Origin; The most dangerous

The Black Dragon roamed throughout the Hell and finally breaks the barrier of Heaven and dissapear into it.

Somewhere in the greenish atmosphere of the Heavens, the Dev's and angels were living a fruitful lives. When suddenly a blackish aura spread out from there, killing countless Dev's and angels thereby. This aura spread throughout the Heaven in a blink of an eye.

Whole Heaven was engulfed and eaten by this aura in a blink of an eye. The Lord Shiva and Jesus opened their eyes. The divine light flashed out, battling with the devouring aura of The Black Dragon. Nonetheless they both were defeated as their light became paler infront of the demon King.

"Lord Demon, your time has passed. Your reign only brought the World the path of darkness and suffering, while our path brought the World the path of prosperity. Admit your sins and return back to your birthplace - Hell."

Lord Shiva opened his mouth and blurted out these words. After a pause he continued.

"In the ancient times, it might have been me and Jesus who were your subordinate but with time our power has changed. If you really want to see we're ready to show you our new powers which we acheived on being in the Righteous Path."

Jesus uses a flick of his hand to summon the power of Jesus. It was the power of faith that he accumulated overtime. The power turned into a spear and pointed at Demon king whilst roaming in the sky.

"You might be weaker now since you've yet to fill your hunger. I'll show you how the strong preys on weak. This is the same policy with which you worked."


The power along with the spear smashed The Black Dragon. But then something unexpected happened.

"The Heaven and Earth succumbs, when the Black Dragon awakens. Kill the divine Buddha by one hand, kill the light of a God from another!"

These were the words muttered by the Black Dragon, before the unexpected event.

The power of the spear turned into the Black Dragon's nutrients as it was engulfed by his mouth on contact.

"You are just a simple kid which I took as a subordinate when you were at the weakest. You just have been with me for one era of Ancient and thinks you understand my powers?"

It was then that a single word was spattered out of Demon King, Black Dragon's mouth.


The Black dragon flies in the sky and ate those 2 'Gods'.

What these people didn't knew was that real fear came from the origin, not from the sufferings.

They didn't knew what was the origin of the Black Dragon, they only suffered in his hands, in the ancient times so it was obvious that they understimated him!

The Black Dragon was the one who came at the start of time, when he descended, the whole world was in Chaos. People were screaming, he ate them all. He ate the Gods of that time as well. His existence was the horrifying divine creature. He could scare the wit of any horrifying creature itself if he wished to do so.

The name 'Demon King' didn't just appear in the thin air, after all.

It's origins were recounted from the origin of the world itself.

Right now the Black Dragon was busy in eating the Heavenly creatures, aka the Gods, Dev's and angels. He didn't had appetite to do sex with Angels, he just used them as playthings.

In the world of Hell, the demons and many horrifying creatures such as Bugs, goats with human eyes and head were dancing in joy. Whereas our modern Earth was in the state of chaos as there had just been some volcanic eruptions in many areas and earthquakes that took place in many places across the world.

In the place of Earth, in the city of New York.

"Sir, there are some mysterious signals coming from below the Earth. It's impossible for it to be planktonic movement."

A seeminy beautiful GIRL scientist stood before a handsome young male scientist. She iterated the report and then exclaimed.

The young handsome scientist was surprised as he replied afterwards.

"Do you think, that saying such nonsensical things to public will give them logical reasons for why these destructive events are happening? No, it won't even soothe their anger on us scientists as we couldn't even warn them beforehand of this many disaster. It will instead lead as a catalyst to new revolution."

He stopped speaking and left the cabin. As he left, he slammed the door to cabin in a hurry that it scared the shit out of other staffs sitting on their chair in working hall.

"Looks like the metter is serious. I can't believe our genius scientist Jason is unable to come up of any reasonable solution to this disaster."

"We can't blame him, after all many other genius scientists and old monsters are unable to find the 'core' of these disasters that recently happened."

Others, after hearing his words also nodded.