it was a lie.


The whole mansion was draped in a calm silence. Dhruv was out for a deal and the others continued with their daily schedule. Mark and the other sub-ordinates checked if everything was in order or not. They knew about their boss's demand and his temper.

Veronica rushed inside her room and grabbed the phone that was vibrating on her bed for long. Stress appeared on her face.

"What is it? Why are you calling me at this moment?"

''Was missing you.'' the caller spoke in a husky voice.

"But why now? You know it's dangerous!"

The caller chuckled at the other end of the phone.

"Playing with danger is my old habit." Veronica rolled her eyes at him. The person seriously knew less about the danger she was talking about.

"Now say! What is it?"

"Someone looks in a bad mood."the caller replied playfully.

"Argh! Just don't mention it!"

Veronica reminisced about what happened earlier this morning.


Veronica walked slowly towards Dhruv who was getting ready for the deal. He wore his usual satin black suit over a white shirt and satin trousers. He didn't wear a tie today, letting a few of his chest buttons open. And it all looked complete paired with his hidden pistols and black shades.

To be honest, Veronica was quite scared to approach him. She knew Dhruv had sensed her walking in. But he was silent. A silent Dhruv was even worse.

She approached him and held his shoulder. She tilted her head, her hazel eyes throwing seductive looks at him.

Dhruv turned back at her, his eyes scanning her from top to bottom. For some reason, she didn't like the way he was looking at her. As if she looked like garbage.

"You haven't given up your eating habits. Have you?" His tone was grave and angry.

Veronica was quite startled by his question. She knew what he was implying.

She licked her lips and spoke.

"I am. I've just started it. So, it'll take some time."

Dhruv scoffed.

"Then stay away from me." He pushed her hand aside.

"But, why?"She walked in front of him, grabbing his shoulders.

"I don't like how you look right now. I want a girlfriend to make love with, not an elephant!

Look at you! You look like you've gained a lot of weight. Dhruv's girlfriend should be worth gazing at. And you're not even half of that."

Veronica felt tears of humiliation swell in her eyes.

"Women! Always emotional. Do you want me to sympathize with you, now?"

Veronica turned her head down. She felt so self-conscious and small.

"Get lost!" He ordered.

Flashback off

"Don't worry baby.He won't be able to say anything after I rip his filthy mouth from his face."

Veronica wiped her tears. She wasn't aware when she had started crying.

"I'm hanging."

Veronica hanged up the call, without even paying heed to the caller's request.

On the other part of the mansion, Meenakshi walked around the corridor, afraid to walk down the stairs. She didn't want that terrible person to find her weak!

"I hate you."

She mumbled to herself.

"But not his biceps." Her inner mind wiggled her eyebrows.

"Nooo! Shut up!"

She walked around the place, observing the weird paintings hung on the grey walls. She didn't understand what they were depicting. Some had naked pictures of men and women. Meenakshi scrunched her nose with shame and turned around.

She walked a few more steps and found a huge picture placed on the end of the corridor. It was Dhruv's. He was standing proud in his white three-piece satin suit.

"Does this man wear a suit during bathing too?" her inner mind asked.

"God knows."

"I bet he wears his shades too."



Meenakshi heard a familiar voice calling from behind. She turned back to find Vijay panting. She wasn't interested to have a conversation with him. But his facial features screamed panic.

Meenakshi frowned at him. Why was he sweating?

Vijay took a deep breath.

"Dhruv had an ACCIDENT!"