
After two hours of a long meeting, Meenakshi and Sakshi walked out of the conference room. 

"Khompannyy statistics!!! What does that even mean?"

"It's company statistics, Sakshi." Meenakshi answered, laughing at Sakshi's words. 

" I know that baby, but he doesn't. Like for him, it is Khompannyy statistics... With a big K and assess!!!" 

Meenakshi started laughing at her words. 

"Seriously Sakshi." She chuckled.

"How does Chacha even handle this kind of meeting?" Sakshi asked.

"Remember, he is a businessman too." Meenakshi replied. 

"No, no... It's Digitech man! Not businessman! Who looks after Khompannyy statistics…" Sakshi made wierd faces. 

"Shut up, Sakshi!Or my tummy will burst out any moment."

Both Meenakshi and Sakshi kept laughing until Sakshi's phone rang. 

"Oww... It's Sid! He wants me to meet him." 

"So, you will leave now?"


"Uh,But be safe, Okay?" Meenakshi said in concern.