Chapter 15

Authors Note:I am speeding things up a bit so we reach the TVD cannon since I guess readers will be bored with reading just this also I am writing this for fun.

Lucifer POV

I was training my distant nephew in magic I created it was similar to the one from shadow hunters I really trained him in fighting supernatural those that come from his bloodline if trained will be able to take down a 500-year-old vampire but that is their limit.

I was now seeing my nephew getting beaten to death by a 700-year-old vampire I shouted "Come, one nephew, you can do it."Seb who was groaning from the pain muttered "Speak for yourself."

Sebastian was able to predict the vampire's next move was able to stake him and finally kill him as Sebastian sat on the ground exhausted after the battle said "Man that was really a tough one."

I teleported Sebastian to our house as I was healing him as I asked him"So Nephew it is time for you to go off on your own."Sebastian smiled and replied, "Thank you for everything."

I nodded and said, "You and your descendants can always call for me when you want help you know that right."Sebastian nodded and asked, "Uncle can you cast a spell on me to make sure none of my descendants break the code of hunting only remorseless supernatural beings."

I narrowed my eyes and asked, "Are you sure about this."Sebastian confidently replied "I remembered the talk we had when I was training with you that all supernatural beings are not bad.I want to make sure my descendants have a code."


I saw a panting Sebastian as I asked "Come nephew you did really well soon you will be out to hunt supernatural as you wanted."I saw hatred in his eyes like for the past years I sighed "Nephew I know you lost your family and I can't understand your pain. But not all supernatural beings are bad. the moment you kill a supernatural being he or she might have a lover or family who will hunt you for revenge just like how you are now."

Sebastian was stunned and went into deep thought after hearing that.

Flashback ended

I then cast the spell to make sure all Sebastian's descendants don't stray from the code Sebastian created I cast also a protection spell. But the funny thing was I joked to him about calling his group shadow hunters the kid really went and did it.

The shadow hunters later were seen as the most dangerous supernatural hunters of all time no one knew their identity since they had always changed their face with magic when hunting and because of my blessing, no one was able to find them also they have not lost one member in their so-called hunts.

Time skip 1864

Everything was the same as the canon the Mikaelson siblings had escaped from England then to Spain to Louisiana after Mikael almost got them. They were residing at the Governor of Lousiana's mansion as part of a deal they made. As per their arrangement, the Mikaelson siblings would be given a residence and their feeding habits would be overlooked by the city's leaders in exchange for the three paying him off with large sums of gold.

Emil the governor's son was enamored with Rebekah but soon found out the fact she has a fiancee he stopped pursuing her. But then tried to win Freya's heart which led to him being murdered by Klaus well the timeline is fixing itself I guess soon Nik met Marcel...Blah..blah.

The Salvatore drama had not started since Katherine had not come yet now it was just Valarie and Stefan.

I did interfere when Julian tried to attack Valarie Tulle saving her and Stefan's child.


Julian who stopped Valarie from going to Stefan I heard Valarie plead "Please don't tell Lily."Julian who ignored it replied, "You have your reasons for staying here while I have mine for leaving, Whatever will we do."

Julian was about beat Valarie to death as I intervened. I picked up Valarie who muttered, "Please save my child."I was thinking of saving the child but in the real timeline poor child had died.

I started healing her as I said "I will put you in a stasis spell which will last for 4 years this will make sure the child lives do you accept."Valarie who tearing up nodded "Please do it save my child."


I only visited Bekah either stayed with me or visited her siblings.

I hugged Bekah from behind and started kissing her neck as I whispered "I missed you so much."Bekah smiled hearing that and replied, "I know also you do know Freya, Finn, and Kol miss seeing you."

I nodded "I will meet them when the time comes you know how it is with GOD and stuff I hate it I can't do much ."Rebekah smiled "I know you are tried your best even brought my sister Freya by interfering which is a very big thing for me."

I asked with amusement "I have heard that boy Marcel is infatuated with you."Bekah scoffed"That boy even now after finding out I am married is still pinning after me. Nik even turned him into a vampire."

I mentally thought "The Marcel from the real timeline was only helpful to Mikaelson's because of Bekah here and Just from reading his thoughts I know he is fed up with being controlled by Klaus and will soon try to take over New Orleans for himself."

I just nodded and spent my time with Rebekah soon she had fallen asleep and was cuddling with me when I suddenly remembered I had to get another godly artifact or being I muttered "This was going to be the most interesting one I am going to make it a guardian for Bekah."I was looking at the picture of Fenrir.

[Authors Note:I was thinking of letting Rekah and Freya escape while Nik and Elijah daggers Fin and Kol.Whats your thoughts]