Chapter 13

Lucifer POV

After just recruiting Trevor and Rose I was just looking at my city bekah was guilt-tripped by Nik into staying with them I do visit her from time to time only her. When I felt a presence as I smiled asked "Well Azrael what made you visit me now you and Uriel are the busiest angels in all of heaven."

Azrael sighed "Father has a job for you, Luci."I narrowed my eyes at that Azrael then started to explain "Well Osiris came to visit father."

I raised an eyebrow and asked, "I thought the Egyptian pantheon decided to stop contact with other pantheons as well as the mortal world."

Azrael replied seriously, "That has not changed Luci's they asked Father for help and Father thought you were the best person for the job since you spend more time in the mortal world."I heard this I grumbled, "What Job does Father have for me"

Azrael sighed "Do you remember the Book of the Dead and Book of the Living, Set gave to his followers of witches and warlocks ."I asked sarcastically, "So let me guess they had had it hidden away now it has fallen into some group's hand."

Azarel nodded "Yes the group calls themselves Ma'at they are slowly growing in numbers you just have to get the books from them and since you are the best person to keep it safe."

I was thoughtful and mock glared at Azrael "This is not going to be the last time father is going to send me for such jobs and you know how easy this is for me."

Azrael smiled "You can do these jobs to keep yourself from being bored" then vanished into thin air.

I cracked my knuckles "So I have somethings to keep me busy for the next 500 years if I can guess. Then let's get down to businesses shall we."I zeroed in on the location of the two books.

I found Book of the Dead as I muttered "Smart of them to keep the two books apart."I walked towards the Pyramid they were hiding in it was easy to bypass all the trap spells.

As I entered the main hall I felt a group of witches giving me an aneurysm I looked at the idiots who were grinning at me I asked tiredly "Do you even not see this is not affecting me."

This made them slightly on the edge seeing aneurysm performed by these many witches were not affecting me I waved in their direction leading them all to blow up in pieces.

I looked in direction of the leader who was hiding and grinned "Well come out of your little hiding place Amun you have to answer some questions of mine, If you do answer it correctly I will let you go."

Amun who quickly ran and kneeled in front of me "My lord I will answer your every question please let me live."I smiled and replied, "Yes I will let you go Amun tell me Where is the book of the living, I know it is with your brother Ammon tell me the location."

I already knew the location this is just for fun since I want to see if this ugly soul has the least bit of love for his sibling.

Amun immediately spilled the location I smiled and showed him the way out Amun just ran just as he reached the door he burned to death in hellfire.

I shook my head "I would have let him live if he didn't tell me the location."I held my hand out as the Book of the Dead came flying towards me.I muttered "All this trouble over this book sure it has some really good spells especially the one that removes a person's immortality and the spell for resurrection."

I teleported to the next location I decided to not play around the next I walked though the witches as all started to slowly disintegrate Thanos style.

I took the book of the Living and smiled "So the job is done."I decided to free the imprisoned witches they had all of them had been captured from one place or another brought as slaves.

I was escorting them back as I saw Ammon the co-leader and brother of Amun who asked "Who are you."I smiled and he replied, "Lucifer Morningstar the Devil."

Ammon slowly died while the witches who were behind him were looking at him in reverence poor Lucifer didn't know that he will be treated as a god, I mean the devil by these witches who will create a group of their own.

Lucifer was just humming as he continued killing witches who are insane or recruiting witches for his city

After 7 months

Mikaelson POV

Rebekah was now seeing Nik going on a rampage on finding out Katrina escaped and even became a vampire. Nik was shouting "I will kill her whole family for this."I was looking at my nails and replied "What is that going to accomplish anyway Nik why to punish her family for her

Nik glared at Rebekah "What are you trying to say Bekah."Rebekah just shrugged "I am just telling you are taking the same method as Mikael did hurting or killing anyone who is going against him."

Nik yelled, "I am not anything like him."Rebekah replied, "Yes you are after all talking of killing a whole family for something Katrina did."

Nik grabbed Rebekah's throat and slammed her into the wall while Rebekah was trying get break his grip Nik saw the Devil insignia Ring he flinched and let go of her.


Nik was starring at the daggers as he suddenly heard from the shadows "Are those daggers really beautiful Nik that you can't seem to take your eyes away from them."

Nik saw Lucifer come out from the shadows Nik quickly put a fake smile "Nothing just trying to make sure the Daggers do not fall into the wrong hands."Lucifer nodded "Is that so."

Nik suddenly was kneeling in front of Lucifer who had his Devil eyes spoke in a calm tone "Don't lie to me Nik if you ever use those daggers on Bekah or any of your siblings.I will make your life hell this is just a taste of that."

Nik suddenly felt as if he is being burned alive in hellfire not even being able to scream it only stopped after 5 hours Nik who was sweating and staring at lucifer with pure fear.

Lucifer smiled and asked, "We have an understanding right Nik the moment you hurt Bekah just remember your countdown starts."

Lucifer simply broke his neck after that.

Flashback ends

Nik who had remembered this quickly sped away from the room with Elijah ran after him.

Bekah who looked at the ring and thought "Even when you are not here you keep protecting me."

Kol said looking at everyone "Nik has been getting out of control lately I don't know if he himself notices this but he is behaving like Mikael sometimes also he is keeping those daggers from the hunters with him which only means he either doesn't want others to get it or he plans to use it on us if we disobey him."

Finn raised an eyebrow "I knew his behavior is getting out of hand but do you really think he will dagger us."Freya pitched in "Absolutely I was talking with Kol about going to visit some witch communities after this whole ordeal I heard Nik projecting his thought on how Kol will be daggered if we try he is thinking up ways to contain me."

Rebekah replied in concern "That is a problem."

Kol decided to change the subject "Lucifer is really making a name for himself from what from witch friends tell me they have many names for him but two names kinda stuck."Finn was interested and asked, "So what names did they give him."

Kol smirked "The Original warlock and The Devil."Freya raised an eyebrow and asked, "Like the son of the pagan God."Kol just nodded

Rebekah's thoughts "Lucifer, Azrael, Raphael all their names are the same as the ones from the false or heretic religion I must ask Lucifer about this it is too much of a coincidence."

Lucifer who is helping a group of werewolves started sneezing and muttered"Who is thinking about me now of all times."