An omniscient beast

A distant memory once again flashed in front of my eyes, a very odd one. But one that suits my situation in one way. It was once again a memory of Flora as she is the only one I can have any good memories about. That's problematic… The person that is gone is the only person I have memories of. What a shame… But what can I do, about three months have passed since then… But back to the memory, I remembered something, I spoke with Flora about it long ago. I was in my bed, she was reading a book. The title was 'The blood and origins of dragons.'

"...And so, the dragons went extinct." She finished a sentence that I wasn't able to fully recall at first. She was reading the end of the book at that point, my young self was tired but still happy about the story. Sadly, I don't remember most of that conversation…

"Flora? Do you think that dragons are gone?"