
Sometimes life can be so strange, it gives you one thing and takes the other. But to some, it is so unjustified.

"I don't know how to feel right now. Should I be happy to get a family that loves me, or sad to know the truth that comes with them? Maybe I can live with none!"Meenakshi watched the snow falling, some of it sticking to the window pane. It was like her inner self, cold, and solid.

Her past visions danced in front of her eyes, so vivid that it felt like just yesterday.


Meenakshi tried to lift her eyes, but they felt so heavy, she agreed to stay in the darkness.

A few hours later, something disturbed her slumber, forcing her to open her eyelids. She gradually lifted them to see a small ray of light peeping through the curtains, illuminating a small portion of the room she was in. She started looking at her surroundings, trying to figure out things until a sharp pain hit her forehead. She screeched in pain, touching her forehead when her eyes noticed the door getting unlocked and someone entering the room. She didn't recognize the person. She wanted to ask, but her parched throat only allowed subtle whispers.

The person reached out for a glass of water and handed it to her. She drank the last sip of it like her life depended on it.

"Meena, how do you feel right now?"

Meenakshi narrowed her eyes and spoke softly.

"W-ho are you? Wh-ere am I?" The man closed his eyes and sighed.

"I will answer all your questions, but first you need to get better. So, till then, please listen to my orders and don't try to run away, okay?"

Meenakshi wanted to object but her body wasn't giving in, so she decided to listen to him. She spoke faintly.

"O-o-k-a-y..." She tried to say more but felt her eyelids getting heavier and soon drifted off to a peaceful slumber.

In the evening, Meenakshi opened her eyes to witness the same man sitting in an armchair, reading something with his specs on. She moved herself to sit on the bed, supporting her back on it.

"Ah, you are awake! You must be hungry."

He pulled a folding table and placed it on the bed. He ordered a servant to serve her with the dishes that were on the trolley. She immediately felt her mouth-watering at the sight of those dishes. She forgot all her manners and started eating them like a monster. Her mind built several suspicions about her present state but was immediately suppressed by her hungry stomach.

"Do you feel better now?"

Meenakshi nodded in reply and concentrated on the bread in her hand.

"Good. Now you should take a rest."

Meenakshi turned her gaze towards the man and spoke.

"Who are you? Where am I? Why are you treating me so well?"

"That's a lot of questions to answer. Let's save it for tomorrow, Ok?I will answer all of your questions tomorrow, but now, you should take a rest."

"No! Tell me!"She wanted to revolt but felt her body felt too weak to even get the answers she wants.  But she still doubted him, whether he has some kind of motive behind.

"Are you, Dhruv's rival?"

The stranger knit his eyebrows and then spoke as he realisation dawned on him.

"No no, I am not his rival. Don't worry Meena, I won't harm you in any way. You are safe here."

There was a subtle care and love in his voice that reached her. She didn't know why, but she felt very safe around him.

"Now, please get a good night's sleep...It will replenish you."

Meenakshi crouched on the bed but suddenly felt a throbbing pain on her waist. She placed her hands on her waist to feel something. Her waist was wrapped in a white piece of meshed plaster. She remembered that she was stabbed by the men she was fighting when she tried to rescue Dhruv.

But where's Dhruv? Meenakshi wanted to ask but was silenced by the man.

"Questions tomorrow! Get some good sleep and don't move much."He made her lay down on the bed slowly, keeping a proper distance. He covered her body with a blanket.

"Good night, Meena. Sleep well."

The next morning, Meenakshi woke up early and saw the window curtains left open, giving a full outside view. The sky looked clear, unlike her crowded mind. She had several questions unanswered and was doubtful about her present state. The last thing she remembered was the hospital, where she fell unconscious.

"You are awake! Good. Did you sleep well?"

Meenakshi watched the man moving towards the couch and sitting on it.

"Where am I?"She spoke in a soft tone, perfectly audible to the listener.

The stranger sighed and crouched, placing his hands on his lap.

"I have some things to tell you about, but until then I want you to promise me that you will keep an open mind."

Meenakshi thought for a moment and nodded her head in affirmation.

"Ok then, let me introduce myself first. I am Anirudh Sharma, a renowned businessman and Ceo of Symbiosis Co."

Meenakshi recognized that name, she heard it before in newspapers and magazines. It was one of the leading business companies to establish and supply new technological resources for the betterment of the nation.

"You created the first Artificial Intelligence robot for the Indian army."

The old man smiled and spoke to her

"Looks like you know a lot about me, child."

"Not much, but just this small fact that your company's inventions are making India more technologically advanced."

"Sounds like a compliment to me." He genuinely smiled at her.

"But how is this all supposed to relate to my situation right now?"

Anirudh blinked, looking at the floor. He took a deep breath and gathered himself to speak.

"I am your father, Meenakshi."

The sentence shunned the whole room into a deadly silence...
