Mysterious creatures appear

We were in the city for a good hour but weren't able to find an inn, the only things we were able to stumble upon were brothels which weren't a part of our expedition. I decided to ask someone, even though we are just black-hooded figures in this ocean of colorful people. I think it's still possible for me to find someone who might answer that. Sadly, the eyes that I felt on our backs didn't disappear as of yet, it's still there, coming behind us. Staring from the shadows.

"We are getting spied on Lily. Something is watching us intensely, we have to watch over what we are talking about." She only nodded to that while slowly looking around to try and find what was watching. A vague effort but I can't take from her that she is trying to help me with identifying who might be on our tail. We walked for another ten minutes until I found enough courage in me to approach someone, we stepped in their tracks. Still hooded, nobody could know that we are both humans.