I'm Always in Your Heart

"So was it?" Meenakshi asked, wiping her lips with the tissue cloth Dhruv provided her. 

"Another mafia from the underworld. Urvashi Chauhan."

Her eyes widened in horror. "She was a mafia? I never heard about a female one." 

"It's because there are very rare cases of a female mafia. And she is a Mafia. Not was. She still lives."Dhruv looks at her. "She was the love interest of Mirzya."

"Oh, I see. What happened then?" 

"What are you two doing here?" Anirudh interrupted their conversation, his forehead creased into a frown. Though he very much understood their reason to talk separately, did they forget the idea that they were officially a married couple who were going to live together under the same roof. They could enjoy plenty of time talking to each other and clearing their misunderstandings. What was the hurry? "It's almost time." He looked at Dhruv. 

Meenakshi frowned. "Time for what?" 

Anirudh smiled. "You will know."