Good News (Part-1)

The waves splashed on the sand, carrying the grains with it. The night sky smiled with joy, having the half-moon as it's smile. The soft night breeze rushed through the curtains and touched the souls of the love birds who were diving into each other's souls and burning in the fire of love and passion...

The next morning, the morning rays brought Meenakshi out of her deep slumber. The activity of yesterday night had borrowed a great deal of her strength. She squeezed her eyes tight, trying to adjust her vision with the light in the room. Her blurred vision caught a muscular figure sleeping beside her with his back facing her. 

Meenakshi recognized it to be him and a light chuckling escaped out of her lips. She found herself covered with the bedsheet. Only with the bedsheet. She laughed internally at her state and slowly tried to move out of her bed.