Night Club

Ryan gawked at Anirudh's presence in front of him.

"Ch-chachu." He stammered.

Anirudh shifted his glance towards Meenakshi who was unaware of his presence. She was indulged in her share of sorrows which she kept buried within for so long.

He approached his daughter and crouched down to her level. He caressed her hair affectionately, diverting her attention.

Meenakshi looked up at Anirudh and was shocked to see him. She thought that it was Ryan.

For a few minutes,no words were shared. They both kept looking into each other, exchanging volumes of words with silence.

Meenakshi felt more tears running down her eyes, so she started weeping harder.

"I-I am sorry dad!" Meenakshi cupped her face,to hide her emotions.

"What are you sorry for,child?" Anirudh moved closer and embraced her.

"I-I...I didn't tell you that I am still in love w-with Dhruv." She kept weeping.

"Why are you sorry for this? You are an adult. You have faced so much alone. So, it is your right to keep something to your own heart. Have I ever forced you to tell me everything?" He asked.

Meenakshi nodded her head.

"But...but it's still wrong. I know it's wrong. Wrong to be in love with a guy like that!" Meenakshi managed to speak.

Anirudh frowned in dissapointment.

"Is that what you think? That I will blame you for loving someone? You are wrong,child. Why should I blame you for feeling the most pure emotions existing on this universe for someone? And it doesn't matter who it is you love. I never disagree with it. But, falling blind in that love is what I disagree with." Anirudh caressed her hair with his right hand.

"And you took the right decision by not going back to him. By now, I think everyone has believed that you are dead. I made sure of that." Anirudh added.

"I don't think he will ask for you, even if he learns that you are alive and breathing. That bastard never cared for you in the first place!" Ryan said and joined the father-daughter duo.

Meenakshi wiped her tears and looked at both of them.

"This is your real family,Meena. They care for you." her inner mind said,to which Meenakshi agreed wholeheartedly.

"I love you guys! Please don't leave me. Ever!" Meenakshi said and pulled both Anirudh and Ryan into a bone-crushing hug.

"Uh, I appreciate your feelings. But if you hug me tighter,my windpipe will collapse,Meena." Ryan whined.

Meenakshi pouted and released them both.

"No hugs for you from now on." Meenakshi teased Ryan.

"I can live with that." Ryan smiled sheepishly.




"Where are you guys?" Sakshi walked upstairs and found Anirudh,Ryan and Meenakshi sitting together.

"What is happening here? Forgot me already?" she pouts.

"When did we remember you?" Ryan joked.

"Don't start Ryan. You are not a small kid to pick up such fights." Anirudh interrupted.

Sakshi grinned in victory.

"You kids talk,I will go back to my room." Anirudh walked out of the room.

Sakshi stared at Meenakshi and Ryan.

"What was happening here?" she narrowed her eyes in suspicion.

"Discussing 101 ways to murder you."Ryan replied with a smile.

Meenakshi hit his shoulder.

"Why do you always keep picking up on her? Stay quiet." Meenakshi scolded Ryan,to which Ryan pouted and caressed his arm.

"No,we were just talking about family matters. Did you talk to Priya?" Meenakshi asked.

"Oh,yes that. Guess what? Cruel queen is throwing a birthday party at Stereo Night Club!" Sakshi squealed.

"Is she? But she didn't inform me." Meenakshi checked her phone and then smacked her head.

"She texted me in Whatsapp but I ignored, thinking that she will be asking for some kind of help." Meenakshi said in regret.

"Yes. We should go. The club is lit. We can't miss it!" Sakshi jumped in excitement.

"Ryan,she invited you too." Meenakshi turned towards Ryan,who smiled.

"Awesome. I will go and take a shower." He said and rushed out of the room.

Sakshi's face dropped when she he heard that Ryan is going with them too.

"Meenu? Is he necessary? We both can go too, right?" Sakshi asked.

"Actually, yes. Dad won't let me go alone in a club if Ryan is not going with me." Meenakshi shrugged.

"And it's Priya who invited him. So, it's kind of his decision to go or not."

"Which he made quite clear." Sakshi rolled her eyes. That idiot will definitely spoil her night.

"Don't worry. He basically minds his own business in parties."Meenakshi assured.

"Shit! The party starts at 10 pm. We need to hurry." Sakshi looked down at her phone.

"Okay, but first let me ask dad." Meenakshi said.

"I'll come with you." Sakshi said.

Maya and Sakshi walked upstairs towards Anirudh's study.

Meenakshi explained everything to Anirudh, who listened to her very calmly.

"So, can I go?"

Anirudh thought something for a moment and then spoke.

"Okay. But get back by one." he said.

Sakshi jumped in excitement and accidentally found Ryan behind her was also flashing his teeth.

"Weren't you going to take a shower?" Sakshi looked at him and narrowed her eyes.

"Yes. Unlike you, I do believe in staying clean bro." Ryan mocked and walked ahead, leaving a fuming Sakshi behind.

"And Ryan, stay close to them!" Anirudh shouted from the room, sensing Ryan's presence in proximity.

"Aye aye, Captain! My eyes will be always on the two." Ryan shouted back,so that Anirudh can hear his voice.

Later, in Meenakshi's room...

"No, no no! I am not going to wear this!" Meenakshi nodded her head, rejecting the dress.

"Come on, Meena. It's a nightclub! Not your office or temple that you will wear your formals or salwar kind of stuff."

"But this is too short."

"Of course it is, but that's what all wear in places like that. And who knows, you might attract any hot man there." Sakshi flashed a mischievous smile.

"I am not going to attract anyone. I would love to stay invisible,thank you very much. "

"Uff! Stop being a nerd.It's just for one single day. Correction. A single night.."

Meenakshi sighed in defeat. She knew that she can't take this argument any far. The only option is to go by Queen Sakshi's orders.

"Okay, fine! But I would like to wear the previous one you showed."

"Okay." Sakshi clapped her hands in excitement and placed the shimmery golden dress she picked before.

A few minutes later, Meenakshi moved out of the dressing room wearing her shimmt golden short dress with minimal makeup and a pair of silver hoop earrings. Her hair was left open and straightened by Sakshi.

Sakshi stared agape, admiring the goddess-like beauty in front of her.

"Mother of burgers and French fries!!You look so damn hot and sexy in this outfit! You will slay the party with your looks!" Sakshi squealed in admiration.

Meenakshi checked herself in the mirror and was quite shocked to see the woman in the mirror who looked so glamorous.

"Yo!" Ryan walked in the room, fixing his jacket. His eyes fell on Meenakshi and his reaction was similar as Sakshi.

"Wow!You are looking great, bro! Now, I have to watch out for bad eyes at the party." Ryan said,to which Meenakshi blushed.

"Butts out of the room and in the car! We are already an hour late. Though it is planned to be late. But not too late. We will miss out on the drinks." Sakshi commanded and pointed her finger towards the door.

Ryan scoffed at her. But he knew better.

Better not disobey commander Sakshi's orders.

The three got into the car and reached their destination within time.

They entered the club with Sakshi wearing a peach-coloured mini dress that exposed her cleavage well and Ryan wore a white printed t-shirt, black jacket with blue jeans and brown shades that complemented his whole look. But all the eyes were glued to Meenakshi who just looked stunning in her outfit. The men kept watching her, including the taken ones that made the girls jealous.

They walked towards the drinks counter, where Priya attended them

"Hey, gals! Nice outfit, Meenakshi. And you look like a babe,Sakku!" Priya hugged Sakshi and Meenakshi.

They all wished her, starting with Ryan who kept staring at her.

Sakshi noticed that and whispered in Meenakshi's ears.

"You sure,he can keep an eye on us? Because Priya is taking all the spotlight."

Meenakshi giggled and nodded her head.

On the other side, Natwarlal and his gang entered the club, hiding from the guards because one of them thought that they were beggars.

"Boss!  There she is." One of his men pointed his finger towards Meenakshi.

"Good, now we have to be very careful. Nobody should get the smallest hint that we are going to kidnap her." he whispered.

"Yes, Boss!"the four shouted in unison.

"You donkeys! Don't shout!" he smacked each one on the head.

"Now, keep an eye on her. We will wait for the right moment." Natwarlal ordered..

Back on the drinks counter...

"Hey, it's my favourite music. Let's dance!" Priya grabbed both Meenakshi and Sakshi to the dance floor with Ryan following them.

Sakshi and Priya, both started dancing but Meenakshi stood there clueless.

"I don't know how to dance." Meenakshi shrugged.

"Just feel the music and move with the rhythm." Sakshi shouted over the loud music.

Meenakshi heard her and then closed her eyes to feel the music. She slowly swayed her hips and moved her arms in the rhythm of the song. She knew the song.

A guy came close to her and suddenly grabbed her waist.

"Wanna dance with me, baby!" he said,his breath stinking of alcohol and sex.

Before Meenakshi could respond a hand came by and punched the guy on the face so hard that he almost fell a few meters away, breaking the glass table and bleeding badly.

Everyone gasped at the scene including Priya, Sakshi, and Ryan. Meenakshi saw what happened and when she turned towards the person who hit the guy, her face turned ice cold.

"Nobody touches my queen!" said Dhruv.

He was back. Back for his love...