
Have you ever seen someone being killed before? Murdered before your eyes? And feeling helpless and horrible, because all you could do was stand there and look at it! Maybe, then you feel like the same, a murderer, killing and watching a person get killed is the same right?

Tears prickled through those eyes that once held hope for humanity. Those, that forgave every wrong thing that happened with them. But now, they couldn't. There was no hope left in them.


The way Meenakshi insulted Dhruv by slapping him in front of everyone made his blood boil. He couldn't think of anything else.

He sat inside his darkroom, completely drunk after ten glasses of whiskey flowed into his system.

He needed to take revenge of what she did to him! He saved her life and here she was insulting him.

She needed to know, who's the boss!

With drunk steps, he moved out of his room and rushed upstairs.

He opened the door with his duplicate key but was disappointed to find the room empty. Suddenly, a thought struck his mind. It made him furious. He thrashed the door close and strolled down a few steps to the room where he expected her to be.

Meenakshi kept staring at the portrait that hung on the wall. It made her heart go heavy with grief. She wanted to cry but nothing came out. She just stood there, looking at the lady who stood in the photo staring back at her.

"I am sorry, Veronica.I never understood you and your feelings towards him. I wish I could have apologized to you before it was too late.

Rest in peace."

She closed her eyes in a prayer. But her prayers were disturbed by the man standing behind her.

She turned to face his icy glare at her. His appearance was all out of place. His hair was dishevelled, his eyes burning red with fury.

It kind of scared Meenakshi.

Three days passed since Veronica's death but no one cared except Meenakshi. After the incident, she locked herself in her room and didn't come out. She also decided to keep a distance from him. She ate nothing for three days except water. It made her weak, but her trauma was more deeper than that.

"You! How dare you insult me in front of everyone!" he shouted.

Meenakshi found her anger rising to the peak. She shouted at him.

"You killed her! You are a murderer! Don't you have any kind of humanity? At least guilt or realisation?"

Dhruv smirked at her words.

"Guilt? For what? She died because she deserved to. End of story."

Meenakshi was shocked by his reply.

"Deserved? Are you insane? She had a reason to do what she did. She loved you! And you, rather than understanding her cause, you killed her. Why? Tell me, why?"

"Because she betrayed me! And betrayal is one of the biggest sins in front my eyes. Those who betray Dhruv have to pay the price. Isn't that clear by now?"

Bitter tears filled up her eyes. She was lost at words. How could she explain this merciless man here that how much precious a life can be, be it your enemy's life.

"Y... you d-don't understand anything. You cannot go on taking lives just for a person bet-b-betraying you."

Meenakshi stammered with her words like never before. It was like all the pain inside her was coming out in a single word.

"Yes I can! I have every right to. I am Dhruv, the mafia king! I can do anything! ANYTHING! Do you get it now!"

Meenakshi sobbed for a while, trying to gather herself.



"I don't get it! How can you be so cruel?"

Dhruv stood there a while staring at her.

"I was born in darkness. I live in darkness. I led one of those miserable days, a person could hardly imagine. You sit in your house comfortably, feeling safe because your parents are there for you, they protect you. But I never got one. I never got a house, the love or the care from my parents. My mother hated me. I was the result of the assault done to her by a bastard!"

Meenakshi left a gasp at his words


Dhruv faced the balcony without looking at her and continued.

"She killed herself because she couldn't live with a curse like me. She told me when I was nine years old, that I am a monster. And that was the last time I saw her.

At the tender age of eight, I was learning to cope with reality because my mother wasn't there for me when I was hungry. I had to work for myself. I struggled to gain every single penny. There were endless nights where I couldn't sleep due to an empty stomach. But still, no one came to me, I was always left alone to rot and die. My mother wished that. Everyone wished that. But, I survived! I was a fighter! I never gave up to my fate and worked hard like a maniac. I struggled very hard, but at the end, I succeeded to be one of the top mafia kings of this world. I also established my legal business with the money I gained.

The day my mother jumped from the roof in front of my eyes cursing me to be a monster, I decided that I will be one! I will make every person suffer because THEY ARE THE REAL EVIL ONES! This world is merciless and so am I!"

"No!"Meenakshi heard her inner voice speak

But nothing came out from her mouth at that very moment. Silence engulfed her. Whom can she blame now! Can she blame him for being like this? Can she blame Lisa for what she did? There was no solution. Meenakshi felt like a helpless soul.

Dhruv turned to the opposite side, facing her. He observed her for a minute. Her face showed anxiety, pain and confusion.

"Every part of you reminds me that why I regret the decision of keeping my mother's promise. Listen carefully! You're just a stupid whore, a piece of burden that I'm carrying on my head!"

Meenakshi felt her soul tearing up at his words. Was she burden to everyone? All her hopes started to shred into pieces, just like her broken heart.

"Then Kill me!"

Dhruv was quite taken aback by her answer.

But not for long. His face turned into a shade darker than scared Meenakshi. He smirked.

"You take death very easily, don't you? But I won't give you that! I would give you a punishment worse than death. So bad, that you'll beg for death every day!"He preyed closer to her, making her retreat her steps in fear. What was he planning to do?

With a few more steps, he pounced on her, making her land hard on the bed. He pinned her arms with one hand, while the other moved towards her dress. Meenakshi widened her eyes with shock.

"W-what are y-you doing?"

"Taking what's precious to every girl."

With a single move, he teared up her Kurti, exposing her bra. Dhruv looked at her with lust filling in his eyes.

Meenakshi tried to resist him by moving her arms and legs, but he pinned her legs too with his own.

He leaned in and harshly sucked her lips, biting them hard under his teeth. He pinched his waist, making her scream which gave his tongue entry into her mouth. He raptured her whole mouth with his tongue, enjoying the pleasure it gave to him.

Meenakshi groaned in pain.

He released her mouth and slid to her neck, biting and kissing it down.

Meenakshi hissed in pain, trying to move her hands from his grip. She was feeling the same sensation coming back to her.

The feeling of vulnerability. She couldn't take it. Hot tears streamed down her eyes.

"P-please l-leave me! I-I beg you! Pleased-don't destroy me! I will do anything you say! Please!!!"She cried, begging for mercy.

Dhruv smirked.

"You should've thought that before challenging me! Dhruv doesn't show mercy to anyone. I'll mark your whole body, so you remember this day!"

That was it! The lost drop of hope was blown away like ashes. Every syllable his mouth had emitted, tore her soul apart. All her affliction cascaded down from those soft black orbs.

Now she believed.

Her father was right. She was just a toy for others to play around.

Her trauma kicked in and black and white dots started dancing in front of her eyes. She can't take it anymore.

Dhruv saw her turning senseless with each passing second. As if someone had splashed cold water for him to wake up, he looked down at what he was doing to her.

His eyes widened with terror at the body lying beneath him. Her lips were bleeding and there were deep red marks on her neck.

What did he do?

Realisation dawned upon him and with shock marred on his face, he rushed out of the bed and scurried towards a corner of the room. His whole body shivered with the sight in front of him.

Was he just about to rape her?

Guilt and despair started to seep within his heart, his whole body sweating irrespective of the cold temperature in the room.

He just made a sin!
