Chaos Unleashed

Kingdom of the Plains, OverWorld


It's official. Everyone in the Kingdom, including Elderon himself, was awoken by the shaking of the ground. The super tall, scary Golem Monster was standing just outside of the Kingdom's wall. Nightmare had re-appeared on the Golem Monster's right shoulder.

Daniel, EnderBrine, and HeroBrine were all staring up at the seemingly unstoppable Golden Monster. As more and more villagers made their way outside of their homes, noticeably loud gasping sounds could be heard. Everyone was beginning to talk amongst themselves. Some were scared and nervous as they looked up at the scary Golem Monster and Nightmare.

"Surprise," Nightmare said, speaking loudly and clearly so that everyone could hear what she had to say, "didn't see this one coming, did ya?"

HeroBrine was standing behind the small group of guardsmen. They were all armed with their weapons. Some had iron swords, while others had bow's. Nightmare scoffed as she saw what weapons the guardsmen were wielding.

"How much damage do you think those will do?" Nightmare shouted down at the guardsmen.

EnderBrine and Daniel were standing a couple of blocks behind HeroBrine and the guards. The both of them were still in utter shock, not knowing what to say or how to act. Amelia and Romeo were standing behind Daniel and EnderBrine. The two of them were conversing amongst themselves, mumbling their conversation to each other.

"Daniel," Romeo whispered as he tapped Daniel's right shoulder, "what's going on? What is that thing?"

Daniel turned his head to look back at Romeo. Daniel didn't quite yet have a response for those answers. But rest assured, he will get them. So many questions, yet so little answers. That needed to change.

"By the looks of it, Nightmare thinks she can intimidate us with her new pet. Don't worry, we'll be fine."

Romeo tilted his head and raised one eyebrow at Daniel. He began tapping his chin. "How can you be so sure we'll be safe?" Romeo asked, anxious to get an answer back from Daniel.

"You see...that's the thing," Daniel began to say, "I'm not."

Way to put fear into Romeo's mind. He rolled his eyes and took a step back from Daniel. Romeo looked over to his left at Amelia. He shrugged his shoulders.

"Shouldn't we be getting to somewhere where it's safe?" Amelia mumbled to Romeo, "I mean, that would be the wise thing to do right?"

"Agreed," Romeo whispered back to Amelia as he nodded his head. He agreed 100% with Amelia's statement.

As Romeo and Amelia continued to mumble to one another, Daniel and HeroBrine had their sights locked directly on the Golem Monster and Nightmare. They, not even once, blinked. Daniel was now holding his shiny diamond sword in his right hand. He gripped the leather handle tightly so that he wouldn't drop it. It might come in handy very soon.

"Everyone," Nightmare said as she looked over at the Golem Monster, "Meet your new foe. Formidable and dangerous, and very hungry for destruction."

Daniel frowned. He was slowly beginning to connect the dots. He carefully began matching the pieces together. After he had finished doing that, he now had a better understanding of what Nightmare's real plan was. That's when Daniel realized how much danger him and the rest of his Kingdom actually were. It was only moments ago that the entire Kingdom was quiet and calm. But that quietness didn't last forever.

Panic amongst the other blockheads began brewing. As the night continued on, more scared and worried villagers began joining in on the panic. Daniel and EnderBrine didn't move, neither did the guardsmen. It had almost seemed as though they were frozen in time. But that wasn't the case right now.

"What more do you want from us?" Daniel shouted back up at Nightmare, "you have what you want. Or is that not good enough for you?"

Nightmare shook her head and smiled. She scoffed. "It's funny you ask that," Nightmare responded, "because I'm never satisfied. I'm always craving something more. By stealing your friend's wand, it gave me just enough magic to resurrect this sleeping giant."

"Don't forget to mention the thing about your powers degrading," HeroBrine said, "or more simply, you're dying."

Daniel and EnderBrine were stunned by HeroBrine's claims. That was one thing neither of them would've known if he hadn't brought it up. Nightmare growled like an upset dog at HeroBrine. She then vanished into thin air. But not even a moment later, she reappeared on the ground right behind HeroBrine.

"HeroBrine!" Daniel shouted, "Look out!"

Daniel's warning came too late. Nightmare quickly wrapped her arm around HeroBrine's neck. She had him hostage now. The guardsmen all turned around. They all aimed their weapons at Nightmare. She looked over at them and scoffed. Some guards were holding their shiny iron swords, while others were holding bows in their hands. The ones who were holding swords, had quivers strapped over their shoulders. The quivers were filled with ready-to-use arrows.

"Let him go!" Daniel shouted.

EnderBrine's hands were glowing a bright purple, as were his eyes. Nightmare was looking all around her while she kept HeroBrine tightly within her grasp. As she was standing her ground, holding HeroBrine hostage, a blockhead way behind Nightmare had jumped out of a portal. He landed on the ground. Luckily for him, Nightmare didn't hear or notice him. Daniel did though.

This blockhead was bald. He had a thick, black beard. He was wearing a brown shirt, grey pants, and black leather shoes. His brown shirt was worn and somewhat torn. The blockhead slowly began creeping towards Nightmare. Daniel glanced over at him. When he did, the blockhead looked back at him.

He slowly shook his head at Daniel. Daniel then quickly refocused his attention back on Nightmare.

"You want to know what happened to Steve and Alex?" Nightmare asked Daniel, "well let me tell you!"

Daniel crossed his arms and nodded his head once. "Proceed."

"I killed them. After they had lost the fight, I had two ideas. One, I could either banish them, or two, I could get rid of them for good. I went with the second idea."

Daniel shook his head. "I refuse to believe that," he said. "You're bluffing!"

Nightmare tilted her head at Daniel. She chuckled. "Am I?"

Once the blockhead was right behind her, he reached his arm out. He grabbed ahold of Nightmare's shoulder. She quickly turned around, accidentally freeing HeroBrine. When she did turn around, she was utterly shocked to see this blockhead.

"You again!" Nightmare said, "I had a feeling we'd see eachother again. How've you been....Notch?"

Daniel frowned. That name sounded so familiar to him. Where did he hear about that name? Did he read it in a book? Or did someone tell him about Notch?

"Wait a second!" Daniel interjected, "I know you! They call you the Creator. The ancient being who created the OverWorld thousands of years ago. You're Notch?" Daniel questioned.

Nightmare turned around and looked over at Daniel. She rolled her eyes. "Did you not just hear me say his name?"

Daniel ignored Nightmare. He didn't care for what she had to say. All he cared about now, was finding out more about who Notch was, and why he came here.

"You never learn, do you Nightmare?" Notch said.

Nightmare looked back at Notch. But when she did, she didn't see the punch Notch was throwing at her. His hand slammed into the left side of her face. She flew back, slamming into Petra's statue. The statue's wooden base groaned and creaked from her impact.

Notch then looked back over Daniel. He waved his hand around in the air, summoning a new diamond sword for Daniel. The sword floated in midair until Daniel grabbed it. Daniel was amazed at what Notch could do. Summoning weapons, punching bad guys in the face. What else could he do?

As for Nightmare, she opened her eyes and shook her head a couple of times. After she did that, she looked over at Notch and growled at him.

"Notch!" Nightmare shouted loudly. "You're gonna regret doing that!"

Notch quickly reached into his inventory to grab to grab a small black orb out of his inventory. He tossed it on over to EnderBrine. Notch faintly smiled at EnderBrine.

"We've had our differences in the past, but I have a feeling you're not the bad guy anymore," Notch said, "and I trust that you'll help everyone get to safety, yes?"

EnderBrine looked down at the black ball he was holding in his hand. He then looked back at Notch. He was at a loss for words.

Notch was right though. HeroBrine, EnderBrine, and even NetherBrine have all been enemies of Notch for as long as they could remember. EnderBrine was shocked that Notch was trusting him to help Daniel and the others escape. He began feeling something he's never felt before...happiness. He smiled brightly.

"Now go!" Notch said, "get out of here! Go somewhere far away, somewhere safe. I can handle her. That orb will open a portal. Just think of a place, and then throw it."

Daniel looked over at EnderBrine and glanced down at his hand to look at the orb. Nightmare had gotten back up off of the ground. She brushed each of her arms off. After that, she looked back over at Notch and then up at the Golem Monster.

"Do it now!" Nightmare shouted up at the Golem Monster, "Don't let them get away!"

She then held her arms out straight in front of her and flew over to Notch. She slammed into him, picking him up. The two of them began flying straight up into the air. The Golem Monster lifted it's left leg, lowering it thereafter. His foot slammed into the ground, crushing a large section of the cobblestone wall that surrounded the Kingdom.

Chunks and small pieces of cobblestone went flying all throughout the air.When the Golem Monster's foot impacted the ground, everyone had suddenly lost their balance. As everyone was getting back up onto their feet, they all began to scatter and disperse.

Elderon got up from laying down on his stomach. He quickly spread his wings and began flapping them, lifting off into the air thereafter. Elderon flew as fast as he could towards the Golem Monster, opening his mouth wide and inhaling a deep breath of air. A yellowish-red light began to light up the inside of his mouth. He was readying himself to blast the Golem Monster with his fire breath.

The golem Monster swung his arm. It slammed into Daniel's castle, completely destroying the tower. Glass was smashed, cobblestone was broken up, and wooden planks were all thrown from the destroyed tower. Ultimate chaos and panic erupted amongst everyone. HeroBrine looked over at EnderBrine and Daniel.

"Go!" HeroBrine shouted, "I'll hold him off long enough for everyone to escape."

Daniel shook his head from side to side. If one thing was certain, it was that Daniel was not going to let HeroBrine stay behind. Sure, he understood why HeroBrine wanted to stay, but he worried for HeroBrine. Daniel questioned HeroBrine's ability to keep the Golem Monster at bay. Could he?

"Come on Daniel," EnderBrine said as he grabbed Daniel's hand. He began pulling Daniel's arm. "We need to go."

Daniel yanked his hand away from EnderBrine. He shook his head. He was also beginning to get angry and frustrated. How many times did he have to tell them that he wasn't going to leave without HeroBrine?

"Dang it, Daniel!" HeroBrine shouted, "go! I'll be right behind you."

Daniel frowned. He now knew that he wasn't going to be able to convince HeroBrine to follow them. All Daniel could do now was hope. Hope that he would be right behind. After being stubborn and uncooperative, he gave in.

"Fine!" Daniel said, "but please be careful."

HeroBrine faintly smiled back at Daniel. "When haven't I been careful?"

EnderBrine and Daniel then ran off, leaving HeroBrine behind all by himself. No help, no backup. All alone. All he had to do was give Daniel and EnderBrine and all of the villagers time to escape. Hopefully that process wouldn't take too long. The quicker they were, the faster HeroBrine could leave too. Once they were out of sight, HeroBrine looked up at the Golem Monster.

The Golem Monster slammed his left foot into the ground once again, crushing another section of the wall. He then used his right foot to kick the Castle as hard as he could. When he kicked it, his foot created a large hole. As he pulled his foot back, broken cobblestone fell to the ground. The chunks and tiny pieces of cobblestone created a small pile on the ground


The Golem Monster's roar was so loud, it was deafening. Nearby HeroBrine could see Nightmare and Notch zipping around in the air. Nightmare was chasing Notch. Notch then turned around and raised his hand. Doing that, he summoned a big boulder. The massive boulder fell right on top of Nightmare. The boulder continued to fall, slamming into the ground not even a moment later.

Notch then flew down back towards the ground. He gently landed on both of his feet. As he approached the boulder, he examined it. He was looking for Nightmare. Was she still stuck under it?

"Boo!" Nightmare said in a sinister sounding voice.

Notch quickly turned his head to look over at Nightmare. But he wasn't fast enough. She threw a bright yellow orb at him. The yellow orb struck him in the waist area. He went flying backwards before falling onto the ground. Nightmare really knocked the wind right out of him. He was laying on his back, dazed and dizzy. Nightmare flew over to him, smiling as she looked down at Notch.

"You're definitely not the fighter you used to be," Nightmare mentioned, "I was expecting more from a powerful blochead like yourself."

Notch slowly sat up, groaning because he was still in pain. He then hoisted himself back up onto his feet. Sure he was winded, but that doesn't mean he'll give up that easily.

"You never know when to stop, do you Notch?" Nightmare said.

"I'm not giving up that easily," he responded, "nice try Nightmare!"

As Nightmare and Notch continued to fight, HeroBrine was still very busy. Keeping the Golem Monster at bay was harder than it had sounded. HeroBrine flew up into the air. The Golem Monster saw him and tried to hit him by swinging his arm. But he was too slow. Herobrine dodged his swing.

HeroBrine raised both of his arms up into the air above his head. He stared directly at the Golem Monster, not taking his eyes off of him. Not even for a split second. As his hands were in the air, a dark grey cloud appeared. It was right on top of the Golem Monster.

Suddenly, a loud crack of thunder was heard. Back down on the ground, the escaping villagers were startled. That thunder was so loud that scared everyone, including Daniel and EnderBrine. After the thunder stopped cracking, everything seemed to get a little quiet again. Wrong!

Lightning bolts began striking the Golem Monster. One struck his head, while another one struck his left shoulder. The Golem Monster was getting aggravated, becoming more hostile towards HeroBrine.


As he continued to roar loudly, Elderon swooshed by HeroBrine and the Golem Monster.Elderon continued to fly away, before he turned around. Once he turned around, he opened his mouth once more. The Golem Monster had seen Elderon fly by him. So he turned around as fast as he could. Elderon was closing in fast. The inside of Elderon's mouth was glowing again.

Elderon inhaled deeply once more. Right as he was about to blow fire out of his mouth, he didn't see the Golem Monster's arm swinging. It's arm smacked right into Elderon's head and body. Elderon roared as he began to fall back down towards the ground. He impacted the ground, laying on his stomach. He was also unconscious. The hit he took from the Golem Monster really injured him.

HeroBrine witnessed that event. He stared down at the ground at Elderon's motionless body. HeroBrine was suddenly outraged and very angry.

"Hey stupid!" HeroBrine shouted loudly, "I'm right here!"

The Golem Monster slowly turned back around so that he could face HeroBrine.

"I'm the one you want," Herobrine said, "not him!"

HeroBrine quickly flew away. The Golem Monster roared angrily as he began to chase after HeroBrine. Every step he took, the ground shook. As HeroBrine continued to distract the Golem Monster, Daniel and EnderBrine were about to open a portal. All they had to do was think of a place they wanted to go to, and then the portal would open up. On the other side of the portal, would be their destination of their choosing. But they must hurry if they're going to escape the Golem Monster's destruction.

EnderBrine suddenly threw the black orb at the ground. It bounced twice before coming to a complete rest. Once it had stopped moving, it burst open. A portal had spawned directly in front of them.

As villagers noticed the means of escaping, they went for it. EnderBrine and Daniel waited for everyone else to get through before they proceeded. It wasn't long before everyone had made it through the portal and to safety. After they were confident everyone was accounted for, they too walked through the portal.

Once they were on the other side of it, Daniel quickly turned around. He looked back at the portal. On the other side, he was still able to see the Kingdom. He knew that no one would be able to return. Daniel stood in complete silence as he continued to glare at the portal. EnderBrine noticed Daniel's odd behavior. So he ended up walking back over to where Daniel was standing.

"Everything will be okay Daniel," EnderBrine said, "we can always build a new Kingdom."

Daniel shook his head. EnderBrine could tell he was very emotional. To be honest, he felt bad for Daniel.

"It won't be the same," Daniel mentioned.

"How come?" EnderBrine asked.

Daniel glanced over at him. "That kingdom was a gift from the Gods and Goddesses of the OverWorld. It wasn't just a gift, but it was a place where Petra first called home."

"Ahh, I see," EnderBrine said, "like I said...everything will be okay. Sadly there's simply nothing we can do about losing the Kingdom. It's gone."

Daniel suddenly perked up, fixing his posture. Instead of moping about the loss of the Kingdom, he decided it wasn't all that bad. EnderBrine was right about one thing though. Even though this one is lost, another can be built. It's not the end of the World. Daniel quickly got over it. The only thing that did matter was that almost everyone was safe. The only thing he and everyone else could do now was wait. HeroBrine and Notch should be coming through the portal anytime now.

"How long did Notch say this portal would stay open for?" Daniel asked EnderBrine, hoping that he had an answer. No luck though.

"He never mentioned that," EnderBrine responded.

Daniel rolled his eyes. He was quickly beginning to get nervous and worried. What's taking Notch and HeroBrine so long anyways?