Her Body

Dhruv stood before the glass, smoking when Iqbaal entered the hallway.

Iqbaal was too excited to give him the news he was waiting for, like centuries.

"Looks like someone is very cheerful today. Care to share, Iqbaal?" Dhruv asked.

Iqbaal smiled flashing his teeth, as he knew the news will shock Dhruv to the core.

"I found her!"At that very moment, he saw the cigarette dropping from Dhruv's hands as he stood with eyes popped up. He turned towards Iqbaal in complete shock with crystal eyes, tears welling upon them. He wanted to hug him but retained his posture.


Iqbaal gave a full-fledged smile

"Yes Dhruv, I found her. She is in Chicago."

Small tears trickled down from his eyes, giving him a more human look rather than the ruthless mafia.


Dhruv remembered the incidents that occurred that day after he heard that she was dead...


Dhruv slept all day. He didn't touch a single piece of food and kept staring at the window, thinking that maybe he can end his life. Nothing was left for him. His business seemed nothing now, money felt like it was of no use to him because it can't bring his love back to him. He only wanted her, but she was no more. She was no more there to love him, to hold his hand and to embrace him. And he was the only reason for it. He was the reason of her death.

Iqbaal entered the room and sighed on seeing the condition of his boss. He considered Dhruv to be like a brother more than his boss. And why wouldn't he? Dhruv saved him and his mother from poverty. He included Dhruv in his gang and paid for medical treatment of his mother when they lacked the necessary expenses. So he was in a way, indebted to him. But today seeing him like this made his heart cry out.



"We have a deal. Will you come?"

Dhruv didn't respond.

Iqbaal sighed and walked towards him.

"She is gone, Dhruv. You have to accept the truth. We can't change it."

Iqbaal noticed a flying glass coming towards and he immediately ducked it.

"Just get out from here!"

Iqbaal saw Dhruv's anger flashing on his face and he immediately left the room. He knew his boss's temper very well.

The whole day passed like this.

Iqbaal stood in front of the pool, drinking his sorrows in. Nothing was normal like before. Meenakshi's absence also affected him. She treated him like his own brother, but he couldn't do the same. He had to follow Dhruv's orders.

His thoughts ceased at the moment he saw Dhruv walking towards him holding a diary. Iqbaal was completely shocked to see Billa in such a condition. His hair was messed up, dressed in a shabby manner and his tearful eyes spoke volumes to him. He looked weak and torn apart. The man, who used to be his role model of class and elegance was now nothing more than a tired, weak and broken person.

"I want to see her, Iqbaal "

"Ok, Dhruv."

They drove to the mortuary to see her body. Dhruv walked with slow steps as his inner self was battling with himself to change his decision. What will he do? Is he good enough to even face her dead body? Should he go back?

His thoughts came to a halt when the door to the room opened and he walked inside. A stingy smell appeared on their nose. The room felt suffocating. A man pulled a drawer in which the body was laid. A white sheet covered it. He opened the covers to reveal the face. Dhruv's eyes popped out from their sockets as he saw her face.

Something disturbed him. Dhruv had a strange feeling about the face. There was something wrong. Something was missing.

"This does not look like Meena!"

"Sir, this is the body." the gaurd said.

"Pull the sheet completely! I want to see her whole face."

The man hesitated for a moment. But Dhruv's sharp glare forced him to do as told.

He pulled the sheet to expose the whole body.

"Wait a minute! Where are her bruises and scars?"

"Sorry, sir? Why are you asking about them"

Then it happened! Dhruv got the clue. He immediately held the man by his collar and pushed him on the wall.

"This is not MY MEENAKSHI!"

Iqbaal was confused by his words.


The body looks identical, but its, not Meena! The shape of her nose is more sharper and there's not a single scar or bruise in her body! Especially, on her waist! There's no injury marked! How is that even possible?"

Iqbaal looked at the body carefully. He was right! The time he saw Meenakshi admitted in the bed, she was injured on her waist and shoulder. If the doctors did an operation, then there must be a mark of the stitches.  But the body was all clean. As if, it was someone else's body.

"You're right, Dhruv!"

"One way to confirm is to check the birthmark on her left shoulder."Dhruv leaned in to check if there was a birthmark there or not. He was shocked to find no birthmark.

"What the fuckin hell? There's no birthmark!"

Iqbaal turned towards the guard shivering in fear and punched him on the face.

"How did this happen? Who did this? Tell me or I will beat your face into a pumpkin!"

"T-They... Changed the autopsy team and... and replaced her body... With this... They told me to K-Keep it a secret." The gaurd stammered in fear under Iqbaal's grip.

"Who told you?"

"I... I don't know them. They paid me a huge amount to hide this."

Iqbaal turned towards Dhruv who was in a deep thought.

"They must be powerful enough to plan all of this. Meenakshi must be held as their captive! We have to track them. Now! Once I get those bastards, I will make sure it's their last time they see the light on earth. How dare they take my queen away!

Iqbaal! You know what to do."

"Yes, Dhruv."

He dragged his hostage from the mortuary and threw him inside the car.

"You will tell us everything you know!" Iqbaal said.
