Let's Kick Some Asses

The journey lasted for another two hours, with small breaks that were needed to pick refreshments and some more arms. Danny's warehouse was at the outskirts of Chicago that made the journey so strenuous. Meenakshi wondered why he kept his warehouse so far away from his mansion. People kept the distance short for their benefit. Or was it something else they probably don't know? 

The plan was to first reach Dhruv's penthouse and pick up whatever was needed. Meenakshi gawked at the collection of guns stacked neatly on the walls. It looked like a vast museum of guns. Dhruv noticed that and gave a cocky smirk. "Like what you see?"

Meenakshi ignored him and walked around the space to observe the guns. She eyed every kind of weapon out there, starting from various ranges of rifles, to machine guns.