
The moonlight seemed to melt over the creamy curtains of the balcony, that danced under the tunes of the night breeze.Meenakshi tossed and turned on her bed. Sleep was far away from her senses. And the reason was highly adversary to any kind of stress or apprehension.Rather, it was her exhilarated disposition that provoked her eyes to stay open. 

Everything felt beyond the barriers of her conviction. More like a fantasy. Was she finally going to be together with him? Or was all of it a mere speck of her wildest imaginations?She hummed a sigh of relief and unlocked her phone. The screen revealed the image of the man she desired the most. Her husband, her half soul. 

"Mhmm...Handsome guy"Meenakshi shrieked in surprise and her sudden jolt made the phone land on the bed. Her flickering orbs scanned the tall, muscular figure standing beside the bed.