Guests( Part-1)

After she met with Dhruv, Meenakshi drove towards her house. 

Sakshi walked to and fro in the corridor, waiting for Meenakshi. And to her pleasure, the doorbell rang twice, making Sakshi rush towards it. 

"How was the meeting? Did he come? Did he talk to you? What did he say????"

Meenakshi walked past the room and sat on the sofa, keeping her bag beside it.

 "I'll answer all your questions but first, I need a glass of water."

Sakshi ran towards the kitchen and came back with a glass full of water giving it to her. 

Meenakshi drank the whole glass in a go. Her meeting with Dhruv made her body run on 440volt shocks that left her throat parched and in immediate need of water, even in this cold Chicago weather.


"I confessed to him about my feelings."


Sakshi dropped her jaw to the extent that it made her look like a comical character. 

"Are you serious?"